
Click Start Digital Review (Updated 2025): Is Samantha Hurst The Best Ecom Coach?

By: Joel & Josiah
Click Start Digital Review

There are no shortcuts to building sustainable income online or in any business. Building a 5 or 6-figure business will typically require several weeks or months of dedicated focus, and it will likely involve recurring expenses for essential tools and related resources. It is crucial that you fully understand these factors when evaluating any business opportunity.

Hey and welcome to my Click Start Digital review, we’ve got a good one for you today! 

We see new concepts and ways of making money online all the time but there are a few business models that never go extinct. Ecommerce is one of them. 

But Click Start Digital set out to do ecommerce a little different by providing you with a completely hands-off and “done for you” style business. 

As someone who has written numerous reviews on various ecommerce business models, I’ve learned a couple of things: 

  1. Many programs overpromise and underdeliver
  2. Income expectations are often inflated
  3. Gurus want students to believe that their success is common and easily duplicatable 

By the end of this simple breakdown, I want you to understand if Click Start Digital will help you get your online e commerce website off the ground or if it’s just another swing and miss. 

This Click Start Digital  review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.
Training Curriculum

Average Rating


Click Start Digital serves as more of a “system” rather than a training program. By purchasing a done-for-you ecommerce website and management, you can fast track your way to riches, maybe. There is little in terms of training, mentorship, and community within the system and instead you’re paying to play and costs add up quickly while you lack the training and experience to actually run a successful ecommerce store in the long run. 

It’s hard to argue with a turnkey solution if you can afford it. 
Click Start Digital is legit and has a series of positive reviews online to back it up. 
If you have the money, you could create a duplicatable system where Click Start Digital builds and manages your sites for you. 
The potential is bleak if you don’t have at least $20,000 or more to invest in a proper website and management. 
Click Start Digital recommends that you pour even more money into your Google Ad campaigns and they’re not entirely clear about it. 
In the end, you’re not actually learning about ecommerce so when their services run out, you’re have to fend for yourself.


  • It’s hard to argue with a turnkey solution if you can afford it. 
  • Click Start Digital is legit and has a series of positive reviews online to back it up. 
  • If you have the money, you could create a duplicatable system where Click Start Digital builds and manages your sites for you. 


  • The potential is bleak if you don’t have at least $20,000 or more to invest in a proper website and management. 
  • Click Start Digital recommends that you pour even more money into your Google Ad campaigns and they’re not entirely clear about it. 
  • In the end, you’re not actually learning about ecommerce so when their services run out, you’re have to fend for yourself.

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


TLDR – What’s the Real Deal on Click Start Digital?

What’s the Real Deal on Click Start Digital?

Click Start Digital sells “done for you” ecommerce websites promising a turnkey business in a box. Their appeal lies in handling everything for you – the website, supplier sourcing, even initial product uploads.

At first glance, it appears like a foolproof system to start earning passive income online with minimal effort on your part. Just choose a premade niche store, pay their fee, and you’re suddenly a business owner, right?

Not so fast.

While convenient, this model skips over critical education on actually operating an ecommerce business. When problems inevitably arise, you’re left clueless without their ongoing hand-holding.

Now don’t get me wrong, they do offer training in the form of group coaching, one-on-one sessions, a training hub, and newsletters. 

But these are all temporary and run out after a few months. 

Trust me, winging it in ecommerce rarely ends well. You need substantial knowledge on:

  • Navigating algorithms and ad platforms
  • Managing overseas suppliers and quality control
  • Optimizing funnels and promotions
  • Building a brand people love
  • Mitigating high fraud potential

Without expertise in these areas, transpiring issues can sink an ecommerce business quickly.

Since they’re doing most of the work for you, it’s unlikely that you’re going to actually go through the coursework and educate yourself on the in’s and out’s of the business model. 

Rather than bash Click Start Digital too hard, we simply want to provide a more reliable alternative business model lacking these ecommerce downsides.

The ecommerce business model in general is flawed, it’s not Click Start Digital’s fault. 

That’s why we want to present you with Digital Leasing

The concept here is simple – acquire valuable assets, lease access to them, collect hands-off residual income each month.

No dealing with product research, overseas suppliers, customs and logistics, quality control issues, customer complaints, and external factors that are out of your control. 

This is a straightforward business model built on the traditional of dealing locally with brick and mortar businesses. 

So, if you’d like to learn more about Digital Leasing, you can click here

If you’re not sure and still want to keep reading about Click Start Digital, let’s keep the ball rolling. 

Who Benefits From Click Start Digital and Who Doesn’t?

Who Benefits From Click Start Digital and Who Doesn’t?
Area of ImportanceScoreTakeaway
Time Investment4/5You may not have to invest any time if you choose to pay a premium for Click Start Digital to manage everything for you.
Upfront Cost1/5This program and system is incredibly expensive to buy plus you need to pay for your own ads.
Learning Curve3/5You can do as much or as little as you want yourself depending on how much you want to pay.
Profit Potential4/5The sky is the limit in terms of profit but it will take a little bit of luck and a lot of money down to get the ball rolling.

Right away, you’ll discover very quickly that this business model is or isn’t for you when you see the price tag (more on that to come). 

Regardless of your budget, Click Start Digital will click for you or it won’t. Everyone has a different set of skills, more or less time, current obligations, and so on. 

You might be well suited for this process or not. Let’s find out. 

Who Benefits

  • Those who have at least $10,000 for this to be worth it because any less than that and you’re really not getting much more than a starter website.
  • People who want a quick and easy setup of an ecommerce store without learning the foundation and have the money to back it up.
  • Technologically challenged individuals who struggle with setting up websites BUT have an ecommerce background and can do the rest.

Who Doesn’t Benefit 

  • Entrepreneurs looking to deeply understand ecommerce from the ground up.
  • People who eventually want to run their business independently without support.
  • Owners who need full control and customization of their online store.

Let’s be real here. With Click Start Digital, you’re stuck somewhere in limbo between buying an already successful e commerce store and learning how to build your own e commerce business. 

That’s the biggest problem for me and I imagine a lot of people will relate to that.

If you really want to learn how to build  a successful online store from the ground up, you can check out Lunar eCom or Ecom Degree University for the education.

1,000 FT View of Click Start Digital and Samantha Hurst

1,000 FT View of Click Start Digital and Samantha Hurst
Program NameClick Start Digital
OwnerSamantha Hurst
Price$7,890 – 30,990
Refund120 Days to Earn 10K per month (restrictions apply)

As I really dove into the trenches of my Click Start Digital review, I discovered more about the different facets that make up this “system.”

Keep in mind, this isn’t so much a program as it’s a system you can implement and learn at a level of your choosing. 

Business Model

At it’s core, ecommerce is the business model and everything else is gravy on top. 

Your goal is to find things you want to sell and sell them online. Click Start Digital’s goal is to get you to pay them to do as much of the hard work for you and you reap the rewards on the backend. 

Samantha Hurst has devised this system to be as hands-on or hands-off as you want it to be. 


The problem is, the issues and pitfalls of ecommerce still exist no matter how much of the work they handle. 

There are no guarantees. 

click start digital offer terms

Well, actually there’s one guarantee in Click Start’s offer terms. But holy moly are there a lot of restrictions… More to come on that. 

About The Guru

about samantha hurst

Samantha Hurst is the founder of Click Start Digital, a company selling done-for-you ecommerce websites. She positions herself as an authority figure based on her past success selling a lingerie business back in 2010.

In Sam’s own words from her About page, she has “forged a career on creating, building & selling successful businesses.”

Now she claims to have insider secrets to replicate her wins and help aspiring entrepreneurs build online income streams. Her mission focuses on helping “corporate slaves” transition to self-employment through building home based online businesses.

Beyond ecommerce, Sam is an author and offers group business coaching services. She emphasizes the benefits of lifestyle freedom, location independence, and unlimited income potential.

Click Start Digital Cost

click start digital cost

I bet you’re navigating through this Click Start Digital review just salivating at the thought of getting a turnkey ecommerce store built for you! 

Well I hate to burst your bubble but the Click Start Digital cost is pretty high. 10 G’s high in fact. 

The packages are broken down into six levels:

  1. Starter – $7,890
  2. Silver – $10,490
  3. Gold – $14,990
  4. Platinum – $19,990
  5. Diamond – $24,990
  6. Elite – $30,990 

But hey, they’ll finance it for you… with interest. 

For example, if you went for the Gold Package at $14,990 and elected to pay over three months, you’d pay $16,788 in the end. 

Oh and remember the thing about the offer terms if you don’t get results? 

Well actually, you’re only eligible for free advertising on their behalf if you spend $2,500 AUD per month as directed by Samantha and the offer applies only to Diamond and Elite packages. 

One redditor tells their story about how they feel like they got scammed out of $20k.

So, if you want a done for you ecommerce store with any sort of guarantee from Click Start Digital, expect to pay at least $30,000 or more. 

My Personal Opinion

my personal opinion of click start digital

At first glimpse, Click Start Digital seems like an ideal done-for-you system to start earning passive online income. After all, you receive a full-fledged ecommerce store with products, suppliers, and even potential traffic sources identified.

I’ve seen these types of programs before where you can choose how much you want to be involved based on your budget.

Just hand over 4-5 figures, and voila – you’re instantly a business owner without any tedious setup or guesswork.

But can it really be that easy? Is it ever that easy?

Is The Reality a Click Start Digital Scam?

Upon closer inspection, I don’t believe Click Start Digital can reliably deliver on its passive income promises for the average buyer lacking business expertise.

Don’t get me wrong, there is serious potential here if you have the money to back it up. But, I can’t get past the educational gaps that remain around operating an ecommerce business in the long-term. 

You still have to learn how to manage algorithm changes, site issues, quality control, logistics and customs, supply chain, shipping delays, customer service, changes to advertising platforms, and so on. 

You can’t hide from these things unless you plan on paying Click Start Digital forever. 

But while I can’t come right out and call it a Click Start Digital scam, I can offer a solution. Digital Leasing

The concept here is simple – acquire digital assets like websites, mobile apps or software tools and lease access to them for ongoing residual income.

For example, you could purchase a premium domain name and rent it out to businesses needing an elevated online presence associated with that brand.

No more worrying about overseas suppliers, quality control, internet changes or building complex funnels. Just straight-forward asset building and income generation minus external volatility factors.

Additionally, Digital Leasing naturally builds true passive income through asset appreciation and evergreen residual cash flow. Unlike ecommerce stores requiring ongoing work to maintain sales.

Ultimately if you seek a sustainable online business without dealing with ecommerce headaches, I suggest giving Digital Leasing closer inspection before considering stores-for-sale from Click Start Digital.

What’s Inside The Click Start Digital Packages?

What’s Inside The Click Start Digital Packages?

Like I said, this is more of a package deal or a system than it is a program that will really teach you anything. 

It’s broken down into a bunch of different elements of ecommerce that are immersive and comprehensive. 

Here’s what you get at the basic level no matter what package you pay for:

Pre-Made Niche Website Builds

Rather than fully custom ecommerce stores, these are template-based sites in popular niches like health products, outdoor gear, makeup, or pet supplies. Convenience comes at the cost of personalization and control. If website flipping is your goal, I’d recommend checking out cheaper solutions like Flippa.

Basic Online Training Platform

All tiers include access to their proprietary “Training Hub” with beginner-friendly ecommerce courses. However, free learning portals like YouTube and Reddit likely offer the same entry-level information. In fact, we know of a bunch of ecommerce courses that are more affordable and offer just as much training. 

Limited Ongoing Support

Click Start Digital positions ongoing assistance as a perk. But in reality, focused help spanning technical troubleshooting, business strategy and traffic growth remain locked behind costly upsells not included in the base packages.

It’s broken down into quite a few packages:

Entry-Level Packages

The Starter and Growth packages offer basic websites and limited support for those with tighter budgets or less experience. You receive discounted site builds and access to the training platform. However, key services like 1-on-1 coaching, ads management, and ongoing technical assistance cost extra.

Mid-Tier Packages

The Success and Achiever tiers add more personalized support like a dedicated business coach, group coaching sessions, and technical help desk access. They also include core store setup services – logo design, product research/sourcing, initial product uploads. This balances independence and support for moderately experienced owners.

High-End Packages

The upper Elite and Freedom packages cater to busy individuals who want total outsourcing. You receive more advanced offerings like done-for-you social media management, PPC ad creation, and VIP concierge service. However, these come at a steep premium cost with less education on operating the businesses yourself long-term.

Custom Website Building

All packages focus on premade niche store builds. But Click Start does offer website customization and building unique stores from scratch for additional fees. This allows personalization if you have a specific brand in mind already.


Many key services are left out of the base packages, requiring further upsells. This includes ongoing ad management, product updating, web hosting, important software, and advanced technical assistance. The core pitch implies everything’s handled for you, but reality differs.

Now here are the upsells that you need to pay an additional cost for:

Website Review – The company will take a look at an existing ecommerce site. 

Supplier Sourcing – They find ideal suppliers for your products.

Product Upload – They upload your first set of products to your store and write descriptions for you. 

Google Ad Setup – You’ll have to pay at least $25,000 to get them to set up ads for you.

Remarketing Campaigns – Same deal, $25,000 minimum for retargeting. 

Ad Management – Yep, if you want them to set up and manage your ads for two months, it’s going to cost you. 

As I’ve stressed throughout this review, I’m not trying to shine any sort of negative light on this business. If you pay for this service, it’s likely that you’ll get those results and if you don’t they have a strict guarantee to back it up. 

It’s just an unrealistic cost for most people to sustain if you want the company to continue building profitable ecommerce sites so you can live freely without having to be glued to your laptop. 

Is Click Start Digital Worth the Investment? 

It could take a long time to recuperate the initial cost of this system even with the results they claim. 

Plus, you’re not actually learning how to build an e commerce business, maintain customer loyalty, and operate your own business in the online world. You’re paying someone to do it for you. 

Because of these reasons, I can’t recommend Click Start Digital. 

There are no shortcuts in this world and anyone who tells you otherwise is deceiving you. 

Even if you have an unlimited number of financial resources, there’s very little guarantee that you’ll make the money Click Start Digital claims and they have a pretty stiff guarantee policy to defend themselves. 

In fact, after guaranteeing that you’ll make $10k per month, they come out and say:

“Please bear in mind that earning $10,000 in 4 months is not a guaranteed outcome. It’s essential to recognize that all businesses inherently carry a level of risk. Therefore, before embarking on any business venture, it is crucial to assess your motivations and ensure that you are starting the business for the right reasons.”

Be careful before investing in this system and make sure you understand exactly what you’re paying for. 

What is My Top Recommendation for Making Money Online in 2025? 

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online - Digital Leasing

We’ve covered the allure and pitfalls of buying done-for-you ecommerce stores from Click Start Digital. On the surface, it seems like an ideal hands-off system for earning passive income online.

But upon closer inspection, I don’t believe their model sets most novices up for sustainable success. Lacking practical expertise in key business areas, what happens when inevitable hiccups emerge?

What happens when:

  1. The initial products you got and ran ads to don’t work and there’s no one to help you?
  2. A bad batch of products go out to customers and you have hundreds of angry people?
  3. You’re starting to burn out and don’t know how to hire or outsource tasks?

The rose-colored glasses have to come off at some point because it’s not all sunshine and the grass isn’t greener. 

That’s why I want to give you a chance to learn more about Digital Leasing

This involves acquiring digital assets and leasing them for long-term residual income.

1. True Passive Income – Money flows in automatically without ads or a need for overseas products. Your assets continue appreciating while paying you like rental houses. Plus, it’s an incredibly simple business model to understand so you don’t have to worry about long-term sustainability like you do in ecom. 

2. Minimal Ongoing Work – Ecommerce requires constant production tweaks and reactionary changes. Digital leasing allows hands-off income generation once your assets are acquired and monetized.

3. Replicable Scale – Duplicating ecommerce stores demands extensive steps. But copying digital leases takes minutes by tweaking the branding and connecting payment links. You can rinse and repeat the same process to increase your earnings. 

4. Helping Real People – Instead of relying on faceless traffic that you don’t own or care about, your assets provide solutions for real people happy to pay you monthly for helping their business grow.

You can help a mother put food on the table and not have to work two jobs. A college student make some extra side cash to afford better lunches. Or that entrepreneur who has been constantly looking for the right opportunity 

All of this is possible without the fear and uncertainty that shelling out tens of thousands of dollars without a guarantee creates. 

Not to mention all the trials and tribulations you’ll have to face in the process of growing and running an ecommerce store. 

Ready to learn more about Digital Leasing?

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