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Free Your Limit Review (Updated 2024): Is Andy Chen Legit?

By: JosiahApr 04, 2024Affiliate Marketing
Free Your Limit Review (Updated [year]): Is Andy Chen Legit?

Hey there! Welcome to ScamRisk!

Caught yourself eyeing Free Your Limit, huh? Let me guess:

Perhaps Andy Chen's ads are all over haunting you

You're gearing up to boost your affiliate marketing hustle

Maybe you're just on the hunt for some extra dough on the side

Whatever brought you here, I'm stoked to have you!

We're about to dive deep into Free Your Limit for the next few minutes. Here's what's on the agenda:

Is it really worth your money?

How much does Free Your Limit cost?

Who in the world is Andy Chen?

And what's the deal with those Free Your Limit scam whispers?

I've been the go-to guy at ScamRisk for a bit, spilling the deets on programs like this. My mission? To dish out the dirt on what’s the real deal and what’s just a bunch of hype.

I've done the legwork, scavenging for info far and wide to bring you the inside scoop on Free Your Limit. Consider this your straight-shooting, no-nonsense briefing.

Ready to jump in? Let’s get to the bottom of what Free Your Limit is all about, and sneak a peek at the good, the bad, and the ugly:


This Free Your Limit Review review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

  • A suite of done-for-you templates and shortcuts available, so you can reduce the time and effort it usually takes to launch a business.
  • The actionable study guides and exercises are designed not only to educate but also to prompt immediate action, helping you apply what you learn in real-time and see results faster.
  • Various programs and mentorship options, which means you can choose based on your budget and needs.
  • The lack of transparent pricing can be a significant deterrent for those who want to understand the financial commitment upfront.
  • Users might find themselves predominantly promoting Launch You programs, which could limit the diversification and autonomy of their own business ventures.
  • Despite marketing claims, affiliate marketing is not a “set-it-and-forget-it” strategy. Success requires ongoing effort, which might be a letdown for those looking for passive income.

Why Listen To Us

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.why listen us

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

why listen us gif

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online

  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it

  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!

TLDR - What’s The Verdict On Free Your Limit?

TLDR - What’s The Verdict On Free Your Limit.webp

Alright, let's cut to the chase on Free Your Limit. It's like suddenly everyone and their dog wants to be the next big thing in affiliate marketing. I mean, are we just printing new programs these days or what?

Let's be real, with affiliate marketing predicted to explode to a dizzying $15.7 billion, it's no shocker everyone's jumping into the fray.

We're talking a 15% surge in new recruits. And why not? Apparently, 74% of U.S. online shoppers are peeking at affiliate links before they hit "buy." These links are pretty much the puppeteers of e-commerce.

Enter Andy Chen, waving the promise of turning you into a six or seven-figure mogul without needing to be a tech guru, coding genius, or marketing wizard. Tempting, isn't it? But does Free Your Limit have the magic wand to whisk you off to the land of easy cash?

Sure, the moolah's out there for the taking. The real question is, will it be enough to keep you from counting pennies and actually fill your fridge?

Here's a fun fact to chew on: More than half the folks dabbling in affiliate marketing scrape by with less than $10k a year. Ouch, not even close to a grand a month.

And that golden "we've got it all sorted for you" promise? Spoiler alert: affiliate marketing needs more than just wishful thinking. It's definitely not your dream cash-generating autopilot.

A bit of a letdown? Perhaps. But we're here to dish out the unvarnished truth. Stick around, though, it gets better.

Ever daydreamed about a real passive income that won't bleed your bank account or bore you to tears waiting for results?

A scenario where you're the boss, not just a cog in the corporate wheel?

Picture a hustle where you're not barely making ends meet but potentially smashing past that dreamy $10k per month barrier, with just a sprinkle of effort daily and you're in charge.

Enter Digital Leasing – think of it as affiliate marketing's laid-back, fun uncle. You can learn more about it here.

Still curious about what Free Your Limit has to offer? Stick around.

Who Benefits From Free Your Limit And Who Should Give It A Pass?

Who Benefits From Free Your Limit And Who Should Give It A Pass.webp

Considering taking a leap into Free Your Limit?

Let's slice it up and see if it's for you:

  • Just dipping your toes into the affiliate marketing pool? This could be your "Affiliate Marketing 101" class. Great for newbies who haven't yet earned their stripes.
  • Willing to throw a few extra bucks at tools and toys beyond the initial sticker price? Then, strap in; you're all set.

On the flip side, you might want to hit pause on Free Your Limit if you're:

  • Raising an eyebrow at those "get rich quick" vibes? Unless you're wheeling and dealing with big-ticket items, those fat commission checks are more myth than reality.
  • Looking for the easy money recliner lifestyle? Newsflash: Affiliate marketing isn't your nap-and-cash-in dream. It demands some elbow grease and isn't a "set it and forget it" gig.
  • Leaning heavily on public opinion before making a move? Just a heads-up: You won’t find much chatter about this program in the usual haunts like Trustpilot or Reddit. So, if you’re waiting for the crowd’s approval, you might be waiting a while.

Free Your Limit: 1,000 FT View Of This Online Business Opportunity

Free Your Limit_1,000 FT View Of This Online Business Opportunity.webp

ProgramFree Your Limit
OwnerAndy Chen
PriceStarts at $37
Refund Policy30 days for products/3 days for mentorship

Business Model

Free Your Limit throws you into the affiliate marketing mix. The gist? Push products through a link, and watch the cash flow in with every sale—no need to break a sweat creating your own products.

But let's keep it 100, standing out in this crowded scene might mean gearing up with some fancy tools or software.

Now, let's glance over at the competition in this affiliate marketing coaching league:

  • Legendary Marketer: This is where David Sharpe holds court. With 9 years of play and three companies to his name, he's the guru for over 500,000 entrepreneurs.
  • Wealthy Affiliate: Kyle and Carson's realm. They boast about their platform being the premier spot for mastering affiliate marketing and securing profits in the digital domain.
  • Online Blueprint: Matt Graham's territory, focusing on building enduring ventures with digital products and top-notch sales funnels.
  • Zach Crawford: The man tasked with teaching how to dominate the market through his Secret Affiliate Marketing Hacks.
Time Investment3/5Affiliate Marketing needs a steady amount of your time for getting things up and running, crafting content, and keeping it all ticking over.
Level of Control2/5You've got some freedom, but affiliate program rules can hem in your marketing moves and income.
Ease of Implementation3/5Getting off the ground is straightforward, especially for rookies. However, climbing the ladder of success leans heavily on mastering SEO, content marketing, and engaging your followers.
Profit Potential3/5Profit is tied to how large and engaged your audience is, your market niche, and your skill in driving quality traffic to those affiliate links.

About The Guru - Andy Chen

About The Guru - Andy Chen.webp

Andy Chen is the founder of and an ambassador of Launch You. Andy is a digital entrepreneur who’s not just about business success but is passionate about aligning work with one's values and lifestyle.

Andy’s mission is fueled by the transformative power of the Launch You ecosystem. He’s not just teaching you to earn; he's about empowering, educating, and supporting you to build your success.

His approach is clear — an online business blueprint that promises success if you dare to follow it.

For Andy, it’s not enough to teach the tricks of the trade; he wants to instill a mindset. His vision is to see you—yes, you—as a powerful creator of your own reality.

He envisions a world where you can design a life of flow and purpose, making a living by making an impact and thriving on the positive waves you create in others’ lives.

How Much Does Free Your Limit Cost?

How Much Does Free Your Limit Cost.webp

Free Your Limit's got a trio of offers to choose from: the Do-It-Yourself Package for those who like to get their hands dirty, the Done-With-You Packages for people who want a little teamwork, and the Done-For-You Package if you'd rather sit back and let the pros handle it.

Now, about the Free Your Limit cost—they're playing a bit coy on the website, sending you off to Launch You to dig around for numbers. But just to give you a starting line, courses begin at 37 bucks.

Changed your mind? No sweat. You've got 30 days to ask for a refund on digital products and services. If you've dived into their mentorship or coaching, just make sure you request your refund within 3 days. No refunds on subscription-based products, only cancellations.

My Personal Opinion For This Free Your Limit Review

My Personal Opinion For This Free Your Limit Review.webp

Here at ScamRisk, I've been elbow-deep in all sorts of affiliate marketing programs, and now it's time for the real talk, no sugar-coating.

You've probably stumbled upon a mixed bag of reviews for affiliate programs splattered all over the web—places like Reddit, Trustpilot, BBB. Sure, there's a lot of buzz, but don't let that rattle you; a noisy crowd doesn't necessarily spell out a scam.

When I throw on my detective hat for programs like Free Your Limit, here's what I'm digging for:

  1. Who's running the show and what's their street cred?
  2. Is their help desk actually helpful?
  3. What's the real bang for your buck?
  4. How upfront are they about the real cost of getting started?
  5. What's the word on the street from the actual users?

So, here's the scoop on why Free Your Limit isn't getting my recommendation:

  1. There's a ghost town feel when you're hunting for word-of-mouth on the go-to review platforms.
  2. The Free Your Limit website is not upfront with the price tags and the actual programs that they're selling.
  3. And let's get real about the whole "earn an income 24/7, 365 days a year...even while you sleep," spiel. Affiliate marketing takes work, it's not your dreamy money-making machine that hums along on its own.

Is There A Free Your Limit Scam Going On?

Is There A Free Your Limit Scam Going On.webp

Is Free Your Limit pulling a fast one? Let’s slice through the hype.

Screaming “free your limit scam”? Easy, tiger. Andy Chen isn’t about to swipe your cash and ghost you. You’ll snag something for your buck, promise.

But is it actually worth it?

Let’s see—spinning gold out of affiliate marketing ain't easy. If making money in affiliate marketing were a cake walk, we’d all be having our cake & eating it too, wouldn't we? The truth is, it's more like trying to eat soup with a fork—messy & kinda frustrating.

That whole "set-it-and-forget-it" fantasy? It gets a reality check pretty fast when you're up against hordes of competition and the whims of the internet gods.

And, get this—you might just become a walking, talking billboard for Launch You. Surprise! Not quite the plot twist you were hoping for.

Now, picture a gig where, in the same time it takes to binge-watch a couple of Netflix series, you start pocketing $500 to $2k on the regular. Or becoming the traffic-whisperer without breaking a sweat.

Dream about depositing that first paycheck in a hot minute, not an ice age, and watching your bank account do the happy dance.

That’s been my ride with Digital Leasing.

I know people who are absolutely slaying it with Digital Leasing, running their empire between sips at beachside bars.

They’ve swapped out the 9-to-5 for sun, sand, and a side of freedom, all on Digital Leasing’s dime.

They vanish off the grid for weeks, maybe months, and their wallets don't feel a thing.

Now, if that’s the kind of “missing in action” you’re into, Digital Leasing might just be your ticket.

What's Inside Free Your Limit?

Whats Inside Free Your Limit.webp

Just a bit of disclaimer: we're talking about the Free Your Limit program here and not about how to have a higher credit limit or credit limit increase. The program is all about building your own business, so you won't have to rely on credit accounts, deal with credit reports, & stress on overall credit utilization.

Here’s what's waiting for you inside Free Your Limit:

Online Selling System & Training Hub

Unlock everything you need to master the art of online sales. They have step-by-step courses, cheat sheets, slick website templates, and the secrets of selling, anytime and anywhere.

Done-for-you Templates and Shortcuts

Grab the already-proven frameworks and plug-n-play templates that are basically your fast pass to launching your business quick.

Actionable Study Guides

These are designed to kick you into gear, keep you super glued to your mission, and focused on grabbing those results you’re hungry for.

Accountability & Implementation Challenges

Soak up wisdom from the pros, snag feedback from your fellow students, and get that gentle nudge (or loving shove) towards hitting your targets.

Team-To-Many Coaching

Think of this as group coaching with a VIP feel. You get the crowd wisdom plus the chance to deep dive with a coach when you’re ready to kick things up a notch.

Interactive Launcher Community

Step into a worldwide squad of movers and shakers, all fired up to lift each other up. These are about the pep talks, the high-fives, and the back-pats as you grow, both personally and professionally.

Conclusion: To Buy Or Not To Buy

Should you sign up for Free Your Limit? My take? Give it a hard pass.

There are about a gazillion smarter ways to make your mark (and bank) than throwing yourself into the affiliate marketing jungle.

Sure, affiliate marketing has its allure – visions of clicking your way to riches, anyone? But taking the plunge with Free Your Limit could leave you tangled in knots rather than basking in victory.

On the other hand, pivoting to Digital Leasing? Now that's a slick move. It's like choosing a yacht over a dinghy – smoother sailing, better paydays, and you don't have to trudge through a digital bog to stand out.

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024?

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing.webp

After exploring various business models, I recommend Digital Leasing for beginners entering the online business world.

Here's why:

  1. Flexibility: Imagine a gig that fits your schedule like a glove, whether you're looking to kill an hour or dive in head-first. Digital Leasing? That’s where it’s at. It’s the kind of setup where "I have no time" is no longer an excuse, minus the relentless hustle affiliate marketing is famous for.

  2. Ownership & Control: Stepping into Digital Leasing means you’re basically running the show online. Picture keeping 90-95% of the profit without having to navigate the tightrope of affiliate marketing rules or watching your hard-earned cash vanish into commissions. Pretty sweet, right?

  3. Low Startup Costs: Getting your Digital Leasing biz off the ground is as wallet-friendly as it gets. You're making money before you can say “dip into savings,” with start-up costs lower than a night out. Meanwhile, affiliate marketing can feel like feeding a slot machine, waiting for the payout.

  4. Minimal Ongoing Expenses: Once you're rolling, Digital Leasing is the gift that keeps on giving without draining your wallet. It's the polar opposite of the cash-guzzling beast that affiliate marketing can turn into.

  5. Easy To Scale: Nailed it with one digital property? Mimic that win with a few clicks and keep the ball rolling. It’s a refreshing change from chasing after affiliate marketing's ever-elusive “next big hit.”

  6. Making an Impact: With Digital Leasing, you're not just padding your pockets; you're also making a tangible impact on local businesses. It's a kind of satisfaction that turning affiliate marketing digits can rarely offer.

The choice is yours. Keep exploring, keep researching, or join a community of over 2,000 successful students living life on their terms with Digital Leasing.

Experience a steady, semi-passive income stream that doesn't demand constant attention.

Your success goes beyond numbers – it's about assisting real people who appreciate and happily pay for your services.

If consistent income, flexibility, and helping others align with your goals, click here to learn more about Digital Leasing.

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