
Insane Productivity Reviews: 9 Things You Should Consider First!

By: Joel & Josiah
Darren Hardy

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

Darren Hardy Insane Productivity Review – A Course Designed for Action Takers

Have you ever felt a tiny bit of jealously when you see your friends climbing the ladder of success, but you keep finding yourself at the bottom rung year after year?

You really don’t understand how they all appeared to have success after success when you’re stuck in a rut.

We’ve found Darren Hardy’s Insane Productivity, and a lot of people seem to be finding success with it.

We’re going to review multiple aspects of Insane Productivity to decide if it really is the best personality development course out there.

We’ll talk about whether Insane Productivity is the right self-development platform for you.

At the end, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding IS and personal development in general.

And most important, we’ll show you the exact system we used to build our own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system is such a great addition to personality development, because it uses some of the same skills in a much more powerful and profitable way!

This Insane Productivity review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
30-day money-back guarantee
Credible background, with a sizeable following in his YouTube channel
Includes video mentoring sessions with Darren
Takes a month to complete only 4 modules
Costly for beginners
Full refund is possible only after completing the worksheets of the first 4 modules.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Credible background, with a sizeable following in his YouTube channel
  • Includes video mentoring sessions with Darren


  • Takes a month to complete only 4 modules
  • Costly for beginners
  • Full refund is possible only after completing the worksheets of the first 4 modules.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


Who Is Darren Hardy?

At only 19, Darren Hardy started to have his first taste of success in business with a 6-figure income from his real estate venture. Since then, he has been unstoppable. He became a publisher of Success Magazine, while managing his own television networks.

His many profitable businesses demonstrate that he does what he preaches.

A Bestselling Author Multipl

Who Is Darren Hardy?

At only 19, Darren Hardy started to have his first taste of success in business with a 6-figure income from his real estate venture. Since then, he has been unstoppable. He became a publisher of Success Magazine, while managing his own television networks.

His many profitable businesses demonstrate that he does what he preaches.

A Bestselling Author Multiple Times Over

The 49-year-old California native is the author of many New York Times best-selling novels. His most popular book called, “The Compound Effect,” provides a guide on how you can achieve your business goals and discusses the effects of your daily choices on your business ventures and life in general.

Student Of An OG Entrepreneurial Pioneer

Darren was under the mentorship of the late Jim Rohn, who was widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our day – which makes Darren Hardy a legit guy.

Darren has over 25 years of proven track record in the success industry, Darren Hardy has established relationships with some of the most successful entrepreneurs. He is constantly providing training and workshops to others who want to achieve the same amount of success as he did. By visiting his website, you will find a lot about his life, accomplishments, activities, and much more.

A Summary Of Insane Productivity

Any one of us is worthy of greatness, and the only thing that distinguishes those who reach greatness from those that do not is a decision. It takes only ONE decision to change your whole life – and that could be Insane Productivity for all you know!

This may be your chance to give your family and those around you what they value the most from you – your time.

It’s not money, nor gifts, nor any material things.

If you run a successful business that provides you with passive income, it allows you more precious time to be spent with those you love.

Inside Insane Productivity, Darren Hardy Provides

A lot!

Darren Hardy shares his one-of-a-kind focus system, which was inspired by the philosophies of some of the twentieth century’s most successful people, including Steve Jobs, John Wooden, and Richard Branson.

Give Yourself An Unfair Advantage

Each video module is intended to help you remove distractions. Use the information in his audio-video modules to stay ahead of the game.

Darren Hardy provides you with a one-of-a-kind training program experience that includes leadership strategies utilized by uber-successful people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Dell, and Mark Zuckerberg.

Discover The Ideal Future You

With Insane Productivity, you get a full glimpse at the kind of person you could potentially become. This isn’t like any of those typical training courses that provide you with videos and workbooks. No,  Insane Productivity is not just a course outline, it is an experience.

But not just any normal experience, but an expert-led journey that feels like a best friend is helping you out. Your progress can be tracked in real time and you are able to monitor your steps to boost your productivity, thereby allowing you to do better in less amount of time.

Unlike Anything Else Out There

Everything inside the Insane Productivity is completely unique. All modules are   chock-full of actionable techniques and strategies.

There is no fluff whatsover in the content.

insane productivity

What Is Included In Insane Productivity?

If you become a member of Insane Productivity, you can have access to a completely new and better version of yourself – in the style that fits you best.

The Insane Productivity Course contains the following modules:

  • 18 modules with high-quality instructional videos
  • Bonuses + Special Online Mentoring Sessions
  • A workbook to be filled out for each module
  • Worksheets, Action Guides, including Operation Systems
  • A collection of exclusive performance tools and resources
  • Access to discussion forums and private networking

Each module of the Insane Productivity platform is structured to provide you with the tools, content, and other important resources you need to boost your productivity level.

Hands-On Mentorship

Each video mentoring session assists you in putting into action what you’ve learned. You’ll uncover actionable tactics to give you a better concentration and, ultimately, help you earn more!

Besides these, you will also have LIFETIME ACCESS to the program, allowing you take the course as many times as you deem necessary to further improve your skills.

Is Insane Productivity Worth It?

But we won’t lie to you. This Darren Hardy program is not for those who can’t take action right away. If you want to “Carpe Diem”, you must be willing to do so!

This course is merely a tool, so it is up to you to put them to good use. If you ACT on a single module, it has the potential to alter your entire course in your entrepreneurial journey.

When you bring your dreams out into the world and begin taking action to fulfill them, you must be eager, able, and ready to accept what you deserve!

What Results Can You Expect From Insane Productivity?

Insane productivity will, in the end, alter the way you THINK, FEEL, and PERFORM. Question is, “Are you ready?”

When we are offered a mirror to our lives, it can be difficult to face the truth and the sad reality of what could have been. We would realize aspects of our lives that we are not very proud of.

Eliminate Negative Influences

What is much more difficult to comprehend is that the people we associate ourselves with may be contributing to the fact that we are not where we want to be in life or industry. Isn’t it true that all of us struggle with relationships that can be damaging to our work and personal lives?

Isn’t it true that everybody deals with inconsistency?

All has imprinted values that prevent us from becoming our most competitive selves. We’ve all reached the stage of our businesses that we’re keeping ourselves occupied but not really focused on achieving any goal.

And it essentially just keeps us occupied procrastinators but does nothing to help us accomplish the goals we set out to achieve!  When we willingly and purposefully invest in yourself, however, there is definitely a return of that investment.

And this course is no exception. It is an investment that  WILL provide you with incredibly outcomes. You will achieve results if you take the time to be present and concentrate on your vision, productivity, and prioritization.

Because of its success rate in our own business, we will continue to give our Darren Hardy review and Insane Productivity review to anyone we meet. You simply cannot fail by DECIDING to be an ACTION TAKER in this course.

Is There Support?

Yes, everyone in INSANE PRODUCTIVITY can be part of the private Facebook group as well as an incredible A-Team.

Before we write a review, we always do some research to see what people think and say. One thing we found out was that people were complaining about getting auto-responses as well as canned responses.

We’ve never experienced this, though.

Even the person who answers the conversation at the bottom of every page is a real person who virtually works with his small A-Team.

Like we said, the picture of the person typically appears at the bottom of the page. He has a fantastic team who is genuinely patient enough to address your every question and assist you in the best possible way they can.

Can You Get A Refund?

Yes, you do, according to the website!

Based on the website’s guarantee, you must finish the worksheets of the first four modules within the first 30 days and send them for a full refund.

You can join their starter membership at no cost, and will not require your credit card details.

Pros and cons of Insane Productivity

The Pros Of Insane Productivity

  • The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t triple your effectiveness by using Darren’s tools, you will get a full refund if you submit your first four module worksheets within 30 days.
  • With over 50k viewers on his YouTube channel, Darren Hardy has a sizeable following. There is a series of videos that will give you an idea of his teaching style and course material.
  • The training involves video mentoring sessions in which Darren shows you how to shield your mind from the effects of social media and how to harness your resources effectively.

The Cons Of Insane Productivity

  • The video material is updated once a week. You must wait until next week after completing a module. As a result, it would take a month to complete only four modules, and you won’t be able to immediately request a refund.
  • If you are a committed person, the course would not really provide you with any benefit.
  • To enroll in the course, you must first enter a waiting list, which is nothing more than a sales ploy.
  • Many young entrepreneurs who wish to increase their competitiveness would find the course extremely costly. To be honest, t he majority of the course materials are available elsewhere – absolutely free!
  • If you are not happy with the price, it is best to search for other books that provide similar material at a much lower cost.

Is Darren Hardy A Scam?

Insane Productivity, like most successful programs, has received some mixed criticism. Even so, we have no reason to assume that Darren Hardy is a fraudster, and no proof has been discovered too.

Darren has a solid and credible track record in his 25 years in the business. His experience on self-development is solid and reliable.

The question would be whether you really ought to spend in self-improvement or whether you just do not possess the ideas or expertise to earn money.

According to our observations, most people struggle in business not because they are inefficient, but because they began with something that does not work anymore.

More specifically, we think the perfect way to boost your productivity is to start a company that will make money even while you’re asleep.

After all, everybody just has 24 hours in a day, and you’d still like to have more time with your family and friends and be able to travel across the globe.

It is entirely possible to build a profitable, successful online business without Insane Productivity, however.

Our #1 pick proves this.

And unlike Insane Productivity, it actually provides real proof of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago.

Scam Risk’s #1 Recommended Way To Make Money Online In 2023

Digital Real Estate

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense…

Because it’s all digital.

Where Insane Productivity falls short is in application. Because in order to make a good amount in any venture, it really helps to have a mentor show you exactly wat you need to do to be successful.

With Local Digital Leasing, you will be getting service requests from multiple sites at every minute of the day from people who are willing to pay a lot of money for what you can provide them.

We were watching a YouTube video once where the host made a comment that it isn’t about making a lot of money from one website… it’s about making a little bit of money from lots of different websites.

So, think of it this way….

What if you could have streams of investment income where you operated 10 rental units that you could charge anywhere from a few hundred up to 1,000 or more per month?

What If You Invested Into 100 Rental Units?

But instead of spending $Millions to build houses or apartment complexes… you spend a couple hundred dollars to build websites.

You then get those websites ranked in the search engines for specific home-based services that customers are searching for.

Next, you offer your lead generation system to local business owners who are looking for customers and are willing to pay you for their information.

And Then…


You’ve just created a Digital Leasing Investment Empire that is potentially earning you 4-5 figures in PASSIVE INCOME on a monthly basis without spending a single dime on ads.

With conventional Digital Leasing, you have to compete with thousands, if not millions of others who are selling the SAME product to the SAME customers.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to a Facebook group much better than the Insane Productivity group in our opinion. This group is much more active.

Unlike Insane Productivity, where you might be able to make a couple thousand dollars per month, you could be getting 5-10X THAT.

With Local Lead Generation, the competition is virtually nothing and your profit margins are 85-90%… and it’s RESIDUAL!!!

That means you’re making money month after month whether you go into the office or not…

Whether you show a house or not…

Now, we could go on and on, but we’re sure you have tons of questions about how to create Digital Leasing assets and start building YOUR digital empire!

e Times Over

The 49-year-old California native is the author of many New York Times best-selling novels. His most popular book called, “The Compound Effect,” provides a guide on how you can achieve your business goals and discusses the effects of your daily choices on your business ventures and life in general.

Student Of An OG Entrepreneurial Pioneer

Darren was under the mentorship of the late Jim Rohn, who was widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our day – which makes Darren Hardy a legit guy.

Darren has over 25 years of proven track record in the success industry, Darren Hardy has established relationships with some of the most successful entrepreneurs. He is constantly providing training and workshops to others who want to achieve the same amount of success as he did. By visiting his website, you will find a lot about his life, accomplishments, activities, and much more.

A Summary Of Insane Productivity

Any one of us is worthy of greatness, and the only thing that distinguishes those who reach greatness from those that do not is a decision. It takes only ONE decision to change your whole life – and that could be Insane Productivity for all you know!

This may be your chance to give your family and those around you what they value the most from you – your time.

It’s not money, nor gifts, nor any material things.

If you run a successful business that provides you with passive income, it allows you more precious time to be spent with those you love.

Inside Insane Productivity, Darren Hardy Provides

A lot!

Darren Hardy shares his one-of-a-kind focus system, which was inspired by the philosophies of some of the twentieth century’s most successful people, including Steve Jobs, John Wooden, and Richard Branson.

Give Yourself An Unfair Advantage

Each video module is intended to help you remove distractions. Use the information in his audio-video modules to stay ahead of the game.

Darren Hardy provides you with a one-of-a-kind training program experience that includes leadership strategies utilized by uber-successful people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Dell, and Mark Zuckerberg.

Discover The Ideal Future You

With Insane Productivity, you get a full glimpse at the kind of person you could potentially become. This isn’t like any of those typical training courses that provide you with videos and workbooks. No,  Insane Productivity is not just a course outline, it is an experience.

But not just any normal experience, but an expert-led journey that feels like a best friend is helping you out. Your progress can be tracked in real time and you are able to monitor your steps to boost your productivity, thereby allowing you to do better in less amount of time.

Unlike Anything Else Out There

Everything inside the Insane Productivity is completely unique. All modules are   chock-full of actionable techniques and strategies.

There is no fluff whatsover in the content.

insane productivity

What Is Included In Insane Productivity?

If you become a member of Insane Productivity, you can have access to a completely new and better version of yourself – in the style that fits you best.

The Insane Productivity Course contains the following modules:

  • 18 modules with high-quality instructional videos
  • Bonuses + Special Online Mentoring Sessions
  • A workbook to be filled out for each module
  • Worksheets, Action Guides, including Operation Systems
  • A collection of exclusive performance tools and resources
  • Access to discussion forums and private networking

Each module of the Insane Productivity platform is structured to provide you with the tools, content, and other important resources you need to boost your productivity level.

Hands-On Mentorship

Each video mentoring session assists you in putting into action what you’ve learned. You’ll uncover actionable tactics to give you a better concentration and, ultimately, help you earn more!

Besides these, you will also have LIFETIME ACCESS to the program, allowing you take the course as many times as you deem necessary to further improve your skills.

Is Insane Productivity Worth It?

But we won’t lie to you. This Darren Hardy program is not for those who can’t take action right away. If you want to “Carpe Diem”, you must be willing to do so!

This course is merely a tool, so it is up to you to put them to good use. If you ACT on a single module, it has the potential to alter your entire course in your entrepreneurial journey.

When you bring your dreams out into the world and begin taking action to fulfill them, you must be eager, able, and ready to accept what you deserve!

What Results Can You Expect From Insane Productivity?

Insane productivity will, in the end, alter the way you THINK, FEEL, and PERFORM. Question is, “Are you ready?”

When we are offered a mirror to our lives, it can be difficult to face the truth and the sad reality of what could have been. We would realize aspects of our lives that we are not very proud of.

Eliminate Negative Influences

What is much more difficult to comprehend is that the people we associate ourselves with may be contributing to the fact that we are not where we want to be in life or industry. Isn’t it true that all of us struggle with relationships that can be damaging to our work and personal lives?

Isn’t it true that everybody deals with inconsistency?

All has imprinted values that prevent us from becoming our most competitive selves. We’ve all reached the stage of our businesses that we’re keeping ourselves occupied but not really focused on achieving any goal.

And it essentially just keeps us occupied procrastinators but does nothing to help us accomplish the goals we set out to achieve!  When we willingly and purposefully invest in yourself, however, there is definitely a return of that investment.

And this course is no exception. It is an investment that  WILL provide you with incredibly outcomes. You will achieve results if you take the time to be present and concentrate on your vision, productivity, and prioritization.

Because of its success rate in our own business, we will continue to give our Darren Hardy review and Insane Productivity review to anyone we meet. You simply cannot fail by DECIDING to be an ACTION TAKER in this course.

Is There Support?

Yes, everyone in INSANE PRODUCTIVITY can be part of the private Facebook group as well as an incredible A-Team.

Before we write a review, we always do some research to see what people think and say. One thing we found out was that people were complaining about getting auto-responses as well as canned responses.

We’ve never experienced this, though.

Even the person who answers the conversation at the bottom of every page is a real person who virtually works with his small A-Team.

Like we said, the picture of the person typically appears at the bottom of the page. He has a fantastic team who is genuinely patient enough to address your every question and assist you in the best possible way they can.

Can You Get A Refund?

Yes, you do, according to the website!

Based on the website’s guarantee, you must finish the worksheets of the first four modules within the first 30 days and send them for a full refund.

You can join their starter membership at no cost, and will not require your credit card details.

Pros and cons of Insane Productivity

The Pros Of Insane Productivity

  • The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t triple your effectiveness by using Darren’s tools, you will get a full refund if you submit your first four module worksheets within 30 days.
  • With over 50k viewers on his YouTube channel, Darren Hardy has a sizeable following. There is a series of videos that will give you an idea of his teaching style and course material.
  • The training involves video mentoring sessions in which Darren shows you how to shield your mind from the effects of social media and how to harness your resources effectively.

The Cons Of Insane Productivity

  • The video material is updated once a week. You must wait until next week after completing a module. As a result, it would take a month to complete only four modules, and you won’t be able to immediately request a refund.
  • If you are a committed person, the course would not really provide you with any benefit.
  • To enroll in the course, you must first enter a waiting list, which is nothing more than a sales ploy.
  • Many young entrepreneurs who wish to increase their competitiveness would find the course extremely costly. To be honest, t he majority of the course materials are available elsewhere – absolutely free!
  • If you are not happy with the price, it is best to search for other books that provide similar material at a much lower cost.

Is Darren Hardy A Scam?

Insane Productivity, like most successful programs, has received some mixed criticism. Even so, we have no reason to assume that Darren Hardy is a fraudster, and no proof has been discovered too.

Darren has a solid and credible track record in his 25 years in the business. His experience on self-development is solid and reliable.

The question would be whether you really ought to spend in self-improvement or whether you just do not possess the ideas or expertise to earn money.

According to our observations, most people struggle in business not because they are inefficient, but because they began with something that does not work anymore.

More specifically, we think the perfect way to boost your productivity is to start a company that will make money even while you’re asleep.

After all, everybody just has 24 hours in a day, and you’d still like to have more time with your family and friends and be able to travel across the globe.

It is entirely possible to build a profitable, successful online business without Insane Productivity, however.

Our #1 pick proves this.

And unlike Insane Productivity, it actually provides real proof of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago.

Scam Risk’s #1 Recommended Way To Make Money Online In 2023

Digital Real Estate

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense…

Because it’s all digital.

Where Insane Productivity falls short is in application. Because in order to make a good amount in any venture, it really helps to have a mentor show you exactly wat you need to do to be successful.

With Local Digital Leasing, you will be getting service requests from multiple sites at every minute of the day from people who are willing to pay a lot of money for what you can provide them.

We were watching a YouTube video once where the host made a comment that it isn’t about making a lot of money from one website… it’s about making a little bit of money from lots of different websites.

So, think of it this way….

What if you could have streams of investment income where you operated 10 rental units that you could charge anywhere from a few hundred to 1,000 per month?

What If You Invested Into 100 Rental Units?

But instead of spending $Millions to build houses or apartment complexes… you spend a couple hundred dollars to build websites.

You then get those websites ranked in the search engines for specific home-based services that customers are searching for.

Next, you offer your lead generation system to local business owners who are looking for customers and are willing to pay you for their information.

And Then…


You’ve just created a Digital Leasing Investment Empire that is potentially earning you 4-5 figures in PASSIVE INCOME on a monthly basis without spending a single dime on ads.

With conventional Digital Leasing, you have to compete with thousands, if not millions of others who are selling the SAME product to the SAME customers.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to a Facebook group much better than the Insane Productivity group in our opinion. This group is much more active.

Unlike Insane Productivity, where you might be able to make a couple thousand dollars per month, you could be getting 5-10X THAT.

With Local Lead Generation, the competition is virtually nothing and your profit margins are 85-90%… and it’s RESIDUAL!!!

That means you’re making money month after month whether you go into the office or not…

Whether you show a house or not…

Now, we could go on and on, but we’re sure you have tons of questions about how to create Digital Leasing assets and start building YOUR digital empire!

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