
Keyboard Rich Review (Updated 2025): Is Bill Von Fumetti Your Ticket To Making Money?

By: Joel & Josiah
Keybooard Rich Review

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

Hey there! With so many work from home opportunities out there promising easy money, it can be tricky figuring out which ones are actually legit. 

As someone who’s spent years researching and reviewing programs like this, I’ve gotten pretty good at separating the rubber from the road. 

So when I recently came across Bill Von Fumetti and his “Keyboard Rich” program, I knew I had to take a closer look. The idea of earning a six figures from home through bookkeeping definitely piqued my interest. After all, who wouldn’t want that kind of time and financial freedom?

But I’ve also seen plenty of similar opportunities turn out to be nothing but smoke and mirrors. So I dug in deep to find out if Keyboard Rich could really deliver on its promises or if it’s just more pie in the sky.

In this brutally honest Keyboard Rich review, I’ll give you the full lowdown after spending hours researching the program, scouring through dozens of real customer reviews, and evaluating whether the business model is truly viable.

This Keyboard Rich review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
Training Curriculum

Average Rating


The curriculum itself provides a solid baseline introduction to bookkeeping concepts and how to get set up as a bookkeeper. However, it’s pretty short at just 150 pages and lacks some depth needed if you are starting totally from scratch. Keep in mind, that the book is essentially a gateway into his Booming Bookkeeping program so if you’re focusing entirely on the book, there’s really no mentorship or community because it’s confined to the book itself and some social media groups that you can join.

30 hours of training content which means you'll get a sampling of bookkeeping specifics as well as marketing methods to promote yourself.
You gain access to easy to follow checklists and procedures so you don't need to worry about missing any technical steps.
Relatable personal stories throughout the book show you that results are possible if you apply yourself.
Light on actionable details needed as a beginner since the book is rather short.
No direct mentor guidance offered unless you sign up for the premium program.
The book focuses on a solo-dimensional journey which doesn’t offer a lot of versatility in terms of people from different backgrounds so it may be hard to relate to at times.


  • 30 hours of training content which means you'll get a sampling of bookkeeping specifics as well as marketing methods to promote yourself.
  • You gain access to easy to follow checklists and procedures so you don't need to worry about missing any technical steps.
  • Relatable personal stories throughout the book show you that results are possible if you apply yourself.


  • Light on actionable details needed as a beginner since the book is rather short.
  • No direct mentor guidance offered unless you sign up for the premium program.
  • The book focuses on a solo-dimensional journey which doesn’t offer a lot of versatility in terms of people from different backgrounds so it may be hard to relate to at times.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


TLDR – Can You Really Expect to Get “Keyboard Rich” From a Book?

TLDR - Can You Really Expect to Get “Keyboard Rich” From a Book?

Time for the $1 million dollar question: Is Keyboard Rich a legitimate way to make serious money like Bill Von Fumetti claims?

It’s possible to learn some entry-level basics from the book, so in that sense you do get something for your money.

But the much more important question is: is Keyboard Rich actually worth the investment for most people?

My honest answer is not on its own.

There’s no way a 150-page book is going to teach you how to start a bookkeeping business, get clients, and make six-figures without you having to do something else. 

And by the time you finish the book, you’re going to know exactly what that something else is. In fact, you’ll know by the end of the first chapter.

It’s to buy Bill’s course. 

Now obviously, buying this book isn’t going to break the bank because it’s basically free, but why even go through this?

There are more comprehensive training programs out there proven to guide thousands to success already. Why not just buy a program instead of reading the book first?

Now I don’t think Bill had ill intent creating this. He’s created a pretty successful lead magnet with the book as a way to funnel people into his course.

But why not go for something with a little more potential? 

Bill targets people with no experience, people who want to make money online, those who look to live a laptop lifestyle. 

Does bookkeeping really sound like a fun way to travel the world and make money online?

I’m kinda wiped out just thinking about it. 

That’s why we recommend Digital Leasing.

This business model is a great way for beginners to dive into the world of digital marketing without having to develop any new skills, acquire clients, or build a large customer-base that keeps you busy around the block.  

This business model awards you with:

  1. Location independence so you can live anywhere you want
  2. Low barrier of entry and beginner-friendly methods
  3. Long-term potential to scale up and break through the glass ceiling

If that sounds interesting, you might want to learn more about this program

But if you’re still interested in exploring the virtual model of bookkeeping, continue reading about Keyboard Rich.

Who Benefits From Keyboard Rich & Who Doesn’t

Who Benefits From Keyboard Rich & Who Doesn't

When looking at any program, it’s important to consider who it’s really designed for. 

For example, for me, bookkeeping is a complete nightmare. Staring at spreadsheets and analyzing financial data all day would make me want to drink.

But within that, is the training method itself that we need to look at. 

Who Benefits Most From Keyboard Rich

The Keyboard Rich book and training is likely a decent starting point specifically for those who:

  • Have minimal financial commitments and the flexibility to experiment with a side business before fully leaving their job.
  • Consider themselves pretty tech savvy and capable of signing up for free quickbooks account.
  • Learn best via independent reading and trial-and-error rather than needing their hand held through each step.

A great example of this person would be someone who has a successful job but extra time on nights and weekends.

You may already work in some type of business role so you have experience with managing money. Keep in mind there are numerous opportunities in this case like high-ticket sales or even affiliate marketing programs like Legendary Marketer.

Who Doesn’t Benefit From Keyboard Rich 

On the other hand, this program may not be right for:

  • Total newbies to online business who are used to a more traditional form of business involving in-person interaction.
  • Anyone completely against sales or unable to sell themselves.
  • Those who require someone to set up the business for them and give them everything needed to succeed.

Let’s be real, there’s no way a book is going to make you rich. You’re going to have to do a lot of this on your own. 

Not to mention the fact that the whole book is basically a sales pitch. One reviewer on GoodReads said that many of the chapters read like a “bait to get someone to a buy a product.” 

…Which makes perfect sense because the book itself is not enough for you to start an online business

1,000 FT View of Keyboard Rich 

1,000 FT View of Keyboard Rich 
Program NameKeyboard Rich
OwnerBill Von Fumetti
RefundNo refund policy

Keyboard Rich is a book and some limited training created by Bill Von Fumetti with the goal of teaching readers how to start and grow a bookkeeping business from scratch.

Business Model

The underlying business model itself is straight forward – providing professional bookkeeping, accounting, and financial management services to small businesses on an ongoing virtual retainer basis.

There is demand for these services. Business owners frequently need help keeping their books clean but don’t necessarily want a full time in house accountant. This is where an independent bookkeeper can step in part time.

When executed well, the bookkeeper is able to command premium ongoing retainers that lead to fairly high income for the work required. Profit margins approach nearly 100% since beyond the initial QuickBooks subscription.

The only real risk associated with the program is on the delivery side. You need to be able to sell yourself, get clients, and deliver on your promise. 

About the Guru

picture of bill von fumetti

Bill positions himself as an average guy who stumbled upon virtual bookkeeping services while working a soul-sucking job. Once discovering how lucrative it could be, he trained himself and now earns multiple 6-figures managing books for clients across the country.

The premise is by reading his book and following the steps, someone with no prior business or bookkeeping experience can replicate his success.

We see this exact model a lot in the “make money online” space. One person was sick and tired of being sick and tired so they created a course to teach you how to do what they do.

Keyboard Rich Cost

keyboard rich cost

When it comes to Keyboard Rich cost, it varies depending on where and how you read it. 

The hard copy retails for around $20 but it’s available for $0.99 in digital format. If you use the sales funnel on Bill’s website, you can get the book and only pay $7.95 shipping. 

That said, the book is just a segway into the Booming Bookkeeper Course which costs $1,997 according to Bill’s blog.

Is This A “Keyboard Rich Scam” and Should I Be Concerned?

Alright, alright, alright. Can you get rich selling bookkeeping services? Can you make any money at all?

Of course you can make money. 

There’s no “keyboard rich scam.”

But at the same time, when I dig into both Bill’s backstory and the lack of substance within the actual training, I can’t help but remain skeptical.

Now I obviously have never met Bill in real life. But from reviewing his web presence and reading between the lines of his tale…let’s just say some things don’t quite add up. The limited evidence of his past “failures” and sudden transition to flashy success raise some eyebrows.

But, no matter what, there is real opportunity if you put in the work, read the book, and maybe sign up for his premium courses as well. If you apply yourself, you’ll likely make some money. 

I do have a few big issues though:

  1. It’s not passive income
  2. It relies on continuous sales and always chasing the next client
  3. You need to have at least a little aptitude in math to be successful

This is why I recommend Digital Leasing as an alternative online business. 

You can follow a proven, systematic formula of success with Digital Leasing and you get to mold your path based on those who’ve done it before. 

Instead of listening to one guy tell you about his path to riches, you can follow in the footsteps of others and bounce ideas back and forth. 

Best of all, it doesn’t involve boring data entry prior experience or degree credentials.

I have friends who have been able to transform their life with this virtual model. They have passive income, long-term scalability, and they’ve been able to do it all with no experience. 

You could shoot for your own bookkeeping business or you could chase a real dream in Digital Leasing.

Not sure? Check it out for yourself

What’s Inside Keyboard Rich With Bill Von Fumetti?

What’s Inside Keyboard Rich With Bill Von Fumetti?
Area of ImportanceScoreTakeaway
Time Investment1/5The main pitch is to create a location independent business but it’s pretty clear there’s little to hope for in terms of passive income.
Upfront Cost4/5The book costs nearly nothing but there are upsells for Bill’s course.
Learning Curve3/5Overall, compared to some business models, I don’t think this one would be too hard to learn.
Profit Potential3/5The long-term earning potential is lower than some other business models simply because you’re only capable of doing so much work if there’s no automation.

The core of the program lies within Bill’s 150 page book that aims to explain everything needed to start a bookkeeping business. It supposedly shares the exact methods he used himself to get started with no experience and grow to 6-figures.

You’ll learn the following:

  • Schemes vs. skills where he covers tried and true methods for making money online
  • Turning $0 into $100K which explains how he turned $70 into six figures
  • The myths about qualifications and misconceptions over what you need to know
  • How to get clients without selling
  • How to automate some of the process and do so smoothly 

Compared to comprehensive virtual business training programs I often review and recommend, Keyboard Rich falls extremely short on depth of content, actionable details, and supplemental materials. 

Many of those programs supply 10x as many step-by-step video lessons, downloadable templates & checklists, even one-on-one email coaching.

As I’ve said, a lot of the book seems to serve as a gateway for his full-scale program, Booming Bookkeeping.

Ready to Start a Six Figure Bookkeeping Business?… Maybe 

final thoughts of keyboard rich review

Given the limited hands-on details and absence of any real community or support, I cannot recommend Keyboard Rich as a viable path forward for most aspiring entrepreneurs.

While bookkeeping can absolutely be a lucrative service business, this guide lacks the depth or supplemental materials needed for total beginners to have a real shot.

After writing this Keyboard Rich review, I think the book is fine but I think you’d be better off exploring business models with more long-term potential and opportunity. 

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025?

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing

Look, at the end of the day, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach that works perfectly for everyone when it comes to making money online. I should know because I’ve tried numerous business opportunities over the years.

You can make money doing almost anything if you’re willing to put your head down and grind it out.

One thing I really don’t care for is jumping on trendy niches. I prefer tried and true business models that have been successful forever.

This is why I recommend digital leasing as my number one opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Here’s why I think it’s better than bookkeeping and the Keyboard Rich Program:

1. Time and Location Flexibility

The beauty of a virtual services business is you aren’t chained to a desk. Want to take off for a month abroad once things stabilize? Go for it! Only have sporadic pockets of free time but still need extra cash? Piecemeal work can do the trick!

Point is you call the shots around WHEN and how much you work on your schedule as clients and personal life demands. Especially as teams scale later, removing day-to-day obligations.

If you’re managing someone’s money and dealing with boring data entry all the time, good luck taking time off whenever you want.

2. Limitless Margins

Here’s the truth most gurus conveniently ignore – real talk – many mainstream models scrape by on crumbs after splitting with platforms and middlemen despite popular perception. Even if you build a six figure bookkeeping business, you may still find yourself borrowing money to stay afloat.

Specialized services like Digital Leasing have both unlimited income potential and opportunities to increase your income on-demand.

3. Copy-Paste Scalability 

Speaking of increase your money on-demand, did we mention scalability?

This still blows me away but once crafting a core offer service blueprint, replicating more is strangely simple. Find fresh leads, plug-and-play retargeting previous templates then optimize based on niche.

Doubling revenue no longer means sacrificing double sweat and tears too! Eventually delegating tasks or looping partners spreads effort even thinner as you scale wider.

With a simple bookkeeping business like Keyboard Rich teaches, you need to constantly be out there, pounding the pavement, trying to pick up new clients.

4. Tangible Impact on Society

Beyond profits, few things provide meaning like genuinely bettering other lives. Solving real problems in the world drives inspiration waking up daily.

And small businesses need that lifeline now more than ever. A tiny lifeline goes such a long way for the cafe owner struggling through inflation and staffing woes just trying to feed family.

Help enough households so kids make sports teams and couples retire a bit more comfortably thanks to you. That rippling impact leaves a legacy lasting long after you’re gone.

It’s  all made possible with this business model

The rest is up to you. Think about the impact you want to have on the world.

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