Tanner Chedester’s Elite CEOs is an ad agency course. The basic premise is that you’ll learn how to build your own ad agency, land clients, and get them results.
Running an agency (even though they’re a bit of a commodity nowadays) isn’t a bad way to get your feet wet in the world of the online affiliate marketing business.
That said, there are a lot of moving parts with this business model:
- Prospecting – you need to know how to find potential clients
- Sales – you need to know how to convince those clients to give you money
- Media Buying – you need to know how to run ads profitably
- Copywriting – you need to know how to tailor your ad messaging for the right customers
- Design – you need to know how to design ads/landing pages to maximize conversions
- Email Marketing – you need to know how to follow up with prospects and customers
- Automation – you need to know how to connect everything properly
Now, most course-sellers will try to make this easier on you by telling you they’ve managed to “automate everything”, offering “plug-and-play” campaigns, and “pre-built templates”.
Here’s the thing though:
Markets are always changing. They get more savvy as time goes on.
If you buy a program with thousands of other students, where everything is built out for you, there’s an almost 100% chance those templates don’t work.
Because if thousands of other students are using those exact same “plug and play” campaigns, tens of millions of people have already seen them, reducing their effectiveness.
Not to mention, with most agency programs, the templates are actually built by some virtual assistant in the Philippines or India, and have never actually been tested in real life.
And if they have, there’s a good chance they’re extremely outdated, since most programs don’t bother updating their templates after launching. The course creator gets too busy just trying to sell to more and more students, instead of focusing on quality education.
Now, here’s the most sinister part of this whole thing:
Most course creators market their agency courses as something you can do anywhere in the world. You might hear them say things like “The world is my office” or “This is a simple passive income business”.
That’s just plain false. Running an effective agency is in no way passive. Look at the list above, and remember that you can’t rely on pre-built templates. You’re responsible for every part of the process.
Does that really sound like a business you can do from a laptop on the beach?
See how this could be a problem?
Now, what if there was a way you could build a passive income stream that’s actually passive?
An income stream that doesn’t require:
- Mastering 100 different roles
- Needing to be a technology wizard
- Working round the clock just to keep things from blowing up
An income stream that brings in consistent revenues every single month (from a couple thousand dollars to well over $10,000)?
An income stream you could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing, selling, or managing anything?
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out Digital Leasing.
However, if you’d still like to know more about Tanner Chidester and his online coaching program, Elite CEOs, keep reading.
Who Is Tanner Chidester?
Known as the guy who went from being a nobody to a millionaire, Tanner Chidester is the man who made it possible for a lot of business owners to make tons of money together with his online coaching program, Elite CEOs.
And you can’t say it’s just luck as he already made his first breakthrough with his health and fitness coaching program, Fit Warrior.
To emphasize how big his name has become, Forbes, Business Insider, and CNBC took the liberty of writing about his training program’s success in their feature articles.
An incredible feat of any real guru if you ask me.
This is just the tip of this man’s win streak in life as we learn more about how his online business model can change your life.
What’s Inside Tanner Chidester’s Coaching Programs?
I guess, everyone wants their investments to pay off, especially if you spent thousands of dollars.
True to their promise, Tanner and his team provides Elite CEOs with a premium coaching program. Here’s a list of it:
- Access to a private Facebook community that can help you build network.
- Streams that allows you to interact and exchange information to consultants and other members.
- Provided coaching materials that you can read and watch
- 1 on 1 coaching from his team which can be scheduled
His materials and beginner programs are as follows:
- Module #1: Private Facebook Group
- Module #2: Organic Messaging 101
- Module #3: Messaging & Sales Calls
- Module #4: Intro To Facebook Ads
- Module #5: Setting Up Your Funnel
You will be the one to judge whether these incentives are worth your thousands.
How Does Elite CEOs Keep On Making Money Online?
Despite the high prices of Tanner’s training programs, it seems that a lot of people are still buying. Why?
First, the reason I can think of is probably Tanner himself.
Hearing a story of a man who dreamt and conquered inspires a lot of people.
For a guy who once was an Olive Garden employee, spiking his net worth to a million really appeals to the public. Everyone wants to know his secret.
His first business also seems to be making it big because of him. With his tight body, no wonder a lot of people are buying his fitness coaching business.
Tanner’s really doing a great job walking the talk.
Another reason is the abundance of his ads. Literally, his ads are everywhere on Facebook and YouTube. I’ll be surprised if you haven’t come across it once or twice while searching for ways to make money online.
People love some ads, and of course, it’s an old preconditioning mind trick that makes you curious about that huge guy who kept talking about making you rich.
Pitching about $10k a month of profit seems to be the main reason why people keep being reeled in.
Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and who better to teach-how than an actual millionaire?
What Does The Internet Have To Say About Tanner Chidester?
Not everyone is making it big within the program, but it is noticeable how a lot of Tanner Chidester & Elite CEOs reviews are pretty positive.
“100% recommend !
Amazing knowledge, amazing coaching, and amazing structure for helping their clients grow in their business. The experience has been 100% great and they’ve lived up to everything that they have promised. Recommended for ANYONE who has an offer that they are looking to transform and sell in a high-ticket way!” A Trust Pilot review from Hunter Mariano.
Here’s another one from Justin Smith:
I joined Elite CEOs about 6 weeks ago and it’s been a game changer for me!
I’ve been in other coaching programs before and they don’t provide half the value these guys do!
Having access to my own coach is exactly what’s been missing from life. We all need a little push and pep talk sometimes and Ryan provides that and then some! He answers all my questions promptly and to the degree I need them to be answered. This dude has helped me with SO MUCH MORE than just my business. He’s also provided a ton of insight and value to my personal life as well.
Besides just Ryan, the whole team is great! Having access to a mindset coach is something I’ve never experienced before and having some childhood trauma I needed to deal with I thought Nathalie would be the perfect person to help and it turns out I was right. The insight she provides from the perspective she provides it is second to none.
These two people alone made it worth my investment, but it doesn’t stop there.
The VP of Client Success, Benson, is an absolute life saver when you’re in a jam and need some extra help. He goes above and beyond to help people in the program in ways that I’ve never really seen. To be completely honest, I’m not sure if this man even sleeps.
Coaching calls almost daily, an extensive portal of information and a team in which everyone cares about your success is a recipe for success if you do the work!
I highly recommend Elite CEOs to anyone and everyone looking to grow their business!”
It seems that only a few bad reviews are to be found about this coaching program.
Contrary to being just one of those very expensive coaching programs, this positive feedback makes you wonder if Tanner Chidester is really earning his money through his business model.
I imagine that he actually is and that he’s highly diversified as well. Unlike most gurus in the space that just make money from their course sales.
Is Tanner Chidester A Scam?
So, is Elite CEOs a scam? Not technically. You can make money with this program, but it’s definitely not as easy as Tanner Chidester makes it sound.
There’s a ton of work to be done upfront, no real guarantee of success, and – most importantly – running an agency is extremely active income (NOT passive).
Now, there’s nothing wrong with front-loading the work and making the money later.
But if you’re getting into this game to live life on your terms, travel the world, and generate passive or semi-passive income from anywhere, then this isn’t for you.
What if, instead, you could put in a couple hours a day (in your spare time) to build a single digital asset, and your reward was a $500 to $2,000 payment that came in every single month?
And what if you could get started today and have your first payment in a week?
And what if you could double it next week?
Well, that’s the power of Digital Leasing.
And, unlike a traditional ad agency, you can legitimately do this from anywhere. It’s a true lifestyle business.
Your laptop and an internet connection is all you need.
Some of the most successful students in this program run their entire 6-figure businesses from:
- A camper in the middle of the woods
- A beach chair on the water in Mexico
- A small villa in Greece
They’re able to travel around, living their lives first, and focusing on their income second.
Because even if they stop working for an extended period of time, the money keeps coming in.
So adventure, memories, and experience are the top priority.
And they never have to worry about how to pay for the next trip, or consider asking for time off.
If this sounds more like the type of life you want to lead, just click here to find out more about Digital Leasing.
How Much Does Tanner Chidester’s Programs Cost?
This is where it gets a bit overwhelming.
Purchasing Elite CEOs’ service is no where near cheap.
They may try to fish for you by saying that you can begin the you can be part of a a high ticket coaching program with just $37 but the truth is…
This is just another sales funnel disguised to hide the true price of what you’re getting into.
In fact according to thorough research you’ll need around ten grand to have a 1-1 mentorship with one of their experts.
Shocking, right?
But hold on, that’s just scratching the surface. There are more large hidden numbers to uncover.
Remember how they promise to teach you all about the sales and marketing stuff? Well, you best prepare your $240 monthly for tools.
And the coaching?
Let’s just say $18,000 will be waving its hand to you as it disappears from your bank account.
Seriously, I thought that was it after eighteen grand but seems like it’s not.
Here’s a list of additional stuff that may empty your pockets monthly:
- $97 – Sales funnel
- $15 – Email Autoresponder i.e. Aweber
- $27 – Tracking Software i.e. ClickMagic
- $100- Facebook and Youtube ads
Is spending all this money on this very expensive coaching program really worth it? What exactly does your money amount to?
Would you be better off running a slimy affiliate marketing business?
Does Tanner Chidester Offer A Refund Policy?
Tanner does offer a refund policy on his programs and products within a 14 day period, so long as 25% or less of the program is used.
I think that’s a fair refund policy. After all, if you do use a product to completion…and then want a refund…how is that fair to Tanner?
That’s kind of like going to McDonalds, them messing up your order, you eating it anyway, and then asking for a refund…
Doesn’t make much sense huh?
Something I’m not really a fan of though is the “note” section he has above the refund.
I don’t like that he’s gonna send payment defaults to collections and negatively impact someones credit score.
Are There Alternatives To Tanner Chidester?
Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue this making money online. Here are just a few:
What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025?
Our team has spent months researching, reviewing, and vetting dozens of business models and thousands of programs.
While there may be no “perfect business”, the research IS conclusive:
Digital Leasing is the #1 online business model for those just starting out.
Whether you’ve never made a dollar online, or you’ve been in this space for a while but never really “made it,” Digital Leasing is for you.
1) It’s Flexible: got an hour a day? You can do this. Ready to drop everything else and dive in full time? You can do this. Yes, the more time you put in, the faster you see results. But even with a little time each day, you can move the needle in a Digital Leasing business.
And because this system is so flexible, you don’t have to constantly be working to make more money. It’s called PASSIVE INCOME because if you stop working, the money doesn’t.
Imagine taking 3 months off to just tour around Europe, rent a cabin in the woods to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, or live on the beach and surf all day.
This is only possible if you have an income stream that’s not tied to your time.
2) You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With an ad agency, you don’t really own anything.
You’re a hired gun for clients, and entirely at their mercy.
Sure, you own your agency, but if your business grinds to a halt once you stop working, all you really have is a self-created job.
It’s a tough business model.
With Digital Leasing (a passive income stream), you own all the assets, which means you have all the power and all the control.
3) Little To No Startup Costs: It’s possible to get into Digital Leasing with zero dollars upfront. Because, using the strategies outlined in this program, you can get a client to pay you BEFORE spending a penny out of your own pocket…even before you do any work.
Even without getting paid in advance, you can have your first Digital Rental Property up, running, and generating profits for less than $100.
4) Easy To Duplicate: Ok, here’s the best part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up and running, you can literally DOUBLE your income with a few clicks, a couple keystrokes, and a single phone call (and you don’t actually need the phone call).
Remember: each Digital Rental Property is worth $500 to $2,000 a month in semi-passive income (over 95% profit). Every time you decide to create another one and increase your income, it gets easier.
Because you have more knowledge, more experience, more results, and more momentum.
If you wanted to double your income with an ad agency, you’d have to double your clients OR double the monthly payment of your existing customers. And, guaranteed that’s a lot harder than a few clicks and a few minutes of your life.
5) Make Money Helping Real People: This part is what makes it all worth it. With Digital Leasing, you’re actually helping people by solving your clients’ biggest problem:
Small, local businesses need more customers, and with Digital Leasing, you are unleashing a flood of happy, paying customers for these businesses.
You make money by helping them make money.
Not a big, faceless corporation either…a small business owner who’s using that money to put food on the table for their family, start a college fund for their kids, or take care of a sick parent.
Once you see how Digital Leasing makes a real impact in the lives of real people, you’ll sleep like a baby with a big smile on your face.
Now, the choice is yours. You could continue browsing, looking at opportunities like the Elite CEOs program which could one day make you money.
You could continue researching, never making a decision.
OR, you could take a look inside, consider what you really want, and join a program that makes your dreams a reality. At the same time, joining a community of over 2,000 successful students that are living life on their own terms thanks to Digital Leasing.
A consistent, reliable, semi-passive stream of income that doesn’t depend on you or your time to keep producing profits.
All while genuinely helping real people who are grateful and happy to pay for it.
If this sounds more like what you want out of life (or if you just want some nice side income), click here to learn more about Digital Leasing.