
Blake Nubar

By: Joel & Josiah

Before I begin my Blake Nubar Partner Program review, let me ask a few questions.

Do you use Facebook?

Are you making money with Facebook?

If you’re making good money on Facebook, I hope you continue to do so. You can also scale your business with the right strategies and maintain growth.

This post is for those who aren’t yet making money on Facebook, or perhaps a lot less than initially planned.

Don’t worry; this detailed review of the Blake Nubar Partner Program will help you understand and learn how to improve your online marketing skills and master the art and science behind selling online.

Facebook has more than 1.6+ million active users.

Facebook Messenger is used daily by approximately 1.3 billion people.

Take this as an example: Facebook Messenger creates an equal playing field for small and large businesses to use.

You can turn your company from an underdog to a strong competitor by tapping into the market potential.

What if you don’t have any experience or skills?

This review will go over the Blake Nubar Partner Program to see if it really is the best Facebook Ads course out there.

You’ll learn whether running facebook ads is the right online business for you.

And at the end, you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Blake Nubar Partner Program and Facebook lead generation in general.

But most importantly, you’ll see the exact system many others have used to build their own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system made them swear off running facebook ads for good, because it uses some of the same skills but in a much more powerful and profitable way!

This Blake Nubar review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


Do You Want Guidance To Make Money On Facebook?

As you can see, I have always wanted to get Facebook leads for free. I know how hard it can be to generate leads via paid advertisements, especially when you’re just getting started.

That is why when Blake Nubar’s software was launched, I signed up immediately. And this review is entirely based on my first-hand experience with the Blake Nubar Partner Program.

But before I explain to you in detail how Blake can transform your online business and make you up to $500 per hour from that partnership, you must decide what you will promote.

Who Is Blake Nubar?

Who Is Blake Nubar

Blake Nubar is one of today’s successful entrepreneurs. By using sales funnels to promote his products, Nubar has made a lot of money.

Although he started his career as an Internet marketer in 2017, he successfully set up a digital marketing agency after just a few short years.

Blake was awarded ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Award for generating 1 million in sales through ClickFunnels. Blake was even featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Funnel Magazine.

Blake Nubar’s Partner Program

Blake Nubar's Partner Program

Blake Nubar’s Partner program grants you a partnership license to use ClickFunnels to create a course and funnel. The partnership includes three ready-to-sell products priced at $7.37 and $197.

They can be sold under your own name, and you keep 90% of their profit. Blake seems to have created the three rates to make upselling easier.

Customers who buy the $7 product receive a $37 offer, followed by a $197 one.

The course teaches how to use Facebook profiles to increase organic traffic. It is said to work well in many niches such as real estate, internet marketing, and network marketing, coaching, etc.

Blake’s online marketing program teaches you how to use the internet to reach important professionals in your field.

It can be used at your home, at work, or from wherever you are.

Blake made some fascinating points about this program. This program is perfect for beginners. No technical knowledge, no product or marketing experience required .”

Blake and many top online marketers have used the exact 3-step process for years. Blake’s funnels and training are so powerful that he is considered the world’s foremost authority on the subject.

This item has two fascinating facts:

  • Your products will be made just for you. You can white-label them, modify them slightly, and make them entirely yours!
  • Your customers and clients can generate free traffic. This is something that everyone enjoys, so they will undoubtedly share it with their colleagues and friends.

How Does The Program Work?

This program works in the following way:

After you purchase it, you’ll get intensive training on how to generate organic leads for your Facebook company for free.

Because you will need to promote your products to an online audience, it is vital to start with the funnel.

Selling it to your target audience will earn you 90% commissions. Your audience will need customers to support their businesses.

How can they find them?

Look at what they do online or which buying sites they most frequent on the internet.

A variety of digital platforms allow you to reach customers. Take this as an example: You can advertise via YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

How Does blake nubars Program Work

Then there’s Facebook.

It’s the largest and most widespread social network on the planet.

It allows any business to generate leads. You will not only be earning large commissions, but your efforts will help you reach the right audience to generate sales through Facebook.

They will give you a sales funnel to use for targeting specific niches. As an added bonus, you will receive a list of over 2,000 niches once you have signed up.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll get a funnel along with other valuable tools. It takes no time to create a funnel, and then you can begin promoting it within the niche you have chosen.

This software will teach you how to social media market and help you make money by referring people.

An Overview Of Blake’s Partner Program

Overview Of Blake’s Partner Program

The members’ area is pretty awesome. It doesn’t have a lot of upsells or clutter. I love the way you get to the core of your education and training.

An Overview Of Blake’s Partner Program

Blake’s Partner Program

Logging in to your portal for the first time will reveal a header menu that displays the complete program. The start Here’ tab will contain the program’s basics.

This introductory module will guide you through getting started and what you can expect from the training. The fundamentals include:

  • Blake asks you if this is something that you want to do: Your reason for paying for his course using your earned money must be compelling. You can move on to the next level after you have answered this question.
  • Be dedicated to success: It is possible to succeed if your mind works hard enough, allowing you to get more things done and save time. This section is not for you unless you are willing to make an effort.
  • Be a VIP Club member: This VIP club is impressive. It has taught me many skills. If you have any concerns about the platform, you can always ask. I have posted several questions here, and Nubar has responded with a lot of information. Blake Nubar will spend lots of time here supporting others.
  • Create a ClickFunnels Account here: Blake will prepare the majority of his content using ClickFunnels. This is something he supports as 2 CC members. I just signed in and moved on to the next level as I already had a ClickFunnels Account.

Module 1: Choose Your Niche.

blake nubar partner program

This program begins with attitude, which I believe is important. Then it moves to success stories of students and actual examples. Many people have already chosen their niche.

This training will teach you how to “niche down” to focus on a specific segment within a larger niche. It also teaches you how to make yourself the most respected “authority” in your niche.

Module 2: Customize Your Funnel.

Partner Program Blake Nubar's

A sales funnel is already in place. But you need to adapt it to the needs of your target audience. It seems like a daunting task, but Blake is a master at what he does.

Module 2 is all about customizing the sales funnel! This module will teach you how to:

  • Import the sales funnel of your company.
  • Get a Domain Name.
  • Share your domain name with the team to add it to your customized funnel.

In addition to all of these, you’ll also learn how to set up the following:

  • 2-Step Order Form Page
  • Confirmation Page for Orders
  • Masterclass Page
  • Downsell Page for Masterclass
  • Access Page for Members
  • Area Page for Members
  • Legal Page
  • Adding Social Share Images
  • Creating Page Paths
  • Connecting Your Domain Name

All the work has been done for you. You only need to modify the template and add text to make your offer appealing to your target audience.

Get Started With Your Emails.

join targeted facebook groups

Email marketing is considered one of the most effective marketing methods. You’ll need to spend a lot of money on advertising if your goal is to go all-in on it.

It is the most effective way of connecting with your customers. You can have a constructive conversation and make cold customers hot customers who will continue to buy your products.

More often than not, it’s challenging to get going. You don’t know how to start if there is no prior experience. Blake will show you how it works.

He will provide email templates that you can use. The email templates will be ready for you to customize to your target audience. It’s as simple as changing the terminology to mean customization. Blake has tested all the models.

They’re all top performers as a result.

Additionally, you can add your payment process and access a selection of training material and video tutorials regarding follow-ups.

When you reach the end, you’ll have a good grasp of how to set up and manage email accounts.

What products are you selling?

You will place them in this area. First, install the done-for-you products.

Some videos will teach you how to add convincing product information and update Stripe payment before importing it. Blake will also provide a profile funnel for you and a link to share with your customers.

You will probably need the upsells. They will be added to your fulfillment email at this stage.

Module 3: Adding Products

What are you selling?

These will be listed in the next section. Installing the items that have been done for you is the first thing.

Some tutorials will help you add convincing product details to every product and update the Stripe payments method before importing it.

Blake Nubar also provides a profile funnel for you and a connection that you can share with your customers. You’ll likely need the upsells. You will include them in this stage, along with your fulfillment emails.

This section will end with you creating a Facebook profile. You will have access to the template that you can import and personalize.

A personalized profile may be required depending on your industry. It will help you draw prospects into your inbox or funnel.

Blake offers several templates in different formats. Click the one you like to download and begin receiving Facebook leads right away.

Organic Traffic

blake nubar Organic Traffic

Traffic is essential once your funnel has been set up. Organic traffic converts well and is the best type. Blake will demonstrate how to build a profile funnel as well as an organic traffic strategy.

You can also join targeted Facebook groups where your customers hang out. The right engagement strategies are necessary to bring customers into your funnel.

Paid Traffic

blake nubars Paid Traffic

Blake will demonstrate in this section how to get paid visitors after you have organic traffic. He will hire a professional to manage his Facebook advertising.

You will learn how to manage and create Facebook ads that are successful.

successful online business

The top menu’s next item will be “update,” which contains information on new techniques, processes, and other details.

Video Scripts

Blake shows how to lead a masterclass using his Sales script. He also provides a Launch Checklist to help you ensure that your webinar is designed correctly.

You can also customize the introduction script and membership area.

How Much Does The Blake Nubar Program Cost?

Think about everything you have learned from the previous steps. The Masterclass costs $997, and the interactive product suite totals $9,997.

The revenue funnel that generates $1k per day is the most expensive. It is valued at $14,997. Its net value, which includes incentives, is $37,976.

The Blake Nubar Program Cost

It’s incredible how little you’ll need to pay.

It’s only $997, and you’ll be able to save $36,979.

Isn’t this amazing?

You’d have gained a lot from the curriculum by the time it was over. It is a great program, and I can make a lot of income from the partnership fees and talents.

Blake Nubar Testimonials From Elite Speakers

This is where it gets interesting. You’ll learn a lot more about the products you sell. The Entry Level Product, which costs $7.00, is a DIY product.

Blake Nubar Testimonials

Your new customers will have the opportunity to look over your products and then decide for themselves. This could include creating their own funnels or writing their own email list.

They can easily do all the work themselves, including writing emails and setting up landing pages to capture leads. It might seem like a low cost, but it is mostly manual work and effort.

However, they are getting a great deal and can save a lot of money for what they learn.

The “Order Form Bump,” a $37-product, comes at just the right moment they’re about to hit “send” to their $7.00 purchase. They are then bombarded with an “order form bump” for selling the second product.

This product shows YOUR customer how to gain followers quickly. It’s a specific and tested method that can help them quickly reach their following 1,000 followers.

The Masterclass of the highest caliber, “Done With You” ($197), shows them how to get everything they need. This includes the sales funnel, graphics, and templates that will help them quickly create their ideal framework.

Blake Nubar Partnership Program Customer Reviews

Blake Nubar Partnership Program Customer Reviews

Blake Nubar Partnership Program Customer Review


  • The most sought-after sales funnel
  • Secret social media sales funnel
  • Step-by-step learning
  • Great bonuses
  • LIVE demonstration of how to make money with it
  • 2,000+ Niches
  • This is the perfect place for beginners! No product or marketing experience is required.
  • Owners of Blake’s private Facebook are very supportive.
  • Blake Nubar offers the opportunity to become a direct partner.


  • Your funnel would require some videos.
  • A website is necessary to start.
  • It is costly for beginners.

Is Blake Nubar A Scam?

Blake Nuba isn’t a scam. It can be challenging to gain organic traffic on Facebook. It can take quite a while to increase your number of followers and convert them to customers.

Not only is it expensive, but running Facebook ads can also be costly for those who are just starting out. Over time, the cost of advertising on Facebook is rising.

Sometimes, it can cost $35 to obtain a lead with an average conversion rate of 10%. That is $350 for a single deal (or sale).

When it comes time to building a successful online business, however, you have many options.

Even if you are determined to become a digital marketing specialist, you have far better options than the Blake Nubar Program.

It’s important to note that we don’t receive any compensation for reviewing programs. We believe leads generation can be a great business model. However, you may end up losing way too much.

But, when it comes to building a business, you have plenty of options.

And even if you’re dead set on becoming a digital marketer, you’ve got way better options than the Blake Nubar Partner Program.

Keep in mind, we don’t get paid to promote any of the programs we review. We personally think running facebook ads is a great business model (at least while a good ad is running), but you could end up leaving way too much money on the table.

What Is Our #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2023?blake nubar reviews

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense, it’s all digital.

Yup, Digital Leasing!

Where Blake Nubar Partner Program falls short is in scalability.

You can’t realistically expect to be able to set up a bunch of different Social Media Campaigns and maintain them throughout all hours of the day.

It just takes too many resources (money included) for any regular person to bootstrap.

But what if you could make even more money off of little local websites without having to spend all your day monitoring different campaigns?

With this Digital Leasing program, you can profit off LOCAL traffic to your website every single day!

Sound too good to be true?

Of course it does!

But it isn’t…in fact, business owners wish they had this skill!

All you have to do is build and rank a LOCAL website and forward the jobs off to a business owner in town, you could even email it to them!

This works for literally any service based business, tree service, plumbing, towing, etc.

How do you get paid and how much?

Simple, after you forward the jobs off to a business owner and he makes some money off of them, you simply ask to make the deal beneficial for each other.

A fair price to charge per lead, depending on the industry is 10-20%…let’s just use the tree service industry for example and go by worst case scenario.

Let’s say you build and rank the site and only 10 jobs a month come in. The average tree service job is anywhere from $500-$2000!

That means at bare minimum you have an asset worth $500 a month!

See why they call it Digital Leasing now? That’s a rent payment.

The great thing is how easy it is to scale. You don’t have to worry about various CPC’s setting off different campaigns in the red at different times.

This program actually allows you to collect HUGE FLAT RATE DEALS.

Truly passive income!

The training program takes making money online to a whole other level. The owner of the program walks you through how to build and rank a site hand in hand, with the occasional voice over when he is sharing his screen.

You will learn the importance of keywords, website name, how to send call notifications via email, backlinking, etc.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to their Facebook group which much better than the Blake Nubar Partner Program group in our opinion. This group is much more active.

A business will always want more leads and another job. In fact it doesn’t even matter that the job isn’t coming from their website name…they see it as it is…expanding Digital Leasing.

Unlike Blake Nubar Partner Program, more people have been able to walk away from their 9-5 job as well.

Now, I know you probably have tons of questions…

So, check this out to learn more.

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