
Danelle Osborne BAM Review

By: Joel & Josiah
Danelle Osborne BAM Review

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

BAM University Review 2025: Is Danelle Osborne Legit?


Danelle Osborne BAM Review

Want to be your own boss?

Want the ability to make more than your 9-5 but never have to wake up early and take the early commute?

I knew you would!

BAM University might just be your Godsend!

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


What Is BAM University?

This program teaches people how to use Digital Leasing/lead generation as their business model.

The current market for physical real estate hasn’t been trustworthy since 2008, but this business model has profit margins much greater than that of physical real estate and are only going up.

On top of that, it costs just a few bucks to set up your own plot of Digital Leasing. With some hard work and determination, you can also make passive income online!

Who Is Danelle Osborne?

Danelle Osborne

Danelle is the wife of Joshua T. Osborne and helps him run BAM University and Mr. and Mrs. Leads.

After a successful career in the Air Force, she became an extremely disciplined individual who still gets up early and works every morning.

However, she wasn’t always involved in lead generation and digital marketing.

Danelle first started her entrepreneur aspirations by running her own salon.

At first it was tough to get started, but then as time went on she became extraordinarily successful.

Soon enough she was making $160,000 a year!

No one else in her family had ever made that much and she thought she had finally made it.

But it wasn’t too long after that, she realized she was working 7 days a week… and if she took a day off she’d feel guilty about it.

That was when she met Josh Osborne, and the rest is history!

When Danelle saw what was possible with the Digital Leasing model and the amount of time leverage it offered, she immediately went full time with it alongside Josh.

Today she just does her Salon for friends and family while spending most of her time running Mr. and Mrs. Leads and being an educator and coach in BAM University.

What Do You Learn In BAM University?

– Web Design

– On And Off Page SEO

– How To Set Up A GMB

– Facebook Ads

– Google Ads

– How To Sell

– BONUS: BAMILY Facebook Group.

It took them both some trial and error, but they were able to come up with a sales process that is easy to learn and easy to implement. They show you how to walk the customer through what they need and why they need it.

The best part of this business is that you can literally do it all from home since all you need is a laptop! You have no restrictions whatsoever and can work as much or as little as you want.

And believe me, long hours at home are much different than long hours at work!

Can You Really Succeed In Working From Home?

The training process works and you really can make money from home.

And even if you find yourself not interested in doing all your work from home, there are ways you can hire out some of the process BAM University teaches, although we recommend going through the whole process once.

This business is just so easy and convenient to get started because it doesn’t require you to lose 2 hours of your day every day by going to the office. Imagine what it’s like waking up and starting your new job without dragging yourself out of bed.

In BAM University, you can learn how to do different types of online business models from home (lead gen, fb ads, google ads, etc.). The lead generation website model is by far the most profitable type!

The training process works because it teaches us what you need to do to fully rank and rent a website. It’s all about taking massive action and putting your new found skills to the test.

One of the perks that BAM University has is their 24/7 Facebook group. If you have any questions, just post in the group and someone will answer you in literally no time. Many times you can hop on a zoom with someone and talk it out!

BAM University IS NOT A SCAM!

danelle bam

The Bad Ass Marketers training program is the real deal and boasts several students who have been able to quit their jobs and work entirely from home on their own time.

If you’re still wondering about how real this all is…check out their intro Facebook group called the “Digital Masterplan”. It is updated daily with testimonials.

Danelle Osborne’s mission is to teach each BAMILY member the skills they need to go out and be financially independent.

Unlike other one trick pony courses, she and Josh teach a wide array of digital marketing systems, but focuses on organic lead generation because it offers the highest amount of leverage and profit margins.

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