
Creato Review (Updated 2025): Is Jeremy Ray Holst The Cheapest Guru Ever?

By: Joel & Josiah
Jeremy Ray Holst Creato Review

Hi, and welcome to ScamRisk! 

I want to first say thank you for taking time to read my Creato review, or as some call it, Creator review. 

Over the last few days, you’ve probably been seeing some information about Jeremy Ray Holst because of a few different ways: 

  1. You’ve been doing research about how to start a dropshipping business and found Jeremy’s course. 
  2. During your research, you may have run into course that teach about Amazon FBA and like the idea of them handling all your inventory
  3. You were doing research on Billy Idol dropshipping look-a-likes and Jeremy was listed at the top. 

It doesn’t matter how you got here, I just want you to grab your favorite snack and take a load off while we get into this Creato review. 

In the next 10 minutes or so, I’m going to step you through the ins and outs of dropshipping, including some tidbits of my own journey. 

Hopefully, by the end you’ll be able to answer some of the more pressing questions you’ll have like: 

  • What exactly is Dropshipping and how do you make money with it?
  • Is there any truth to all the Creato scam talk on the internet? 
  • How much does Creato cost?
  • Are there any other courses like Creato?
  • What everyone wants to know… are there better ways to make money online than Dropshipping? 

I’m sure if you’ve been to my site before, you’ve probably seen a lot about dropshipping, along with other reviews I’ve done, which we’ll touch on a little bit later. 

I’ve done quite a bit of research on the topic, I’ve even created my own store and made a decent amount of money along the way. 

Now, I don’t mean to sound like I’m the smartest person when it comes to dropshipping. I mean, I like to consider myself a fitness buff, even my Apple watch has to remind me to get up out of my chair and move around. 

It’s just that whenever I get a chance to talk about the latest dropshipping craze, I tend to jump on it.

So my goal in these next 10 minutes is to lay out everything I know about dropshipping in a way that saves you the time and hassle, plus any money that you might end up wasting. 

That being said, let’s start unpacking Creato with a quick summary and some Pros and Cons.  

This Creato review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
Training Curriculum

Average Rating


The training that Jeremy offers is free and includes 28 lessons and 7 hours of video tutorials covering topics like finding products, creating your Shopify store, and learning TikTok and Facebook Ads. He does offer one-on-one mentoring, live Q&A calls and chat support for an additional fee. Lastly, he provides a community environment hosted on his Discord account for his students.


  • Free Access To Training: Jeremy offers the training in Creato for free, which means you can learn the basics of dropshipping with no money spent up front. 
  • Community Support: You’ll get access to his Creato Chat on Discord, which means you’ll be able to connect with other dropshippers, share experiences and ask questions. 
  • Advanced Mentorship Available: Jeremy offers additional mentoring, which means you can get specialized coaching if you need it. 


  • No FREE Personalized Coaching: The extra mentorship Jeremy provides is not included, which means you’ll need to pay extra. 
  • Limited Shopify Offer: His free course has a 24 hour limit, which means you need to show proof of signing up with Shopify through his link or you lose access. 
  • Abandoned Carts: Sometimes customers will change their mind about a purchase at the last minute, so all the time and money you spent attracting them will have been wasted.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


TLDR – What’s The Verdict On Creato?

Jeremy Ray Holst Creato Verdict

Now some of you out there are the type who like to read the last chapter of a novel first before thumbing through the set up, and if that’s you, then definitely don’t skip this section. 

First, I don’t want you to think that Jeremy Holst is a scammer, or that his course isn’t any good.

It’s that dropshipping, in my opinion, isn’t the best way to make money online in 2025 and will likely be hurdle after hurdle, especially if you’re new to the game. 

Let’s take a look at a glaring statistic… The average success rate of dropshippers is 10% – 20%.

I know you might be thinking this stat is a little off with all the success stories you see on YouTube and other sites online, but here are a few reasons: 

  1. Inadequate Training: Many people who jump into dropshipping don’t get adequate training even though they may have spent thousands of dollars on a course. 
  2. Wrong Niche: You did your due diligence but picked the wrong niche, and instead of picking a different one, you keep spending more money hoping it’ll turn around.
  3. Product Selection: You chose a product that you’re not familiar with or based on crazy market trends. 
  4. No Patience: Most dropshippers are gung-ho when they first start, but don’t realize that it can take 6-12 months to see a profit and that’s if you’re grinding it out every day. 
  5. Lack of Capital: Most dropshipping gurus will tell you that you only need to spend as little as $5 per day to get your business rolling, when the truth is that you may need to spend $100s or even $1,000s to see any decent returns

Of course, these issues I just outlined are all within your control and can be easily fixed, but what happens when you run into factors that are out or your control, like:

Time Investment3.2/5The strategies that Jeremy teaches will take time to learn and put into place. Dropshipping also requires consistent monitoring for the first year without a guarantee of profit.
Level of Control3.8/5You have a decent amount of control over your business from picking your products based on niche and potential for going viral to sales, marketing and pricing.
Ease of Implementation3.5/5The training in Creato makes it simple to set up your dropshipping business, but the business model comes with inherent hurdles that you’ll need to overcome to be successful.
Profit Potential3.7/5Jeremy teaches you to find products with at least a $10 profit margin sweet spot which he says is important for success. There are products with higher margins, but those also have higher competition.

I’ll be totally honest here, there are two main reasons I threw in the towel on dropshipping. One was that I didn’t have the patience to stick it out over the long haul, especially when I saw my funds dwindling every month. 

The other was that the competition in the industry was too much for me to overcome. 

That’s why I switched gears and started doing Digital Leasing, because I’m now working with profit margins between 90%-95% and I have little to no competition. 

Before you make your final decision, you should check it out. 

However, if you’re still thinking Dropshipping is a good option, let’s take a look at who would benefit the most from Creato and the Dropshipping business model.

Who Should Consider Creato And Who Should Look Somewhere Else?

Who is Creato For

In this Creato review, I’d like to step away from personal opinion about the course (we’ll get to that towards the end), and lay out some reasons for you to decide for yourself if Creato is a good choice. 

I’ve always found that no one knows what’s inside someone’s head better than they do. 

So, if you can relate to any of the following, then maybe Creato is for you:

  • You have a product of your own that you created and would like to share it with the internet. 
  • You like the idea of a supplier shipping directly to your customers so that you can help keep your overhead costs down
  • You want to live a flexible lifestyle and believe that dropshipping can provide that for you. 

If any of the following rubs you the wrong way, you may want to consider an alternative: 

  • You don’t like the idea of spending money to get traffic to your online store. This Quora user says that dropshipping can be a nightmare for advertisers, because you can get your accounts banned and products de-platformed without warning. 
  • You have a history of dealing with bad suppliers. This Reddit user had to talk his customer off the ledge because his game controller was taking too long to arrive, but when it finally did, it wouldn’t work with his gaming console. 

Next, let’s get a birds-eye view of Creato and Dropshipping.

Creato: A 1,000 Ft View

Creato 1000 Ft View

I’m glad you stuck with me, says a lot about your entrepreneurial spirit. 

What I would like to do now is kinda back up a bit and look at Jeremy’s course and the dropshipping business through a wide angle lens. 

How Does Dropshipping Work?

Here’s a breakdown of the main steps in the dropshipping process: 

  1. Seller and Supplier Agreement
  2. Customer Places Order
  3. Seller Receives Order
  4. Customer Receives Confirmation
  5. Seller Send Order To Supplier
  6. Supplier Ships Order
  7. Customer Receives Order

Now let’s see how this looks:

The process begins when a seller (Jane) enters into an agreement with a supplier (ie AliExpress), ironing out the terms of their business relationship. 

Once this is in place, Jane lists AliExpress’ products on her online store. 

When a customer (Jill) visits Jane’s store and places an order, she receives the order details. 

At the same time, Jill gets an order confirmation email, assuring her that her order was received and is being processed.

Jane then forwards the order to AliExpress, which is a crucial step as it involves transferring Jill’s order details and shipping information to fulfill the order.

AliExpress receives Jill’s order, then prepares and ships it directly to her. This process completely bypasses the traditional delivery methods where Jane would need to maintain her own inventory and ship the order through her local UPS and FedEx store.

Finally, Jill receives her order and Jane receives a deposit in her bank account from AliExpress. 

This entire process, from Jill placing and receiving her order, is streamlined and more efficient. Jane never physically handles the product, reducing her overhead costs and simplifying her business. 

It also allows her to focus on the marketing and customer service issues of her business, while the AliExpress handles the product storage, packaging, and shipping.

The Creato Approach

With platforms like TikTok coming on the scene, Dropshipper have a potential customer base of over 150 million in the U.S. and 830 million around the world – so it’s now wonder that Jeremy mainly uses TikTok. 

He says keeping your profit margins right around $10 which should be enough to cover costs. 

Instead of looking for products that are widely available in stores like Walmart or Target, Jeremy suggests looking for products that are more obscure but still have a decent sized market. 

Most importantly, Jeremy says that you should research products that people buy on the spur of the moment, typically because they need. Products like Grampa’s Weeder or specialized acne medications would be a good start. 

Who Is Jeremy Ray Holst?

Who Is Jeremy Ray Holst

Jeremy is the brains behind Creato, and Owner / CEO of Crystalline Media and outfit that teaches others how to build their own eCom and personal brands, or start their own marketing agencies regardless of their experience. 

InstagramInstagram“I believe in you.”
TiktokTikTok“Those who made it to the end are happy they did.”
YoutubeYouTube“I made this youtube channel to share the knowledge and experience I have from consistently doing multi 7 figures in online sales per year via shopify dropshipping.”

He’s always been a self-starter who enjoys challenging projects, especially when he was a kid and got the crazy idea of selling wallets made out of duct tape. 

Today, as a 7-figure dropshipping entrepreneur, his goal is to help more than 200 million people see the same type of success that he’s had. 

How Much Does Creato Cost?

How Much Does Creato Cost

The Creato program is broken down into 3 different sections: 

  • Creato Class: FREE
  • Creato VIP Club Card: $19.99/month
  • Creato VIP Clue Black Card: $99.99/month

The Creato Scam Question:

The Creato Scam Question

I don’t think Creato is a scam, and I certainly don’t think that Jeremy Ray Holst is out to put anyone in a financial bind. In fact, at first glance, I kinda like his punk rock persona. 

However, I just don’t feel that Dropshipping is the best way to make money online in 2025.

Now, I don’t doubt that there are plenty of gurus out there talking about how their Shopify stores did $1 million in sales this month, or that if they had to start over, dropshipping would be their main play. 

It’s just that from what I see in the webverse, the only people who are actually making big money in dropshipping are the ones with a course to sell you. 

Let’s also not forget that if you’re going to pull the trigger on starting your own dropshipping business, you’ll need to wear a lot of different hats that involve having skills like:

  • Web Development
  • SEO
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Research Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Relationship Management
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analytics
  • Graphic Design

That’s a lot to learn, especially when you’re not guaranteed that you’re gonna make any money at it. 

I personally believe that you would be better off looking for a business model that gives you a far better chance of success, without all the hassles of dealing with: 

  • Inefficient suppliers
  • Customer that change their minds at the last minute
  • Damaged or wrong products

That’s why I’ve been doing Digital Leasing for the last few years and have been making money hand over fist.

So, you might be wondering how Digital Leasing is different from dropshipping. 

Let’s say you took an hour out of your day to create a five-page website that’s bringing you $500-$2,000 per month, every month. 

Now let’s say that you saw the writing on the wall and decided to build 10 – 20 – even 50 more of these little gems.  

Yeah, I can see the numbers adding up in your head. 

Well, this is exactly what I and other people are doing today, and the best part is that we’re not competing with each other.  

Now, I don’t want to put the horse in front of the cart, because this IS a Creato review. 

So at this point, I’d like to give a quick comparison of Jeremy’s course with other similar courses.

How Is Creato Different From Other Similar Programs?

Creato vs Other Programs

I don’t know if you’ve been to ScamRisk before, but if you haven’t there’s plenty of other Creato alternatives that I’ve written about.  

A quick recap: Jeremy’s course is free to start and covers the basics of Dropshipping. There is advanced training ranging from about $20-$100 per month. 

So if you’d like to do some shopping around, here’s a quick list… 

eCom Good Life
In my Mikey Kass review, I talk about how he teaches a basic level of dropshipping for the beginner, but if you want advanced training, it could go as high as $10,000. 

Dropship Lifestyle
In this Dropship Lifestyle review by Anton Kraly, I point out that it’s a much more comprehensive training right out of the gate and could cost you anywhere from about $4,000 for the Premium training to $10,500 for the Ultimate Training programs. 

Walmart Automation Alliance
This Walmart Automation Alliance review by Nick Mocuta, is a Done For You service using Walmart on the backend and will cost you anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000. 

My Personal Opinion About Creato

My Personal Opinion About Creato

I’d like to start closing up this Creato review by making our way back to Jeremy Ray Holst and dropshipping in general. 

Now, I know I’ve thrown a lot of scary numbers at you earlier, along with some folks who didn’t have too many good stories to tell about their experiences with dropshipping. 

Let me say first that this is in no way a reflection on Jeremy’s course, good or bad, it’s purely my opinion on the nature of the dropshipping industry. 

So, rather than judging any one course on certain facts and figures, or from posts you’ll see on sites like Reddit or Quora, I’ve come up with a five-point list that I use to decide if a course is worth the investment: 

  1. Experience: Does Jeremy have real dropshipping experience or is it all academic?
  2. Mentorship: Does Jeremy leave you hanging, or does he offer additional coaching?
  3. Value: Is the training offered worth the cost of admission? 
  4. Honesty: Are there additional costs that Jeremy has hidden up his sleeve?
  5. Social Proof: Does Jeremy have students that talk about their success with his program? 

Now, on to my recommendation… 

Would I Recommend Creato?

Let’s see if Creato passes the sniff test… 

The Positives

From what I’ve been able to see online, it does seem as though Jeremy has some real world experience with dropshipping, I’m just not so sure to what extent.  

Now, his course is FREE and, although it’s a basic program, he does cover quite a few topics, so I won’t fault him for not being too in-depth. 

He does offer Mentorship, although you’ll need to pay extra. 

He also has a few success stories on his student testimonials page – one woman in particular talking about how she quit her 9-5 after making $60,000 in her first month of dropshipping, which sounds a little iffy to me. 

The Negatives

The only true negative that I could find is that you need to sign up with Shopify before getting his FREE course, which doesn’t seem like an issue since you’re gonna need a store, but I suspect he has some sort of affiliate arrangement with them. 

Now, let’s look at what you get with Creato… 

What’s Inside Creato?

Whats Inside Creato

Here’s quick snapshot of what you’ll see in his course: 

  • Setting up your store
  • Accepting payments
  • Facebook Ads primer
  • Product Research
  • Creating you Facebook page
  • TikTok Ads primer
  • Scaling your business

My Conclusion: Should You Join Creato?

I believe there are two types of people in the world, those who like the Free samples that you get at Costco and Sam’s Club, and those who don’t.

In this situation, since it’s a Free course, I’d say go ahead and jump on it. Aside from signing up with Shopify (which you can cancel later if you want), you really don’t have anything to lose.

Based on what you learn from his Free course, you can determine for yourself if you want to pay extra for his additional mentorships.

As for Dropshipping, I sill don’t think it’s the best way to make money online.

My #1 Pick For Making Money Online In 2025

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing

I know it feels like I’m beating a dead horse, and while I do believe there is no “perfect” business, Digital Leasing is by far the best choice for beginners

Here’s why: 

Flexibility: If you have even 1 hour to focus on this business model, you can start your journey to financial freedom. 

  1. You Own Everything: With dropshipping, you might own your store, but you don’t own your products, the supply chain, and you could easily be banned from Facebook or TikTok.
    With Digital Leasing, you own everything, so you call the shots. 
  2. Little Startup Costs: You can get started with Digital Leasing in under $100 and making money within 30 days. 
  3. No Inventory: You have no inventory headaches with Digital Assets. True, you don’t have to stack boxes of widgets in your basement or garage, but you still deal with all the hassles of inventory especially when your customer calls you up complaining about not getting their orders. 
  4. Easy Duplication: You can double your income with additional digital assets for the cost of a bag of chips and as easily as snapping your fingers. Duplicating a shopify store means doubling your inventory, doubling your customer base, or doubling your orders. It’s hard to create a new design in a reasonable time frame. 
  5. Helping Real People: With Creato, you’re basically selling one or two products to someone you may never see again.
    With Digital Leasing, you’re helping small business owners make money, not some huge overseas supplier.
    You’re helping your local Mom & Pop business down the street put food on the table for their kids. 

Now, you could go ahead and get Jeremy’s Free Creato program and try to make it work with dropshipping, or you could jump on board with Digital Leasing and help improve the lives of people you know in your community

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