
Evolv Health

By: Joel & Josiah

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

EvolvHealth Reviews: Is EvolvHealth Pyramid Scheme or Legit Business Opportunity?

What Is Evolv Health?

It’s another one of those making money online programs that is centered around selling a clapped out membership that supposedly makes you money by selling other people’s shit.

It is promoted by damn near every high level course member who only gets paid through their affiliate links to the course. Yep, you read that right…

Sellouts, it’s promoted by sellouts.

It’s supposed to show you how to become a “Multi Level Marketer” but most members don’t make money promoting other products.

That’s just the truth…you won’t get rich off a shitty $6 commission

If you want to really get rich online, (at an average of $1,500 per sale PER MONTH), check out our #1 recommendation here.

And while we have to be honest for this review…


This Evolv Health review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


Evolv Health does come with some very helpful information to make money online and land some massive commission checks…

But it’s outdated AF!

At the end, I’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Evolv Health and cheap network marketing in general.

And most importantly, I’ll show you the exact system I used to build my own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system made me swear off MLM’s for good, because it uses some of the same skills but in a much more powerful and profitable way!

But more on that later.

For now let’s hop into all things Evolv Health!

EvlovHealth Review

In 2020, EvolvHealth relaunched and is now rebranded as Alovea.

The Alovea company continues to sell Evolv Health products under its own brand.

Sam Castor is currently the CEO and President of Alovea.

If you look at EvolvHealth’s Facebook page, they began hyping “the biggest announcement in the company’s history” in early April 2020.

That announcement was the Alovea name change, but there was no explanation why.

EvolvHealth Reviews

EvolvHealth MLM gained popularity after Biggest Loser grand prize winner Danny Cahill endorsed it.

Although Danny lost 239 pounds on the show, he gained weight again following the show.

He then turned to Evolv Health to “reboot” his body and credited the product for its effectiveness.

EvolvHealth MLM

Biggest Loser grand prize winner Dan Cahill lost the weight he gained back after the show, thanks to Evolv Health.

The Men Who Started The EvolvHealth Business

The Men Who Started The EvolvHealth Business

evolv health Trey White

Trey White is the Co-Founder and Chairman of EvolvHealth, LLC, which is based in the United States.

He is a serial entrepreneur who has pioneered and capitalized on high-growth emerging markets.

Some of his accomplishments are:

He co-founded, one of the first online real estate portals for new home builders, in 1994.

He merged with to create the largest online business portal for new and resale homes on the Internet after becoming the official website for the National Association Of Homebuilders and operating in the top 35 US new homebuilder markets.

He founded White Energy in 2001, which pioneered the construction and management of fuel-grade ethanol refineries in Texas and Kansas, establishing the company as the fourth largest and lowest-cost ethanol producer in the United States by taking a first-to-market approach to facility location.

He was appointed CEO of Get Me Technology in 2016, a company founded to capitalize on the exponential growth of the on-demand transportation and delivery of goods marketplace.

He oversaw the acquisition of Mears Transportation Group and Get Me Technology Inc in 2018, resulting in a full-service on-demand rideshare platform company.

Brent Hick

Brent Hick

Brent Hicks, the co-founder of Evolv Health, has over 15 years of experience leading and building sales organizations in the real estate finance industry.

According to public records, Brent Hicks has been associated with eleven companies.

The companies were established over a nine-year period, with the most recent being formed a little more than three years ago in December of 2017.

Six of the companies are still in operation, while the remaining five have been designated as inactive.

evolv health

What Are The Evolv Health Products?

Evolv Health Products

Evolv Health sells a variety of health products, the most notable of which is the Evolv Reboot Kit.

It is a collection of nutritional products aimed at rejuvenating the body by addressing Leptin sensitivity and inflammation naturally.

Evolv works by regulating Leptin, a hormone that tells you when you’ve had enough food and are now satisfied.

Many health experts believe that improper Leptin regulation is one of the causes of obesity.

However, Leptin research is still in its early stages, and the results are inconclusive.

Evolv Health

Evolv Health Kit

Evolv Health promotes eight product kits that are intended to improve various aspects of your health.

The Evolv Total Reboot starter kit is designed to reset your immune system and jump-start your metabolism.

When you purchase the kit, you will receive the following Evolv Health products:

  • Evolv Lifebars energy bars
  • Limitless Evolv
  • Evolv Fix
  • Evolv Shake packets
  • Evolv Daily

Please keep in mind that these Evolv Health products are subject to change as this MLM company constantly updates its Evolv Health products.

Evolv Health Kit

Is Evolv Health A Legitimate MLM Company Or Is Evolv Health A Scam?

EvolvHealth is not a scam.

It is a legitimate MLM company that has been in operation for over a decade.

Despite the fact that they are not a Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited company, they have been awarded an A+ rating.

How can this make Evolv Health a scam?

That being said it is hard as hell to make money with MLM’s. It is a stone cold fact that LITERALLY 99% don’t make a profit with ANY MLM!

It is entirely possible to build a profitable, successful MLM business… But there are better ways to build a business other than with Multi Level Marketing.

My #1 pick proves this. Because unlike EvolvHealth, it actually provides real proof of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago.

Evolv Health A Legitimate MLM Company

Has Evolv Health Been Involved In Scandal or Lawsuits?

Evolv Health

Lawsuit 1

Evolv Health, LLC v. Cosway U.S.A., Inc.

This case in April 2017 arose as a result of a disagreement between competitors in the nutritional health industry.

In a nutshell, Evolv Health claims that Defendants stole proprietary information from it and used it to start a competing business.

Lawsuit 2

In 2009, EvolvHealth got into hot water with the University of Texas Board of Regents when it asked the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center if it could test its bottled water made from all-natural ingredients like alfalfa stems and leaves, milk whey, and enzymes from pineapple and papaya.

What happened next, however, is what resulted from the federal lawsuit filed in November 2009 in Houston.

According to the lawsuit, M.D. Anderson performed its testing, which was all “preliminary,” and the cancer center never checked its “safety, efficacy, medicinal or beneficial health value.”

However, Evolv began running statements on its website such as, “The Archaea Active formula has undergone in-vitro testing by The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.”

According to M.D. Anderson, this gives the impression that the cancer center has endorsed the product.

EvolvHealth Compensation Plan

The EvolvHealth Compensation Plan: How Can I Make Money?

You can make money doing online business by becoming a member affiliate or a social business partner.

Affiliates can earn anywhere from 10% to 40% in commissions.

The higher the commissions you want, the more you need to sell.

This occurs when someone purchases products after clicking on your affiliate link on your website.

As a member affiliate, you are not eligible for bonuses.

Signing up to become an affiliate is completely free.

Signing up to become a Social Business Partner requires a one-time fee of $29.

To be eligible for commissions, you must first purchase a starter kit.

That will set you back $352.

You must also maintain a certain number of purchases in order to earn commissions.

To earn commissions for this social business, you must first build a team.

It is not clear why they are called a social business partner.

It’s just a fancy way of saying “distributor.”

If you are not digitally savvy, it’s nearly impossible to get people to join your business opportunity through social media.

You will be paid commissions on both those you recruit and those your recruits recruit.

It’s pretty much the same thing with every MLM.

Want to make some REAL MONEY though? Check out the ONE business model that is single handedly BANKRUPTING THE MLM INDUSTRY!

Binary Compensation Plan Model

Binary Compensation Plan Model

The EvolvHealth Pay Plan, like most other MLM pay plans, is based on a Binary Tree Structure.

That is, as you sign up new Distributors, you will be forming two sales teams. There is a binary left leg and a binary right leg.

Your commissions and bonuses will be calculated based on the performance of your weakest leg.

For example, if your right leg generates $3,000 in sales but your left leg only generates $2,000, you will be compensated based on the sales generated by your left leg, the lesser performing leg.

System of Organizational Ranking

Their ranking system includes, from lowest to highest:

  • Promoter
  • Promoter 1
  • Promoter 2
  • Evolv Star
  • Evolv 500
  • Evolv 2K
  • Evolv 5K
  • Evolv 10K
  • Elite Star
  • Ruby
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Blue Diamond
  • Ambassador Star
  • Ambassador
  • Visionary Ambassador
  • H.O.P.E. Ambassador

As you advance through the ranks of the EvolvHealth Pay Plan, you will be able to earn larger commissions and bonuses on a growing number of Distributors in your Downline.

I’m sure you’re probably thinking right now:

DAMN this compensation plan SUCKS! Who the HELL actually makes money with this shit?

We feel ya…

BUT here’s how real people LIKE YOU are making BANK every single day!

8 Ways To Earn In Their Compensation Plan

The Evolv Health Compensation Plan offers Distributors eight different ways to earn money while building their home business.

These are:

1. Retail Commission

2. One, Two, Free

3. Fast Start Bonus

4. Pay Team Commission

5. Evolv Driven

6. Matching Bonus

7. Rank Advancement Bonus

8. Leader Pools

Evolv Health Review: What I Like, What I Don’t Like

What I Like About EvolvHealth

I appreciate that EvolvHealth has an affiliate program.

Most MLM companies rely solely on recruiting to persuade people to buy their products.

The disadvantage of their affiliate program is that it has a cap on sales volumes.

Most companies that offer affiliate programs will pay you a set percentage of your earnings in commissions, whether you are just starting out or near the top.

What I Don’t Like About EvolvHealth

  • According to their income disclosure statement, a large % of their affiliates do not make money.
  • Because of this, the chances of being successful and earning money in this type of business are bleak.
  • With so much competition in the market from companies (MLM or not) selling health and wellness products, it would be difficult to sell their products because they are quite expensive.
  • There are products available from other companies that are less expensive and more effective.

EvolvHealth Review: What Are The Customers Saying?

We looked at the customer reviews on Evolv Health’s Betalains Supplement in the Amazon Online Store to see how they rank in terms of product quality and customer satisfaction.

Out of 32 customer ratings:

74% gave them a 5-star rating.

3% gave them a 4-star rating.

8% gave them a 3-star rating.

6% gave them a 2-star rating.

8% gave them a 1-star rating.

Evolv Health Reviews: My Final Thoughts

EvolvHealth appears to be a good company.

It’s not extraordinary and exceptional, but at least it’s not a scam.

If you are looking for an extra income that would not require back-breaking and relationship-breaking stress, their affiliate program is a good option.

However, if you want to make money in a big way and be able to quit your 9-5 job, I strongly advise you to consider the low success rate of their distributors or any other MLM business for that matter.

It really just doesn’t work anymore…

What Is Our Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2023?

Digital Real Estate

Our review team has come across a program in the real estate industry that is next level!

Although it’s not real estate in the traditional sense, it’s all digital.

Yup, Digital Leasing!

Where Evolv Health falls short is in scalability.

There’s only so much time in a day and there’s only so many people you can reach to sell by yourself.

MLM companies know this! Which is why they push so hard for you to recruit for your downline…you can’t get rich with it as a one man/woman show.

But what if you could make even more money off of little local websites without having to spend hundreds of dollars on overpriced products and a bunch of time recruiting people to sell under you?

With this Digital Leasing program, you can make recurring monthly income without constant sales to your friends and constant recruitment!

Sound too good to be true? Of course it does! But it isn’t…in fact, business owners wish they had this skill!

All you have to do is build and rank a LOCAL website and forward the jobs off to a business owner in town, you could even email it to them!

This works for literally any service based business, tree service, plumbing, towing, etc.

How do you get paid and how much?

Simple, after you forward the jobs off to a business owner and he makes some money off of them, you simply ask to make the deal beneficial for each other.

A fair price to charge per lead, depending on the industry is 10-20%…let’s just use the tree service industry for example and go by worst case scenario.

Let’s say you build and rank the site and only 10 jobs a month come in. The average tree service job is anywhere from $500-$2000!

That means at bare minimum you have an asset worth $500 a month!

See why they call it Digital Leasing now? That’s a rent payment.

The great thing is how easy it is to scale. You don’t have to worry about:

  • Your upline getting paid before you
  • Begging your friends and family to buy from you
  • Recruiting people all the time

Remember Evolv Health? You only get what’s left of the pie if you meet a monthly quota…

The course we recommend actually allows you to collect HUGE FLAT RATE DEALS. Truly passive income!

The training program takes making money online to a whole other level. The owner of the program walks you through how to build and rank a site hand in hand, with the occasional voice over when he is sharing his screen.

You will learn the importance of keywords, website name, how to send call notifications via email, backlinking, etc.

Once the training program is completed you will also have access to a Facebook group much better than the Evolv Health MLM in our opinion. This group is much more active.

Unlike Evolv Health, where you’re getting maybe $10 per sale, you could be getting 10-20X THAT.

Scott Lead Gen

A business will always want more leads and another job. In fact it doesn’t even matter that the job isn’t coming from their website name…they see it as it is…expanding Digital Leasing.

Unlike Evolv Health, more people have been able to walk away from their 9-5 job as well.

Digital Leasing allows you to have total passive income with most of your day being spent WITH your friends, NOT selling to them.

Now, I know you probably have tons of questions…

So, check this out to learn more.

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