
Enagic Reviews (2025 Update): Is Enagic Legit Or An Epic Hoax?

By: Joel & Josiah
Enagic Reviews

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

Enagic is a network marketing program – something that’s also known as direct sales or a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) program. It was founded all the way back in 1974 by a Japanese man named Hironari Ohshiro, and in 1990 they began to sell their infamous Kangen Water machine.

If you’ve been searching up ways to work from home and make a few easy bucks, then you’ve probably started seeing advertisements from MLM companies like Enagic and Savings Highway Global.

And if you clicked on something like that, then the algorithm’s got you locked in, and it’s no surprise you’re searching up Enagic Reviews hoping to find an author who knows what the heck they’re talking about when it comes to all this.

Good news! I’ve been looking into MLMs (and related industries) for a while now, trying to figure out which ones are more trustworthy and which ones have some problems. I even wrote up some rankings of the top 10 MLM companies out there.

Together, I’ll help you break down what to look for in an MLM program, compare it to other industries, and then we’ll see just how much money this may cost you to join Enagic.

So, let’s get into our Enagic review!

This Enagic review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
Training Curriculum

Average Rating


Enagic's training can't be considered very useful, considering the faulty nature of their product. Studies have proven that their water filtration machines don't really serve a purpose. I'll give some points to community and mentorship, just because an MLM inherently has a network of people above and below you...but it's really up for debate whether that's a good thing or not. Many critics have asked "is Enagic a pyramid scheme?" based on this structure.

People have made decent money off the MLM business model in the past, which means it is technically possible for you to do the same.
Everyone will always need clean water to drinks, so that means your product will always be in demand.
The company has been around since 1974, and that means they are probably a little more reliable than a website that popped up a couple years back.
Terrible customer reviews across BBB, Trustpilot, Reddit, which means you may be selling an inferior, overpriced product
Enagic is legally forced to disclose the reality that only 0.35% of their distributors earn money above the minimum wage - which means it is highly unlikely you'll make it rich with them.
MLM's have a bad reputation, and that means you may have a hard time recruiting your friends and family once they found out what sort of company it is.


  • People have made decent money off the MLM business model in the past, which means it is technically possible for you to do the same.
  • Everyone will always need clean water to drinks, so that means your product will always be in demand.
  • The company has been around since 1974, and that means they are probably a little more reliable than a website that popped up a couple years back.


  • Terrible customer reviews across BBB, Trustpilot, Reddit, which means you may be selling an inferior, overpriced product
  • Enagic is legally forced to disclose the reality that only 0.35% of their distributors earn money above the minimum wage - which means it is highly unlikely you'll make it rich with them.
  • MLM's have a bad reputation, and that means you may have a hard time recruiting your friends and family once they found out what sort of company it is.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


TLDR – Is There An Enagic Scam Going On Here?

is enagic a pyramid scheme

Enagic (or Enagic USA as it’s known in the United states) is an MLM company that sells special water filtration systems at a very high price, and incentives its “distributors” – another word for salespeople – to recruit even more of their friends and family to join in on the fun!

So, is it worth it?

Almost definitely not.

This company’s claims that their water system does anything special are heavily debated, and you can only buy one of their systems by also signing up to become a salesperson.

Yeah, it is technically possible to make money with an MLM, but remember I’m not sure it’s worth it if it hurts your relationships with family and friends while pressuring them to join you.

I really recommend trying something with more upside, like Digital Leasing.

Instead of wasting time on recruiting people to sell fancy water, you can help everyday businesses fill something they actually need! It’s way easier selling something to someone when they already “demand” it, instead of trying to force a “supply” down someone’s throat.

The students seem extremely passionate about what they’re doing – not just getting by, but creating their own future.

digital leasing legit

That said, if you’d like to hear some more about our Enagic review, let’s keep on rolling.

Who Benefits From Enagic…And Who Doesn’t?

Time Investment1/5You’re selling $5000 water systems appear to have no scientific basis – it’s gonna be a long haul if you wanna make any sells
Level of Control1/5The products can’t be changed, neither can the prices or the commission rates – at least not changed by you.
Ease of Implementation1/5MLM is notoriously one of the most difficult industries to crack into online
Profit Potential1/50.35% of Enagic distributors will ever crack the minimum wage line…

Enagic might be for you if…

  • You’re very ambitious and love dealing with people
  • You’re patient and don’t mind waiting months or even years before seeing a profit
  • You liked MLM features (seen similarly in Home Business Academy) and wanna go all the way

But Enagic probably isn’t for you if…

  • You have a hard time selling people on something they don’t want
  • The terrible reviews on Trustpilot and BBB scare you off
  • You have heard of family or friends being hurt by an MLM before

Enagic At A 1,000 FT View

enagic kangen water filter

Network Marketing, Multi-Level-Marketing, Direct Sales…whatever you want to call it, it has a pretty rough reputation by now.

Whether it’s single moms trying to sell you cosmetics, or intense young men trying to sell overpriced workout supplements, many of us have dealt with MLMs in one way or another.

With that in mind, it’s almost confusing how someone could still want to spend years of their life in this industry.

I say almost because I do get it.

These people who recruit you into the biz are good at what they do – they sell you on financial freedom, a big stack of cash, and the idea you’re actually helping people.

Funny enough, you will have a very difficult time achieving that with MLMs, but it’s exactly what you’ll get in the world of lead generation if you can find the right mentor.

I emphasize “the right mentor” because it doesn’t matter which industry you pick if you mess that part up. In our final recommendation we point out someone who’s doing things a lot better than Enagic.

Who Is Hironari Ohshiro?

Hironari Ohshiro

The founder and CEO of Enagic is a Japanese man by the name of Hironari Ohshiro, and he believes that the business he built in 1974 is still a great company…even though it didn’t change its name to Enagic until 1990.

He boasts that Enagic is “the only water filtration and alkaline-ionizer distribution company in the world with its own OEM manufacturing facility in Japan and ISO certified quality control processes.”

Well…yeah, that’s pretty specific, so it’s not surprising that they are the only company with all of those things. By that logic, there could be an exactly similar company, but its manufacturing is in China instead of Japan.

His company’s reputation has taken a big hit in recent years as the internet has made it easier to figure out which MLM companies you can and cannot trust.

How Much Does Enagic Cost?

kangen water ionizer price

If you’d like to join the Enagic MLM program, you’ll have to buy at least one of their Kangen Water Ionizers…and their price hovers around $5000 per unit.

Some people around the internet insist that the onboarding process requires a new “distributor” to actually buy THREE of the units at once, meaning you are immediately down $15,000.

If there really is no scientific proof before these things, then it’s a really tough sell.

Enagic Refund Policy

enagic refund return policy

Luckily there seems to be a decent refund policy, although it is unclear if it covers the original onboarding process for distributors.

There are also fees that you’ll get hit with if you return products after one week, and before one month.

All in all, I’d check elsewhere for a new business idea if I were you.

Is Enagic A Pyramid Scheme?

TrustPilot“The Enagic earnings disclosure statement states that 0.35% earns above minimum wage”
Reddit “The onboarding package is a trifecta – 3 machines, at 5k a pop, to become a Kangen girl”
BBB Start with Trust“This machine is an absolute scam”

As mentioned earlier, there are many folks who consider this program to be “the Enagic scam“…

…but is it really a pyramid scheme?

I try to lean away from that label, as technically as long as you sell some kind of product, the company can’t be legally considered a pyramid scheme…even if that product is absurdly overpriced.

If you’re trying to get out of the rat race and stay ahead – don’t start by burying yourself under heaps of debt. Your money would be better spent on an actual course that teaches you some valuable marketing lessons like they’re working on over at Digital Leasing.

Personal Opinion On Enagic

enagic scam

I wouldn’t go for it.

There are always doubts for me when I hear about MLMs, and these guys aren’t even the best MLM I’ve seen. Not even close!

But let’s just say you really wanted a good MLM…

…how would we find the right MLM program for you?

  • Make sure the product is actually something you can sell
  • If you have to buy the product upfront, make sure it’s not going to put you in much debt
  • Check out their online reviews to see others’ experiences

I know I’ve been steering you away in general, but let’s dive in a little deeper on both sides.

Here are 3 things I like about Enagic:

  1. Their product (water) is always in demand
  2. Some people can make money from this MLM
  3. The company has been around since 1974

…and, on the other hand, 3 things I don’t really like:

  1. 0.35% of Enagic distributors won’t even make minimum wage
  2. Recruiting family and friends can strain relationships
  3. Hard to sell $5000 water systems that don’t really do anything

What’s Inside Enagic?

ENAGIC compensation plan

Enagic sells a couple items on the side, but primarily focuses on selling alkaline water systems to people at an extremely high price.

It’s a super tough sell, because people can’t even go their website and just buy it if they are interested.

Check this out:

enagic water scam

I tried taking one of their beasts to checkout, but was told I can only buy one if I acquire a sponsor.

This company is all about recruitment. Can you make a few bucks? Sure, someone has to be making money for all this to keep operating…

…but do you really want your life to be defined by some magic water that seems to be scientifically no different from standard water? The idea is that it is alkaline – free of acid…but once the water hits your stomach acid, it is no longer alkaline anyway.

Even if it was some incredible compensation plan, I’m still not sure you’d ever see big money from it.

Conclusion: Is Enagic A Buy?

I think it’s pretty obvious by now that I do not recommend Enagic – I’m not even sure it’s a good company.

I’ve always seen more success stories coming out of the marketing world, where you can actually see your efforts working as the leads stack up and the money rolls in. Heck, even affiliate marketing is better than MLMs.

But nothing really matches up to lead generation, which is probably the best when it comes to that sorta thing. It remains my favorite industry when it comes to making money online.

Personally, I think there is at least one company that stands out in particular…

What Is My #1 Way To Make Money Online In 2025?

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing

I have spent years researching, reviewing, and vetting dozens of business models and thousands of programs.

While there may be no “perfect business”, the research IS conclusive:

Digital Leasing is the #1 online business model for those just starting out.

Whether you’ve never made a dollar online, or you’ve been in this space for a while but never really “made it,” Digital Leasing is for you.


1) It’s Flexible: got an hour a day? You can do this. Ready to drop everything else and dive in full time? You can do this. Yes, the more time you put in, the faster you see results. But even with a little time each day, you can move the needle in a Digital Leasing business.

And because this system is so flexible, you don’t have to constantly be working to make more money. It’s called PASSIVE INCOME because if you stop working, the money doesn’t. 

Imagine taking 3 months off to just tour around Europe, rent a cabin in the woods to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, or live on the beach and surf all day. 

This is only possible if you have an income stream that’s not tied to your time.

2) You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With MLMs and Network Marketing, you don’t really own anything. You have no control over the quality of products. You don’t even own your “team”.

Look at the fine print for most of the agreements folks sign when they join one of these companies. At any point, the company can change your commission structure, reduce your profit margins, or kick you out entirely.

With Enagic, they don’t even hide the fact that 0.35% of Enagic distributors even break past MINIMUM WAGE levels of income. Might as well go play the lottery, it’ll save you time.

With Digital Leasing, you own the assets, which means you have all the power and all the control.

3) Little To No Startup Costs: It’s possible to get into Digital Leasing with zero dollars upfront. Because, using the strategies outlined in this program, you can get a client to pay you BEFORE spending a penny out of your own pocket…even before you do any work. 

Even without getting paid in advance, you can have your first Digital Rental Property up, running, and generating profits for less than $100.

Considering Enagic will require anywhere between $5000-$15,000 as initial product investment, it’s not even close.

4) No Inventory: Alright, so most MLMs don’t make you buy the products and fill your garage with them anymore (unlike the good ol’ days), but you’re still in a physical products business. 

And physical products always have physical limitations. Even if you don’t have to manage the inventory, you still have to deal with supply chain shortages that cause major delays. 

Imagine finally landing your first customer, and then losing them after one sale because they had to wait 6 weeks to get their order.

With Digital Leasing, a 100% online business, you never even have to think about that risk.

5) Easy To Duplicate: Ok, here’s the best part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up and running, you can literally DOUBLE your income with a few clicks, a couple keystrokes, and a single phone call (and you don’t actually need the phone call).

Remember: each Digital Rental Property is worth $500 to $2,000 a month in semi-passive income (over 95% profit). Every time you decide to create another one and increase your income, it gets easier.

Because you have more knowledge, more experience, more results, and more momentum. 

If you wanted to double your income with an MLM, you’d have to double your customers OR double the average order size of your existing customers. And, guaranteed that’s a lot harder than a few clicks and a few minutes of your life.

Especially when you’ll be trying to sell your customer on something that doesn’t even make sense, at a very high price.

6) Make Money Helping Real People: This part is what makes it all worth it. In an MLM, your “upline” might convince you that what you’re selling improves people’s lives, but deep down, you likely know that’s not true. 

Most of the time, you’re either selling a dream or a poor-quality, overpriced product with a fancy label – like Kangen Water systems. 

And that makes it pretty hard to sleep at night.

But with Digital Leasing, you’re actually helping people by solving your clients’ biggest problem:

Small, local businesses need more customers, and with Digital Leasing, you are unleashing a flood of happy, paying customers for these businesses. 

You make money by helping them make money.

Not a big, faceless corporation either…a small business owner who’s using that money to put food on the table for their family, start a college fund for their kids, or take care of a sick parent. 

Once you see how Digital Leasing makes a real impact in the lives of real people, you’ll sleep like a baby with a big smile on your face.

Now, the choice is yours. 

You could continue browsing, looking at opportunities like Enagicwhich could one day make you money.

You could continue researching, never making a decision. 

OR, you could take a look inside, consider what you really want, and join a program that makes your dreams a reality. At the same time, joining a community of over 2,000 successful students that are living life on their own terms thanks to Digital Leasing.

A consistent, reliable, semi-passive stream of income that doesn’t depend on you or your time to keep producing profits. 

All while genuinely helping real people who are grateful and happy to pay for it. 

If this sounds more like what you want out of life (or if you just want some nice side income), click here to learn more about Digital Leasing.

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