
Frank Kern Review (2025 Update): Everything You Wanted To Know!

By: Joel & Josiah

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.


Are you looking for the courage to start your own online business?

Have you been searching for the perfect business consultant to improve or awaken your entrepreneurial skills?

This Frank Kern Review will surely help you decide! But first…

This Frank Kern review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
One Hope products provide real benefits.
He promotes professional services that will help you gain the confidence to start your own online business.
Frank Kern provides online services can connect you with other marketers who can help you expand your knowledge and resources.
His course can quite cost an arm or a leg for its price.
His marketing methods require hard work and patience, even if it is just virtually.
Internet marketing is quite risky, especially for beginners


  • One Hope products provide real benefits.
  • He promotes professional services that will help you gain the confidence to start your own online business.
  • Frank Kern provides online services can connect you with other marketers who can help you expand your knowledge and resources.


  • His course can quite cost an arm or a leg for its price.
  • His marketing methods require hard work and patience, even if it is just virtually.
  • Internet marketing is quite risky, especially for beginners

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


Behavior Dynamic Response is an ad agency course. The basic premise is that you’ll learn how to build your own ad agency, land clients, and get them results.

Running an agency (even though they’re a bit of a commodity nowadays) isn’t a bad way to get your feet wet in the world of online business.

That said, there are a lot of moving parts with this business model:

  • Prospecting – you need to know how to find potential clients
  • Sales – you need to know how to convince those clients to give you money
  • Media Buying – you need to know how to run ads profitably
  • Copywriting – you need to know how to tailor your ad messaging for the right customers
  • Design – you need to know how to design ads/landing pages to maximize conversions
  • Email Marketing – you need to know how to follow up with prospects and customers
  • Automation – you need to know how to connect everything properly

Now, most course-sellers will try to make this easier on you by telling you they’ve managed to “automate everything”, offering “plug-and-play” campaigns, and “pre-built templates”.

Here’s the thing though:

Markets are always changing. They get more savvy as time goes on.

If you buy a program with thousands of other students, where everything is built out for you, there’s an almost 100% chance those templates don’t work.


Because if thousands of other students are using those exact same “plug and play” campaigns, tens of millions of people have already seen them, reducing their effectiveness.

Not to mention, with most agency programs, the templates are actually built by some virtual assistant in the Philippines or India, and have never actually been tested in real life.

And if they have, there’s a good chance they’re extremely outdated, since most programs don’t bother updating their templates after launching. The course creator gets too busy just trying to sell to more and more students, instead of focusing on quality education.

Now, here’s the most sinister part of this whole thing:

Most course creators market their agency courses as something you can do anywhere in the world. You might hear them say things like “The world is my office” or “This is a simple passive income business”.

That’s just plain false. Running an effective agency is in no way passive. Look at the list above, and remember that you can’t rely on pre-built templates. You’re responsible for every part of the process.

Does that really sound like a business you can do from a laptop on the beach?

See how this could be a problem?

passive income

Now, what if there was a way you could build a passive income stream that’s actually passive?

An income stream that doesn’t require:

  • Mastering 100 different roles
  • Needing to be a technology wizard
  • Working round the clock just to keep things from blowing up

An income stream that brings in consistent revenues every single month (from a couple thousand dollars to well over $10,000)?

An income stream you could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing, selling, or managing anything?


If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out Digital Leasing.

However, if you’d still like to know more about Behavior Dynamic Response, keep reading.

Who Is Frank Kern?

Core Influence How To Command People To Do Almost Anything

Frank Kern is an online marketing guru, business consultant, copywriter, and entrepreneur.

In 2016, Frank Kern aired a Facebook Live program named The Frank Kern Show for a short time.

Frank Kern is the inventor of Behavior Dynamic Response.

This automated marketing method may assist company owners in shortening sales cycles by tailoring and advertising marketing messages based on target audience behavior.

He sells a wealth of products from the category of business self-help courses.

His marketing methods are known globally and have been used to get professional services clients.

He is also known for his books and online services, ranging from marketing consultation to online programs.

An insurance company recently used his book’s recruitment tactics to recruit Financial Advisers.

He mostly became famous, marketing himself as a unique perspective in an otherwise stale business world.

With his skills and experience, he can create high content webinars for his members that will surely get professional service providers for your marketing agency.

But it doesn’t just end with that! Let me share more info about him.

Frank Kern’s Background Information

The Frank Kern

Frank Kern is a 48 year old man from Las Vegas and currently lives in San Diego with his wife, Natalia.

They have four children and a dog named Dolce.

He is the founder of Frank Kern Inc and wants to help people by actually helping them.

Frank Kern Operation Takeover Download Course

According to his sales letter, he firmly believes in 3 things you must know before trying his course. These are

  1. He cannot help you get rich quickly.He said that if you’re not prepared to commit to roughly ten times more effort than expected, he is not your guy.
  2. If you do not want to advertise, you’re not going to enjoy his lessons.No, he doesn’t sell advertising, but he advertises to sell. Some things that he wants you to learn how and now!
  3. If you’re looking for “The Easy Way,” He doesn’t want to help you.He believes that it takes HARD WORK to create, and it takes HARD WORK to maintain.

How Much Is Frank Kern’s Net Worth?

According to some aggregate websites, Frank Kern’s net worth is approximately $35 million as of 2022.

Frank Kern’s Story: Achieve Real Success Online

Expert Spotlight Frank Kern Hosted By Mikael Dia

He started his Internet Marketing career in 1999 by selling credit card machines online.

He was selling them door to door, which was practically and physically hard and inconvenient.

He then decided to make an internet search for “how to sell credit cards machines online,” which somehow made him come across an ad for an “Internet Marketing” course that was $275.

It was a good course, and it helped him. Well, sort of.

Then he explored this further until he discovered old seminar recordings about how to sell with direct mail.

He decided to buy them, and as he listened to them, he was blown away.

He also bought old books about direct response advertising and read them that later gave him his knowledge in copywriting.

In his six years of trial and error, he finally achieved real success online.

As he was placing ads online to sell pet training manuals to dog owners and parrot owners, his business did $100,000.00 in a single month.

This later led to him teaching people how he was doing it.

What Exactly Does Frank Kern Sell?

The marketing guru distributes a wide range of items, focusing on internet marketing and training courses.

Let’s start with a look at his online courses.

Kern Frank

Behavioral Dynamic Response

Behavioral Dynamic Response

Frank Kern created the Behavior Dynamic Response approach for effective internet marketing.

This method works by recording what a prospective consumer does inside an ad campaign and then sending them targeted and personalized marketing messages depending on their actions.

Mass Conversion

This is the Conversion in Large Numbers. I know the part about the large number makes you a little anxious but don’t freak out yet!

Mass Conversion is a month-long online training course that teaches marketers and company owners how to utilize lead magnets successfully at $2,997.

Frank Kern Mass Conversion Courses To Download

Blueprint For Business Information

Info Business Blueprint is a five-week online course that teaches participants how to create digital items for online advertising and marketing.

Frank Kern And Dean Graziosi Info Business Blueprint

Client Acquisition System

It is a System for Acquiring Customers

Another five-week online course with the price of $3,997 and for intermediate and advanced marketing levels

Client Acquisition System

Ultimate Webinar Blueprint

It is simply your Blueprint for the Ultimate Webinar.

The Ultimate Webinar Blueprint, Kern’s longest and most intense course, is a twenty-eight-day online training course that teaches students how to build the finest possible webinars that generate the most money.

Ultimate Guide To Revenue Generating Webinars

Frank Kern’s Books and Novels: Attract Professional Services Clients

Frank Kern believes that “The actual key to success is to go out there and work as hard as possible.”

Kern has been busy but didn’t just stop with the online class.

The Four Courses Bundle By Frank Kern

Let me show you some of his books!

  1. “How I Built a $175,000-Per-Month Consulting Firm in 90 Days.”
  2. “The Snowball Book Release”
  3. “Convert The Simple Little Formula That Sold $450 Million in Online Sales.”
  4. Kern also briefly delves into the realm of podcasting.
  5. The Frank Kern podcast, “Your Next Million,” seems to be coming to an end in 2019.

So, Is Frank Kern A Scammer?

Is Clever Container A Scam

Not technically. You can make money with his program, but it’s definitely not as easy as Frank Kern makes it sound.

There’s a ton of work to be done upfront, no real guarantee of success, and – most importantly – running an agency is extremely active income (NOT passive).

Now, there’s nothing wrong with front-loading the work and making the money later.

But if you’re getting into this game to live life on your terms, travel the world, and generate passive or semi-passive income from anywhere, then this isn’t for you.

What if, instead, you could put in a couple hours a day (in your spare time) to build a single digital asset, and your reward was a $500 to $2,000 payment that came in every single month?

And what if you could get started today and have your first payment in a week?

And what if you could double it next week?

Well, that’s the power of Digital Leasing.

And, unlike a traditional ad agency, you can legitimately do this from anywhere. It’s a true lifestyle business.

Your laptop and an internet connection is all you need.

Some of the most successful students in this program run their entire 6-figure businesses from:

  • A camper in the middle of the woods
  • A beach chair on the water in Mexico
  • A small villa in Greece


They’re able to travel around, living their lives first, and focusing on their income second.

Because even if they stop working for an extended period of time, the money keeps coming in.

So adventure, memories, and experience are the top priority.

And they never have to worry about how to pay for the next trip, or consider asking for time off.

If this sounds more like the type of life you want to lead, just click here to find out more about Digital Leasing.

Are there alternatives to Frank Kern’s Program?

Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue this making money online. Here are just a few:

alternative path financial independence

Our #1 Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025?

Digital Real Estate

Our team has spent months researching, reviewing, and vetting dozens of business models and thousands of programs.

While there may be no “perfect business”, the research IS conclusive:

Digital Leasing is the #1 online business model for those just starting out.

Whether you’ve never made a dollar online, or you’ve been in this space for a while but never really “made it,” Digital Leasing is for you.


1) It’s Flexible: got an hour a day? You can do this. Ready to drop everything else and dive in full time? You can do this. Yes, the more time you put in, the faster you see results. But even with a little time each day, you can move the needle in a Digital Leasing business.

And because this system is so flexible, you don’t have to constantly be working to make more money. It’s called PASSIVE INCOME because if you stop working, the money doesn’t.

Imagine taking 3 months off to just tour around Europe, rent a cabin in the woods to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, or live on the beach and surf all day.

This is only possible if you have an income stream that’s not tied to your time.


2) You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With an ad agency, you don’t really own anything. You’re a hired gun for clients, and entirely at their mercy.
Sure, you own your agency, but if your business grinds to a halt once you stop working, all you really have is a self-created job.
With Digital Leasing (a passive income stream), you own all the assets, which means you have all the power and all the control.


3) Little To No Startup Costs: It’s possible to get into Digital Leasing with zero dollars upfront. Because, using the strategies outlined in this program, you can get a client to pay you BEFORE spending a penny out of your own pocket…even before you do any work.

Even without getting paid in advance, you can have your first Digital Rental Property up, running, and generating profits for less than $100.


4) Easy To Duplicate: Ok, here’s the best part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up and running, you can literally DOUBLE your income with a few clicks, a couple keystrokes, and a single phone call (and you don’t actually need the phone call).

Remember: each Digital Rental Property is worth $500 to $2,000 a month in semi-passive income (over 95% profit). Every time you decide to create another one and increase your income, it gets easier.

Because you have more knowledge, more experience, more results, and more momentum.

If you wanted to double your income with an ad agency, you’d have to double your clients OR double the monthly payment of your existing customers. And, guaranteed that’s a lot harder than a few clicks and a few minutes of your life.


5) Make Money Helping Real People: This part is what makes it all worth it. With Digital Leasing, you’re actually helping people by solving your clients’ biggest problem:

Small, local businesses need more customers, and with Digital Leasing, you are unleashing a flood of happy, paying customers for these businesses.

You make money by helping them make money.

Not a big, faceless corporation either…a small business owner who’s using that money to put food on the table for their family, start a college fund for their kids, or take care of a sick parent. Once you see how Digital Leasing makes a real impact in the lives of real people, you’ll sleep like a baby with a big smile on your face.


Now, the choice is yours. You could continue browsing, looking at opportunities like Behavior Dynamic Response which could one day make you money.

You could continue researching, never making a decision.

OR, you could take a look inside, consider what you really want, and join a program that makes your dreams a reality. At the same time, joining a community of over 2,000 successful students that are living life on their own terms thanks to Digital Leasing.

A consistent, reliable, semi-passive stream of income that doesn’t depend on you or your time to keep producing profits.

All while genuinely helping real people who are grateful and happy to pay for it.

If this sounds more like what you want out of life (or if you just want some nice side income), click here to learn more about Digital Leasing.

2 Responses

  1. BEWARE ABOUT FRANK KERN: I am not able to get my refund even though I communicated about it for weeks now. I am being told either lies by the support team, or how they failed to do the right process.
    It was also transacted without my consent with a single misleading button and non-transparent account details. I feel ambushed in a sticky trap. BEWARE

    1. I finally was able to contact Frank himself, instead of the team. He was very helpful and solved the problem immideately, and even was very generous in response. I can not edit the post so I’m adding it here instead.

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