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Grit And Gains Review (Updated 2024): Is Chris Campbell The Best High Ticket Sales Guru?

By: JosiahApr 03, 2024High Ticket Closing
Grit And Gains Review (Updated [year]): Is Chris Campbell The Best High Ticket Sales Guru?

Hey there and welcome to my Grit and Gains review of their High Ticket Sales Society! High ticket sales programs seem to pop up every day with big promises of easy money and lavish lifestyles. But I want to see if Grit and Gains truly delivers or if it's all hype.

I've reviewed my fair share of business opportunities and systems. From ecommerce stores to affiliate marketing funnels, I know what realistic expectations look like. 

A few things I've noticed over the years:

Many programs overpromise on income potential which leaves you scrambling to earn.

Support and ongoing training is often lacking when the guru decides to ghost you.

Success for the average person is harder than they make it seem.

By the end of this straightforward review, you'll understand if Grit and Gains' training can truly help you break into high ticket sales and achieve financial freedom. Or if it's just another swing and a miss in the make money online space. Stick with me to find out!


This Grit And Gains Review review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

  • The curriculum goes beyond surface-level sales theory into nuanced tactics around framing, mesmerizing language, and establishing authority to help close deals.
  • Through their talent placement program, Grit & Gains guarantees remote sales roles or else they keep working with you.
  • By joining their tight-knit community of like-minded hustlers, you receive high levels of accountability and motivation to keep your grinding.
  • Once the motivation and excitement of a new career wears off, it’s nothing more than a sales job that requires you to grind everyday. 
  • Consistent earnings demands extreme persistence and cutthroat behavior that isn’t appealing to everyone. 
  • The program leans heavy on a masculine-style of marketing which could be difficult or distasteful for women that want to break into this space.

Why Listen To Us

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.why listen us

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

why listen us gif

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online

  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it

  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!

TLDR - What’s the Verdict on Grit And Gains Society?

TLDR - What’s the Verdict on Grit And Gains Society.webp

Grit & Gains sells an enticing dream - escape your boring 9 to 5 by breaking into high ticket sales and start making serious commission checks. Their sales pitch tugs at the heartstrings of wanna-be entrepreneurs sick of exchanging their time for a meager hourly wage.

The promise of uncapped earning potential and exotic, laptop lifestyles surrounded by beautiful women certainly seems alluring. But can their training actually deliver on these ambitious income claims for the average person?

Let's pump the brakes.

While alluring, their model skips over the harsh realities of making it in hyper-competitive sales niches. 

When the going gets tough after the honeymoon phase, you'll be left clueless without their motivational rah-rahs and ascension promises.

Now, Grit & Gains does offer an array of training materials - courses, checklists, workshops, even individualized coaching. But these supports have an expiration date. The heavy motivation can only carry you so far when paychecks aren't flooding your bank account over time.

The fact is, gaining a real foothold in high ticket sales requires gritty persistence, rejection tolerance, and volumes of sector-specific knowledge. Without expertise, transient issues can quickly unravel your closing career. You need mastery over:

  • Establishing authority and likeability fast
  • Reading prospect emotions and objections
  • Crafting personalized, non-salesy pitches
  • Building extensive lead lists and referral pipelines
  • Managing the mental taxation of commission-based pay

Since Grit & Gains handles most of the client sourcing/screening for you initially, it's unlikely you'll fully retain their training. You won't be forced to problem solve or actively apply it.

Rather than completely discard their program, we simply want to offer a more reliable wealth-building alternative lacking the rollercoaster cons of high ticket sales - Digital Leasing.

The concept here is simple: build digital assets in proven niches, lease access to them for profit, collect mostly passive income monthly.

No dealing with lead generation costs, never-ending prospecting, quota pressures, income fluctuations, performance anxiety, and external factors outside of your control.

This is a straightforward business model built on establishing partnerships with real, local service businesses. So if you'd like to learn more about Digital Leasing, click here.

If you still want to keep researching Grit & Gains, let's examine what's inside their training.

Who Benefits From Grit and Gains Society & Who Doesn’t?

Who Benefits From Grit and Gains Society  Who Doesn’t.webp

Grit & Gains sells high ticket coaching and mentorship, promising to help people break out of soul-crushing corporate jobs. But can this program deliver freedom and riches to the average joe? 

Let's see who's suited for this and who should keep it moving.

Who Benefits

  • People sick of trading time for money in a boring office gig. Chris makes it clear that a lot of people come into their program looking for a way out of their corporate job. 
  • Individuals drawn to flashy entrepreneur lifestyles they see on social media with infinity pools, attractive women, and fancy cars. 
  • Anyone highly motivated by money to endure brutal learning curves and capable of going a period of time without making any money. 
  • Sales-minded go-getters unafraid of rejection because of gritty persistence. High-ticket sales are not for the weak minded.
  • Previous business owners or salespeople lacking remote work experience. This is another situation where a lot of people transition from a corporate sales job into their own business. 

Who Doesn’t Benefit

  • People needing steady, predictable income month-to-month. If you’re used to getting your check every other week, this isn’t for you.
  • Individuals lacking sales drive or unable to self-motivate. You need to be unafraid to pick up that phone, and call someone who went through the sales funnel and didn’t convert. 
  • Anyone looking for mostly passive income streams. There’s no passive income here no matter what the gurus say. 
  • People without thick skin or persistence through down periods. Maybe you live with someone else who has an income so you can pursue this?
  • Folks needing plenty of work-life balance because you will be constantly reliant on the amount of effort you put out to earn an income. 

You’ll find that the beneficiary of this program is similar to a lot of other high-ticket sales programs like Dan Lok’s Hick Ticket Closer and Aaron Martinez Remote Closer. These programs all appeal to people who embrace the grind and have that resilient personality. 

1,000 FT View of Grit and Gains

1000 ft view of grit and gains.webp

Program NameGrit and Gains
OwnerChris Campbell
RefundAll purchases are final and not-refundable.

With any high ticket sales program, there’s good and bad that comes along with it. While researching for this Grit and Gains review, I discovered a lot about what makes it up and how the program could potentially change your life. 

Let's examine the key components comprising Grit & Gains Society.

Business Model

The core business model is high ticket sales - big commission checks earned by closing or referring high-value deals. Grit & Gains teaches prospecting skills to source leads, sales tactics to convince them, and places you with companies needing closers

We’ve reviewed a lot of programs for closers like Remote Closing Academy for example.

As a closer, your job isn’t to get the lead, your job is to convert the lead. Keep in mind, a lot of the time companies will hire you to convert difficult leads so you can imagine what type of experience you’ll need to do that. 

You get a cut when people you convince end up buying expensive coaching, masterminds, or info products.

So, it goes something like this. 

Big business guy says, hey… I’ve got five leads here that I’m struggling to convert on my $15,000 program. They’re interested, but they can’t get past the cost and commitment needed to sign up. I need you to sell them. 

Make the sale and you reap the rewards. 

About the Guru: Chris Campbell

grit and gains guru chris campbell.webp

Chris Campbell is the founder of Grit & Gains Society. Describing a rough upbringing and escape from a soul-crushing 9-5 office life, Chris sells his course as the fast-track to laptop lifestyles and exotic entrepreneurship.

He’s a unique figure who calls himself an “international playboy.” These are often the types of people who succeed in high-ticket sales because they don’t care what people think about them and they’re not afraid to put themselves out there and face rejection. 

He details traveling the world for years cracking the code to outsourcing income streams before creating his training program to help others follow his blueprint.

Grit and Gains Cost

grit and gains cost.webp

Exact pricing is hidden without requesting a call, but based on reviews, the Grit and Gains cost is between $2,000-$5,000 for access to their training platform, resources, and partnerships.

There are also a slew of complimentary programs like ESCAPE PLAN for example which is a course to help you learn how to outsource a lot of the work so you don’t have to work as much. This course is $1,497 so it gives you an idea of where the price points typically sit. 

What Makes This Different From Other Programs?

Area of ImportanceScoreTakeaway
Time Investment1/5No matter what, high-ticket sales is not passive income, the program will take a lot of time and require you to quit your job and devote your life to your craft.
Upfront Cost1/5This program is expensive upfront and it's important to factor the time commitment in as a cost as well.
Learning Curve2/5I see high-ticket sales as one of those things that you either "got, or you don't." It's hard to teach yourself to be more gritty and resilient in the face of rejection.
Profit Potential4/5The sky is the limit and you can make as much money as you're willing to work for.

Unlike some online money-making programs only focusing on paid traffic, Grit & Gains incorporates organic lead generation tactics like podcasts and social channel sponsorships.

I’m a big fan of this because it’s warmer traffic than simply having to get on the phone and start dialing. By the way, if you’re interested in similar methods like this, check out our Chat Money System review for alternatives to cold calling.

Their training also goes beyond beginner sales theory into advanced persuasion and frame control tactics few courses cover.

With skin in the game, they guarantee placement until you've landed a lucrative gig in high ticket sales. They will hold your hand and ensure you get a job as a closer no matter what. 

All-in-all, it seems like a pretty solid plan if this is the right business model for you. 

My Personal Opinion

my personal opinion of grit and gains.webp

Having explored countless work from home opportunities and sales training programs, I understand the difference between aspirational messaging and reality.

Grit & Gains shows strong potential but the problem is, high ticket sales is an ultra-competitive arena. Most people simply aren't at the phase in life to sacrifice everything towards mastering such a volatile niche. 

But you know what bothers me most of all?

The fact this sales can be grueling.

Can you just imagine having to get on the phone, day after day after day and try to convince people to buy something they don’t want? 

The concept is simple folks, have a callused mind, a ton of grit, determination, and an unwillingness to fold and you can make money here. 

It just doesn’t sound like the kind of thing I’d like to do everyday. 

The idea of easy 5-figure commission checks and exotic laptop lifestyles undoubtedly resonates with cubicle dwellers everywhere. But the reality of thriving solo requires advanced skills across many areas - like conveying authority in seconds, reading prospect emotions, and crafting personalized pitches.

Did I mention managing the mental taxation of a 100% commission pay structure?

Of course, a lot of remote or online businesses are commission-based or contract-based but it’s so reliant on pure sales skills. 

So how do you evaluate if this program is the right decision? Here's what I'd analyze:

  1. Research the founder's background and member's income claims. Chris Campbell positions as a self-made success but his journey and proof are vague.
  2. Seek candid feedback from past members across online communities. Complaints of pushy upselling and underdelivering support are common.
  3. Check for transparency around pricing and services. Entry costs ~$2-5K but specifics and potential upcharges aren't publicly listed.

While Grit & Gains might be an awesome kickstart, it’s important to look out for yourself and know exactly what you’re getting into. Proceed with eyes fully open and have a backup plan in place.

Is There a Grit and Gains Scam or Can You Really Make Money Here?

I wouldn’t exactly say there is a Grit and Gains scam since they do provide sales training, resources, and placement partnerships as advertised.

Those services are actually pretty solid if you’re all about that kind of thing…

So in that sense you likely gain prospecting skills and relationships tailored towards breaking into lucrative commission sales roles after enrolling. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a smart investment long-term.

The bigger question is whether Grit & Gains delivers enough lasting value to justify its high upfront costs once their involvement ends.

For most cubicle workers seeking reliable income streams, I believe the answer leans towards no.

Between the vague founder background, motivational rah-rahs that expire, perpetual upsells, and income fluctuations, it's a significant spend that doesn’t sit well with me long-term.

How can you build a sustainable business around a model that requires you to constantly live in this growth mindset where your only hope of achieving yoru dreams is to convince people to buy things they may or may not want.

There are so many better alternatives that allow you to attract leads and sales rather than trying to coerce them all the time. 

This is where Digital Leasing comes in.

It lets you leverage digital assets to create semi-passive income based on your own evolving efforts. Yes, there is a learning curve but the community helps shortcut much of that.

Once your assets are built, profits flow in month after month. And you own everything. You never rely on anyone else to thrive.

Committing to an unpredictable commission structure long-term simply requires too high of a risk tolerance for me.

I recommend evaluating if Digital Leasing is a superior opportunity for you before investing in Grit & Gains' promise.

What’s Inside Grit and Gains?

What’s Inside Grit and Gains.webp

Grit & Gains is positioned more as an intensive bootcamp than a passive info product. The core focus lands on arming you with prospecting tactics, objection demolishers, and closing psychology to thrive in lucrative sales niches.

Let's explore the key components comprising their training curriculum:

Entry-Level Packages

The basic memberships center around their "Commission Kings" course material - newbie-friendly modules, workbooks, and checklists introducing sales concepts. You access their broader training hub plus group accountability to reinforce key ideas. However, one-on-one coaching and placement connections cost extra.

Mid-Tier Packages

The mid-level memberships add live workshops, insider techniques, and access to veteran coaches. Beyond fundamentals, the advanced trainings accelerate practical application - sourcing warm leads, crafting irresistible offers, establishing authority fast. You receive feedback to sharpen skills quickly before joining their recruitment network.

High-End Packages

The top-tier memberships target those serious about entering high ticket sales ASAP. You get premier access to Grit & Gains inner circle for mentorship straight from founder Chris Campbell.  Through exclusive case studies and over-the-shoulder sale walkthroughs, ChrisPersonalized roadmaps, introductions to partner companies, and guaranteed placement cement your launch.

Software & Tools

All members gain access to various software tools - email outreach templates to book discovery calls, lead magnet builders to capture contacts, roi calculators to negotiate commissions. These automations save time while optimizing results.

Insider Techniques

Grit & Gains focuses heavily on advanced sales tactics beyond newbie info - video sales letters that convert, webinar registration boosters, profit maximizers. These nuanced strategies provide an unfair edge against the competition.

Placement Guarantee

Once completing core training, Grit & Gains pledges to place you with one of their partner companies until you've landed a lucrative sales role. However, you must hit certain KPIs like outreach metrics, contact rates, and successfully passed mock calls to qualify.

Upsells & Ongoing Fees

Unlike basic sales programs, Grit & Gains requires recurring monthly payments to maintain full community access, software tools, insider updates, and placement eligibility. So while entry costs land around $2-5k, budget for ongoing investments to leverage their network.

The core packages focus on training and basics. But key elements like copywriting assets, lead generation tools, and high-touch coaching remain locked behind added upsells.

Is Grit & Gains Your Passport to High-Ticket Sales? 

Grit & Gains makes a compelling case for escaping soul-draining office life. But can their training actually jetpack you into consistent 5-figure sales commissions?

While alluring at first blush, establishing real footing in ultra-competitive closing niches requires next-level persistence through brutal learning curves.

And because Grit & Gains handles lead sourcing/vetting initially, you’ll need to maintain a lot of their methodology once you set out on your own. While they want the program to seem like a proverbial golden ticket, it’s all about what you can do without their hand holding. 

There are no shortcuts when building a skill set that stands the test of time. Anyone claiming quick wins without long days and late nights is deceiving you.

Even with ongoing investments in Grit & Gains' training, tools, and access, consistent income relies largely on individual character traits that can be hard to learn. 

So while the Grit & Gains bootcamp can surely accelerate your skills, I can't fully endorse it as a standalone passport to financial freedom. 

What is My Top Recommendation for Making Money Online in 2024?

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing.webp

Grit & Gains paints remote closing as a golden ticket for escaping corporate drudgery. But, if we really break it down and take a look at the business model, there’s some serious issues. 

What happens when:

  1. You've burned through their lead sourcing and have to self-generate prospects from scratch?
  2. A deal falls through last minute and your paycheck takes a major hit that month?
  3. You start facing motivation issues working 100% solo without daily accountability and hype sessions?

There’s no doubt you might come out at the bell swinging, but what happens after two months, three months, and longer when the shiny object syndrome wears off? 

It becomes just another job requiring you to show up and grind day after day. But now, you can’t even rely on your traditional 9-5 income with PTO and benefits.

Not only do you have to grind to earn but you have to hustle just to put food on the table. Honestly, it sounds like a nightmare. 

That's why I want to discuss Digital Leasing as a preferred path to sustainable wealth-building.

This involves acquiring digital assets - websites, mobile apps, online courses, software licenses, etc. - then leasing access in exchange for steady residual income.

1. True Passive Income - Money flows in automatically every month thanks to built-in licensing agreements on your assets. They continue appreciating while paying you like rental houses. It's an incredibly intuitive model to operate and one that doesn’t require a daily grind. 2. Minimal Ongoing Work - Sales demands constant lead generation and persuasion. But digital leasing allows mostly hands-off income generation once assets are acquired and monetized. 3. Replicable Scale - Building a book of clients takes immense ongoing efforts in sales. If you don’t show up, you don’t get paid. But replicating digital leases takes minutes via minor custom branding tweaks and payment link connections. 4. Helping Real People - Instead of generic consumer traffic that you care nothing about, your assets provide helpful solutions that brick-and-mortar local business owners happily pay you monthly access fees for, enabling their growth.

You get to watch your efforts actually make an impact on people. 

Together, we can help a small business owner escape their own rat race and spend more time with family. An entrepreneur can finally build their dream company.

Best of all, you can do all of this without the uncertainty and perpetual grind of closing deals on other people’s products and services. 

Ready to explore if Digital Leasing is your true path to wealth and freedom?

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