How To Start A Digital Leasing Business For Insane Profits (5 Steps)
We’re here to help you make the best decision possible
By: Josiah
In this article, I’m going to review what I believe is THE SMARTEST business model today in 2023: Digital Leasing.
Whether you’re completely new to entrepreneurship, or have tried some things in the past.
If you’ve followed my blog for long, you know that I’ve tried most online business models out there, and that using Digital Leasing is my favorite, hands down.
I’ve been doing it for years now (from home), and in this article, I want to break it down step-by-step.
Area | Score | Description |
Time Investment | 2/5 | Takes a lot of time to get going – sleepness nights, sore necks. Trust me! |
Level of Control | 2/5 | Commisions can fluctuate on the affiliate marketing side. |
Ease of Implementation | 3/5 | SEO is easy enought once you figure it out…hard making money with affliate marketing though. |
Profit Potential | 3/5 | The SEO part is solid for profits, but the affliate marketing-only focus loses a little for me. |
So, What Is A Digital Leasing Business?
It works a bit like traditional real estate. You build a rental property, and then you place a tenant inside of the property, and collect a check.
As a Digital Property Owner, the property here is a website, and the tenant is a local business owner.
Your website generates hot potential buyers for a local business owner, and they pay you rent each month to continue having those buyers sent to them.
What I really like is that you don’t have to do any labor or actual fulfillment. You just take a little cut to make the connection between the business owner and the person looking to have a service done.
I call it taking “a sliver to deliver”.
Why Would A Company Need A Digital Rental Property In The First Place?
Most business owners are good at one thing: their trade. They’re usually really bad at marketing.
And they’re too busy fulfilling the clients they have now to figure out how to actually do it.
The old methods of simply putting up an ad in a newspaper don’t work anymore, and they need the internet in order to grow their businesses.
If they can’t figure out how to do that, their business will eventually die out.
An Example Of Popular Digital Landlords: Home Advisor & Angie’s List AKA Angi
Angi uses the Digital Leasing Model, and they’ve spent millions of dollars to build their brand awareness and be the #1 search result for home services online all over the country.
You see, Angi collects the information of the lead each time they submit a form or click through one of their ads. They then send that lead out to multiple businesses, who each pay a fee to receive it.
The crappy part is that Angi sells that same lead to 5 different people, and they all have to fight over it. Most business owners hate it, but they usually don’t have another option.
Why Is Digital Leasing Such A Lucrative Business To Be In?
Most businesses have a lot of overhead: staff, rent, insurance, liabilities…the list goes on.
In Digital Leasing, your overhead is almost non-existent. You’ll pay a few bucks per year for a domain name and hosting your website – but that’s it.
The margins are huge in that case, over 90%.
The cool part? You can generate leads for pretty much any industry there is. Think about it: all businesses need customers!
So How Do Digital Property Owners Generate Leads?
To be a Digital Property Owner, you need to put yourself where customers are looking.
I’m talking about places like Google Search, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
A recent study showed that over 72% of people looking to make a purchase click on the search results related to that purchase!
Think about it: if the pipe burst in your home and water was spraying everywhere, what would you do?
Most people would pick up their phone, go to Google, and type in “emergency plumber near me”.
They’re gonna click on the first search result where someone mentions that they can come out to their home RIGHT NOW.
Being a Digital Property Owner means owning that first search result they decided to click on.
Not All Leads Are Equal
Location, Location, Location!
Just like with physical Real Estate, it’s super important that we place our websites where they matter most.
What are people more likely to click on when they search for “roof replacement denver co”?
A search result that says: “Roof Repair Company in Aurora CO”
A search result that says: “Roof Replacement Specialists in Denver CO”
When your websites are hyper-relevant to the search term, you can send ready-to-buy customers to your client, and they’re glad to pay you for them.
What About Generating Leads Via Paid Ads?
All these different ad platforms (Google, Facebook, YouTube) have new rules added to them every night.
I’ve seen multi-million-dollar Ad Agency empires crash because of ONE little update.
Most Ad agencies don’t play by the rules… they’re always looking to cheat the system, and it usually comes back to bite them… HARD.
It doesn’t mean you can’t do ads the right way and see long-term success, but that takes a ton of time and investment to make happen.
I’m not saying don’t do it, I’m just saying I prefer quick lasting results, rather than leaving my income to blind faith.
PLUS: if you don’t have a super high ad budget, that ALONE can limit your ability to get in front of buyers.
The Power Of Ranking Websites
It took me a while to get things right after I started generating leads on Google’s SERP (search engine results page).
But once I nailed it down, my financial success (& personal freedom) catapulted forward.
This tree service site makes me $1,500/month, and I haven’t touched it since I set it up!
The expenses on this site are pretty cheap. The domain name & hosting combined are about $15/yr, and the tracking phone number on the site is a few bucks per year.
Nowadays I specialize in certain “niches” like tree service, so I just clone this page over every time I get a client in a new city. It takes about 10 minutes to get setup.
I check it once every 45-60 days or so to make small tweaks.
Can you name another business that gives you 95%+ margins that you barely have to touch?
Success Comes From Taking The World’s Oldest Wealth Builders & Digitizing Them – Enter Digital Leasing
Some of the largest fortunes the world has ever seen came from Real Estate. All we’re doing here is taking that concept and applying it to the online world.
Like I said earlier, these websites are like Rental Homes (or Apartments). Having your website in the 1st search result position is like having an Apartment in a wealthy part of town.
Since there’s tons of value in being there, people are willing to pay more to rent it from you.
There’s nothing quite like having a predictable, repeatable stream of income like you get with these Digital Rental Properties.
My life will never be the same thanks to this business model.
It’s kind of like what Airbnb has done to home rentals.
They just connect a buyer with someone that wants what they have.
Just like Airbnb, we have complete control over who we choose to work with.
If a tenant decides to stop paying, we can simply start routing the phone calls to someone else!
I can go over to their biggest competitor and say, “hey, I was working with Joe The Roofer and he decided to stop paying me. I was sending him about 3 roof replacement jobs per month… are you interested in taking these jobs instead?”
I can almost guarantee you he’s going to say yes.
Time For The Details… How Does This Thing Work?
Step 1: Pick A Niche & A City
For example, Tree Service in Noblesville Indiana.
Noblesville has a population of almost 75,000 people, so there’ll be plenty of homeowners here with money to spend:
And there are some handy-dandy tools out there that will tell you exactly how many people in Noblesville are looking to get their concrete fixed every month:
That’s 80 people a month, or almost 1,000 a year in just ONE city who need their trees serviced or removed.
The average tree service job costs $750.
So, if 10% of these people actually move forward, that’s:
8 x $750 = $6,000.
How many business owners would pay you $2,000 a month to make almost $6k back?
Yeah, pretty much all of them!
Especially when, on average, 2 of those 8 tree service jobs will turn into a tree removal or cutting or some other high end job. That’s an extra $6k for the business owner.
So now, they’re making $12k for every $2k they pay you.
Step 2: Find A Business Owner That NEEDS Customers
Ok, so now we know the numbers.
You show these to any business owner, and they’ll see how much of a no-brainer your offer is.
Now we just gotta find a business owner that’s got money to invest and needs more customers.
We can check:
Or how about people already running ads…
You know how I know these businesses are ready and willing to pay money for customers?
Because they’re already doing it!
Groupon takes 50% of whatever the business owner makes from their site.
Thumbtack and Angi charge as much as $60 for a single lead…
And they sell that same lead to 5 different business owners.
So they make $300 off a single lead…a lead that ends up getting pissed off because they’ve got 5 different business owners calling them all at once.
In either case, the only person who wins is Angi leaving the customer and small business owner empty-handed and disappointed.
But with Digital Leasing, YOU, the business owner, AND the customer all win!
Look: business owners know they’re getting a raw deal when they sign up with Groupon, Angi, Thumbtack, and others.
But they don’t realize there’s a better way.
All you have to do is give them that better way and they’ll jump into your lap!
Step 3: Build A Super-Simple 5-Page Site That A Child Could Make
At this point, we’ve got a niche, a city, and a business owner ready to take what you can give them.
So let’s get to work:
We’re going to build a super simple 5-page website.
With a Home Page Just like this:
It’s not very pretty, doesn’t need A+ design skills, or even much time.
It just needs 5 pages with a bit of content & a phone number.
You can host it somewhere simple, like Bluehost.
You can build one of these sites in less than an hour
So let’s do the math real quick:
$1,700 (now, used to be $1500) x 12 months = $20,400
Let’s say I spend 1 hour each month managing it (which I don’t but just to be conservative here on the numbers) – that’s 12 hours per year.
That’s $1,700 per hour!
And that’s just for this one website!
Want to know exactly how I made this happen, not just once, but hundreds of times?
Step 4: Get In Front Of Customers
Once you’ve got your site up, and a business owner ready to pay you anywhere from $500 to $2,000 a month, it’s time to deliver the goods.
The faster you deliver, the faster you get paid.
So right away, you’re going to start managing your site’s ranking through SEO.
Google search results are only seen by people who are actually looking for that specific thing.
They look like this:
And as you can see, these main listings on the first page are where all the clicks and buyers go (the #1 result is mine, btw).
The best part? The leads are coming to me for FREE!
So, let’s say it cost 2 months of time and $750 to rank this website.
For $750 basically one time, you can send them 8 potential new customers every single month…with basically no additional cost because it’s already ranked.
And you get to keep all $1,700 as pure profit.
Step 5: Get Paid!
Do I really need to explain this?
At this point, you’ve shown the business owner the numbers.
You’ve delivered results.
You’ve given them WAAAYYYY more value than Angi, Thumbtack, or Groupon.
The only reason they won’t keep paying you month after month is because you’ve overloaded them with customers.
And if that happens, just go to one of their competitors, show them what you’ve done, and keep on keeping on.
Step 6 (Optional): Repeat
Look, if you can do this once, there’s basically a 100% chance you could do it 10, 20, even 50 more times.
Why wouldn’t you?
This is a step-by-step, repeatable process you can do in hundreds of different niches.
Especially with a good hosting platform, this process is quick and painless.
Why Is It Called Digital Leasing?
Because just like traditional real estate, this has the potential to create generational wealth through semi-passive income…with none of the downside that comes with owning physical properties:
But on the plus side?
You have Total Control and Reliable Monthly Recurring Income!
Remember that you own this website. Like traditional real estate, nobody can take it away from you.
But instead of having to fork over tens of thousands of dollars for a down payment, each of these “Digital Rental Properties” can be built for less than $100 (even if you outsource EVERYTHING, it can be done for like $300).
So your startup costs are low, meaning you can SCALE UP FAST!
How long would it take you to buy 100 houses?
10, 20, even 50 years?
Well, you can build 10 Digital Rental Properties in A SINGLE WEEK!
Imagine starting the week with zero dollars in passive, recurring income, and ending it with a potential $20k a month.
That’s the power of Digital Leasing.
And you’ve got way more control than traditional real estate…
If one of your “Digital Tenants” stops paying or leaves, there’s no squatter rights or evictions.
Because YOU’RE in control!
You own this site:
And more important, you own this phone number:
When customers call that number, the call gets forwarded to your tenant.
But if they stop paying, you can cut them off in two clicks.
And find another business owner to pay you the same (or even more money) in less than an hour.
No damage, no showings, no rental applications, no lawyers, no renovations.
It’s just a few clicks, a couple phone calls, and the money never stops coming in.
How I Landed My First $1,500 Per Month Digital Leasing Tenant:
Me? Making money on the internet? LOL! I didn’t even have a Facebook account!
I simply followed the training of Josh & Sean’s Digital Leasing Program to the very last detail…
And I built this clean website right here:
Doesn’t necessarily look like the prettiest site in the world, but it sure does make my bank account look prettier.
You could be 9, you could be 69, no matter how internet illiterate you might be, we have people at all levels succeeding. In fact, we have one older couple in our group that retired in style, earning more income than their day jobs ever brought in combined!
If they can do it, why can’t you? Anyway back to my Tree Service Site…
(please do not call that number though & bug my client)
It didn’t take long to build.
Maybe 1 hour to build, I actually just copied the layout an existing site I found on the internet. The ranking process took just about 8 weeks altogether.
The crazy part?
I haven’t touched this site since I made it in 2019 and it’s still been dropping a cool $1,700 (up from $1500 thanks to inflation) into my bank account every month.
Every phone call is tracked. I can listen in on them if I want to!
I also send my client a report of just how many calls I’ve sent him.
That way he knows how much he’s making from the leads I’m sending.
Why’s that important?
Easy, if they can see that my leads are directly leading to an extra 10-20k in monthly revenue for them, they’ve got no problem paying. I do what I’m good at, they do what they’re good at.
The key here is to not expect one client to make you a millionaire.
What you wanna do is take a small sliver from every niche (or city) you can.
Could you imagine how much you’d be bringing in if you got 100 clients?
Why would your clients leave? You keep bringing high quality jobs to them each month. Some pay a flat rate, others per lead, and some of the high ticket service guys will even give you a percentage!
Imagine having a % deal worked out with a commercial roofer that does million dollar roofs…
One of the roofing guys I work with gives me 30% of every job (I pay the ad spend). That client alone could make you a 6-figure earner overnight!
Look, I’ve tried all of the major “make money online” style business models out there. I actually made money with some of them.
But with every single one of them, I ran into the same issue:
I was spending too much time, and not making enough money.
In other words, I had just created another self-created job.
But that’s not why I was doing this.
I was in this for freedom, unlimited income, and the power to call my own shots 24/7.
And none of these other businesses gave me all that.
The only one that did?
Digital Leasing!
Just check out the differences for yourself:
The ability to achieve financial freedom by becoming a Digital Property Owner is… insane.
Lawyers & Doctors have to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to even HOPE to make the type of money you can make with this business.
But to be honest, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for mentorship.
The idea of being “self made” is kinda BS to be honest.
Everyone that’s built true generational wealth, or achieved serious financial freedom, has had a mentor at various stages of their development.
Another thing you’ll notice is that millionaires tend to hang around together. That’s one of the best parts – being around a community of people doing the same stuff.
My mentors even go live in their private Skool Community twice per week!
I wasn’t born an entrepreneur. So I definitely owe the success to my mentors. They opened the door, I just walked through it.
Finding the right business model was important too.
Just like a driver and his car, the car is 90% of the race. Likewise, my success is thanks to the vehicle (Digital Leasing).