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Keyspire Review (Updated 2024): Is Scott McGillivray The Best At Real Estate?

By: JosiahApr 19, 2024Real Estate
Keyspire Review (Updated [year]): Is Scott McGillivray The Best At Real Estate?

Are you getting into real estate? You've probably seen Scott McGillivray everywhere online lately.

He's on a mission to pull people into a program claiming to teach you the ropes of real estate investing, even if you're kinda new to it all.

Ring a bell? Maybe you fell down a rabbit hole after searching "how to make passive income online" and somehow landed here.

But hey, no worries about how you got here. In my breakdown of Keyspire, I'll cover:

Who's Scott McGillivray?

What's this 3-day bootcamp about?

How much does Keyspire cost?

And hey, what's the real deal with those Keyspire scam rumors?

Why listen to me? I've been deep-diving into online programs, products, and courses for a good while over at ScamRisk. So, I've got a pretty good handle on what's legit, what's not, & who's going to get the most out of each thing.

Think of this Keyspire review as your ultimate cheat sheet to everything about Scott McGillivray's 3-day challenge. Investing a few minutes here might just save you heaps of time and avoid potential money pitfalls.

Let's jump right into the good stuff and the not-so-good stuff:


This Keyspire Review review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

  • You can zip through the bootcamp in just three days, so you're ready to hit the ground running with what you've learned.
  • Learning from Scott McGillivray means you're getting insights from someone with 20 years of investing. That's a lot of savvy negotiation skills and knowledge coming your way.
  • You'll get into a private Keyspire network for members only, where you can get support and tips that aren't just floating around out there for everyone.
  • Some people say the material feels a bit theoretical and hasn't had a refresh in a while, which might not give you the bang for your buck you're hoping for.
  • Kicking things off business-wise requires a pretty chunky upfront investment. Without a solid stash of cash for property investments, it's tricky to make a start.
  • Be prepared for some pricey upsells - there's a chance you could be nudged towards memberships that run into the tens of thousands.

Why Listen To Us

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.why listen us

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

why listen us gif

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online

  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it

  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!

TLDR - What’s The Verdict On Keyspire?

TLDR - What’s The Verdict On Keyspire.webp

Scott McGillivray's Real Estate Investing Bootcamp is pretty much the kick-off if you're dying to throw yourself into real estate investing without a parachute.

If you've stumbled upon my musings about real estate before, you'll recall the holy trinity of getting started: wholesaling, holding properties, and the grand art of flipping.

Each avenue has its roller coaster of highs and lows, but let's face it, the chance to strike it rich in real estate is off the charts. We're talking empire-building levels of wealth here.

But, let's slam on the brakes for a moment and ponder a crucial question:

Is this really the moment you want to play Monopoly for real?

Despite the glittering allure, venturing into property isn't just about throwing cash around and waiting for it to multiply. It demands a hefty investment and not just a sprinkle of elbow grease.

So, if you're:

  • Hustling hard to carve out a measly 3 hours a day, or
  • Scouring your couch cushions hoping to find an extra $20K,

Maybe diving headfirst into the real estate pool isn't for you right now. Shocking, I know.

But hey, investing in real estate isn't some harebrained scheme—it's a legit way to fatten your wallet and get the cash river flowing. Timing, however, is crucial.

Now for the silver lining (because there's always one, right?):

What you truly need is a master plan that accumulates enough dough (and breathing space) for you to dive into real estate investing without drowning.

My secret weapon? Digital Leasing.

It's like having your real estate cake and eating it too, minus the migraines of:

  • Slow cash flow from properties,
  • The whole debt drama,
  • Being on a first-name basis with your repair guy, and
  • Endless tenant tantrums.

The best part? Most of your income is semi-passive, meaning you could be making anywhere from $2,000 to a cool $10,000 a month. And you get to decide the scale of your empire—miniature or massive, minus the headaches I just ranted about.

If that's got your gears turning, maybe it's time to give Digital Leasing a whirl. Use the loot from that venture, and you're ready to start throwing real money at real estate in a year or two.

Eager to see what Keyspire is all about? Hang tight.

Who Will Benefit From Keyspire And Who Should Stay Away?

Who Will Benefit From Keyspire And Who Should Stay Away.webp

Who's Keyspire a great fit for?

  • Beginners in the real estate world who want to fast-track their education.
  • People curious about diving into real estate investment.
  • Seasoned real estate agent or contractors looking to up their game.

Who might want to pass on Keyspire?

  • People keeping a close eye on their budget. Since grabbing top-notch properties usually requires quick action and a hefty wallet, this might not suit you.
  • Those who aren't fans of the waiting game and negotiating dance. It's all about patience and people skills in this arena.
  • If the journey from negotiating to renovating sounds tedious to you, then this might not be your thing. Real estate is all about the long haul—buying, sprucing up, and the whole shebang.

Keyspire: 1,000 FT View Of This Business Opportunity

Keyspire_1,000 FT View Of This Business Opportunity.webp

OwnerScott McGillivray
Refund Policy10-day money back guarantee

Business Model

Keyspire is into the real estate investment. It's all about hunting down not just any old properties, but those hidden gems that can seriously beef up your wallet.

The goal? Scope out spots that are either going to climb in value or start padding your pockets with rental income property right off the bat.

It might be a snug apartment that's got a waitlist of renters or a trendy storefront in a neighborhood that's just ticking down to its big moment.

The game plan is straightforward: pinpoint those diamonds in the rough that are poised for a payoff.

But let's be clear, winning at the real estate game isn't just about holding the deed. It's about vision—recognizing the potential of a place and understanding how it can turn into a money-making venture for you.

If you're down to grow your wealth through real estate, you need that sharp eye to spot the real deals from the duds. You also need smarts to make moves that generate a solid income stream.

To help you decide if real estate investing is right for you, here's a quick overview of what to expect:

Time Investment⭐⭐It demands a lot upfront for scouting & management, but can be reduced with strategies like hiring a property manager.
Level Of Control⭐⭐⭐⭐Offers significant control over investment decisions, from property selection to rent setting.
Ease Of Implementation⭐⭐Involves a learning curve with legal, financial, & market aspects, but manageable with the right help.
Profit Potential⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐High, with income through rent and appreciation, despite market risks, it's a solid wealth-builder over time.

About The Guru - Scott McGillivray

About The Guru - Scott McGillivray.webp

Scott McGillivray isn't just a familiar face on TV; he's made rounds in Forbes, Fox News, People, Global News, ET, Business Insider, and Business Wire, just to drop a few names.

He's got a toolbox of talents as a savvy contractor, hit-the-shelves author, motivational speaker, teacher, and go-to expert.

Scott's been the brain behind helping lots of people across North America to get smart with their money using some pretty groundbreaking real estate tactics.

How Much Does Keyspire Cost?

How Much Does Keyspire Cost.webp

The Keyspire cost is $297. If you're not feeling the Keyspire program was worth the cash after it wraps up, just hit them up for a full refund within 10 business days of buying your ticket, and they'll happily refund you.

Just a heads-up, though: some people over at BiggerPockets mentioned getting pitched a $20,000 coaching program, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

What's My Personal Opinion On Keyspire?

Whats My Personal Opinion On Keyspire.webp

If you've ever swung by ScamRisk, you know I've explored heaps of money-making schemes, including Invest With Roots and Clever Investor. With so many reviews out there, it feels like wading through a dense jungle in search of the genuine articles.

When dissecting something like Keyspire, here’s how I tackle it:

  1. Credentials Check: I dig into whether Scotts's truly the expert he claims to be in doing real estate business.
  2. Community Support: Is there a go-to group like a Facebook community for when the going gets tough? That's key.
  3. Value for Money: I weigh up the cost versus the benefits to decide if it's worth your investment.
  4. Transparency: How open is Scott about all the costs, any extra fees, and what you’re really signing up for?
  5. Honest Reviews: I scout out legit feedback from sites like Trustpilot, Reddit, or the BBB to get a sense of the program's true colors.

My Recommendation

After putting Keyspire through its paces, here's my take:

  • Scott's legit. He has a solid track record in the real estate world.
  • They boast a strong community of thousands of members.

But, I've got my reservations about fully backing Keyspire:

  1. Profit Takes Time: Earning profits is a marathon, not a sprint. You’re in for buying, fixing, and renting, with returns often gobbled up by mortgages and other expenses until you’re in the clear.
  2. High Risk: There's plenty that can go sideways. From unexpected repair bills landing in your lap to market fluctuations affecting property values and rental income.
  3. Debt Dice Roll: Unlike stocks or crypto, real estate isn’t liquid. You’re betting on debt in hopes it pays off. If refinancing or renting doesn’t go smoothly, you’re just accumulating more interest.
  4. It’s All About Location: Brushing shoulders with realtors and contractors is part of the game. The best finds won’t just pop up online; networking and groundwork are vital to uncover those off-the-radar deals in the real estate market.

Is There Any Truth To Keyspire Scam Allegations?

Is There Any Truth To Keyspire Scam Allegations?

Are the whispers about Keyspire being a scam onto something?

Let's set the record straight—Keyspire isn't a scam, but it's not the walk in the park Scott McGillivray might have you believe.

Scott's all about quick deals, but for rookies? It's like expecting a newborn to sprint before it crawls. Keep in mind, stats from ClubWealth suggest that 87% of new real estate agents don't make it past year five.

For the greenhorns out there, absorbing the avalanche of info from Keyspire's 3-day marathons is like sipping water from a fire hydrant—intense and overwhelming.

And let's be real, launching any business and closing deals in mere days? Lead chasing, negotiating, contract signing—it's a process. And clients aren't exactly notorious for sticking to your ideal timeline.

But why not play it smarter? With the time you'd dedicate to Scott's program, you could be building your own Digital Rental Properties. Picture this: passive checks rolling in every month, from $500 to $2,000—no real estate hustle needed.

I've seen Digital Leasing work its magic super fast (personal record: just two weeks). All it takes is your trusty laptop and some good ol' Wi-Fi. I've got buddies living their best lives off Digital Leasing, working from anywhere they please—next to a campfire, on a Balinese beach, or from a van trailing the highways.

They're leading with the life they want, letting the work follow, thanks to this gig. They jet off whenever, and the dough keeps flowing.

Fancy making your holiday haven your home base? Digital Leasing might just be your golden ticket!

What's Inside Keyspire 3-Day Bootcamp?

Whats Inside Keyspire 3-Day Bootcamp.webp

The Keyspire team been hosting Real Estate Bootcamps for a decade and have cracked the code on what works:

Live, Interactive Real Estate Workshop

  • Unravel the 3 Myths of Real Estate and steer clear of them to have an amazing journey
  • The investor vs. speculator showdown: where do you stand as a Keyspire member?
  • Scouting for profitable markets and good investment to get the best bang for your buck

Put Your Knowledge to Work

  • Quick trick to see if a property's profitable in 10 seconds—no need to visit or contact people
  • Easy property analysis for those who break out in hives just thinking about math
  • Exploring new ideas to find funding for your deals, even with empty pockets

Level Up Your Game

  • Decoding the best business setup for your property empire
  • Leveraging savings accounts for awesome real estate investment
  • Laying out your next moves to hit the ground running

Conclusion Of My Keyspire Review: To Buy Or Not To Buy

Conclusion: To Buy Or Not To Buy

Mulling over whether to take the plunge with Keyspire's challenge? Maybe keep the champagne on ice for now.

Sure, Scott's pitch about clinching deals quicker than you can whip out a "sold" sign is alluring. But let's be real—kicking off as a beginner with those expectations is not realistic.

And the idea of squeezing an ocean of info into a mere three days? That's more like trying to pack a month's worth of clothing into a carry-on suitcase. Good luck with that!

So, before you leap, maybe go digital first while you're gaining knowledge, experience, and capital.

Digital Leasing can offer all the gains of real estate investment, minus the headache of mortgages and market madness.

What is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024?

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing.webp

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet-bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

It’s worth noting that I FULLY endorse real estate investing as a way to grow wealth, and that’s why I invest my own money in commercial and residential real estate.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online as a beginner is, hands-down: Digital Leasing.

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, Digital Leasing is for you. 


Time: Diving into real estate isn't a set-it-&-forget-it kind of deal. It needs your TLC—regular check-ins, deal-making, and hands-on management. So yeah, it's a bit of a dance with your time and energy.

Digital Leasing?

If you’ve got a spare hour-or-two each day, you can do this. If you want to drop everything and go all-in, you can do this. More time obviously means faster results, but even putting in a few hours per day is enough to see real success.

And because of that flexibility, you don’t need to trade your time for money. Once the income starts, it’s recurring.

That means you can take a month off, travel the country, pursue a passion project, chill on the beach, or charter a boat across the world.

But you can only do that once you’ve created an income stream that doesn’t require YOU to be there all day, every day.

Real estate investing is a FULL TIME JOB. If you stop finding deals, your money dries up.

Ownership & Control: If you're making mortgage payments, it's like a high-stakes game of Monopoly w/ the bank. Slip up on a payment, & your "Get Out of Jail Free" card won't save you from losing your spot on the board.

Why invest your heart and soul into something that's always one missed payment away from slipping through your fingers?

With Digital Leasing, you literally own all of the assets, which means you have ultimate control.

Ongoing costs: In the world of property, you're often skating on thin ice with profit margins. The big bucks come from amassing assets. It's simple: the more properties you own, the heftier your wealth potential.

In Digital Leasing, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income with real estate investing, you would need twice as many properties, or double your profit margins on each property. And I can guarantee you , that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

Make Money Helping Real People: When you’re in Digital Leasing, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If we can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy - and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put FOOD on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other opportunities Keyspire, which might make you money.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.

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