
Aidan Booth

By: Joel & Josiah

Who Is Aidan Booth? Is He Worth Paying Attention To?

Aidan Booth is a prolific and popular entrepreneur who has spent nearly 20 years in making money online.

In 2013, he formed a partnership with Steven Clayton, the former CFO of a Fortune 500 business.

Aidan’s profitable business has raised eight figures from eCommerce, software development, affiliate marketing,  coaching, small business marketing, and many others.

This review will go over Aidan Booth to see if he really has the best online marketing courses out there.

You’ll learn whether online marketing is the right online business for you.

And at the end, you’ll find answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Aidan Booth and online marketing in general.

But most importantly, you’ll see the exact system many others have used to build their own internet marketing business to over $40,000 a month in mostly passive income.

This system made them swear off online marketing for good, because it uses some of the same skills but in a much more powerful and profitable way!

Why Listen To Us?

My name is Josiah, and this is my Dad, Joel.

Together, we make up the team here at Scamrisk.

If you’ll let me bother you for two minutes, I’d like to quickly explain why I’m even here writing this review.

In early 2020, I had just graduated from college & had no real career prospects.

I knew I was destined for something more, but I had no clue how I was going to make it happen.

I had this sinking feeling in my gut all the time… like the “big man upstairs” had accidentally given me the version of life where I’d be mediocre forever, instead of the one where I was, ya know – happy & fulfilled.


I had fiddled around with some different online businesses in college:

Some random MLMs, a bit of affiliate marketing, a (failed) dropshipping store or two, all the usual suspects.

Even my dad had been involved in MLMs back in the day… selling knives & other random nonsense people (probably) didn’t need.

All I really wanted was to find something that was going to actually work for me.

Maybe those things had worked for others, but for me it all turned up a fat “0” in the bank account department.

So I searched! And searched… and searched… and searched…

And eventually, I somehow stumbled upon a program that promised to help me build an income online (read about it here if you’re curious).

I didn’t really want to be “rich”.

The thought of making a reliable $5K per month & not having to worry about clocking in to a 9-to-5 ever again was all I needed.

Sure, there were people in the program doing high-6 and low-7 figures per year… but that wasn’t what I was out for.

I just wanted to provide freedom for myself, and if I was lucky, take my family along for the ride.

Fast forward a few days and a few phone calls & I was enrolled!

Here’s the first “money making website” I put up:

I built that site in 2020, and it still makes me $1,500 per month. It’s a basic 5 page website I built based on a template the program provides.

The best part to me? My dad and I get to do it all together!

So between the:

  1. Ease of reaching $5-$10K per month in income online
  2. Straightforward-ness of the system to do it
  3. Fact that I get to do it w/ my family

Is why I recommend local lead generation as my #1 business model for making money online.

Sure, it takes some work and dedication – but anyone that tells you that there’s a business out there that requires no work is selling you a lemon.

I’m not saying you need to sign up for the same program I did, but I would definitely recommend giving the business model a peek!


Who Is Aidan Booth?

Aidan believes that there are 3 things in life that are important: lifestyle, financial independence, and his versatility.

He has seen enormous financial growth in his multi-million dollar companies with dozens of employees spread in 15 countries.

Aidan, together with Steve, have assisted thousands of people in launching their very own online ventures, many of whom are now raking in millions themselves.

Aidan’s Areas of Expertise and 6 “Pillars” of His Business

Aidan Booth pillars

Aidan and Steve own a number of online companies. They’ve expanded in the following distinct “pillars” or categories. According to them, the most predictable and easiest online marketing businesses are in these categories:

  1. Niche Websites and eCommerce Stores – This is something Aidan began doing since 2005 and, although it is constantly changing, it still proves to be a good way to make money for him.
  2. Online Marketing Training and Consulting Services – Assisting others in replicating his success by coaching and training, such as Kibo Code Quantum. and Online Marketing Classroom.
  3. Small Business Marketing – They run loads of local marketing franchises in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand – otherwise known as local SEO
  4. Physical Product Brands – Four distinct brands have been developed by Aidan and Steve since 2013 with each brand having its own product line that are sold in brick-and-mortal stores in the US (which include Walmart Walgreens and CVS), and Amazon.
  5. Software as a Service – Aidan also offers software solutions via subscription, such as NetBlaze, which assists small businesses in internet marketing, and other apps/ software tailored especially for webpage publishers, such as page builders, conversion optimization, etc.
  6. Domain Registration and Hosting – Float Hosting, a hosting and domain registry company, was created and is run by Steve and Aidan. They initially created it for their own use but has soon expanded to serve thousands of customers.

Learn From Aidan Booth

Aidan also posted a replay of a live training session from a few weeks earlier. Watching this video is one of the fastest ways to find out for yourself if his training is right for you. In this video session, he presents one of his most ambitious business models.

Aiden Booth

Below are what you’d expect:

  • The Three Surprising Roadbloacks that many people face while trying to build an online business
  • A unique solution to completely remove these roadblocks

He also explains how to apply each of these to:

  • Maximize the use their done-for-you “money pages” and quickly reach $1000 a month.
  • Scale them up as quickly and as high as you want.
  • Create a valuable resource that you can immediately tap into for quick income influxes.

Aidan’s Background

Aidan grew up on farm in New Zealand before following his wife, Carolina (who he met in Lake Tahoe), to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where finding a job was rather difficult because of the language barrier and was on a tourist visa.

As such, in 2005, he utilized the internet to his own advantage and launched his own websites, which earned him minimal income but enabled him to to enjoy free dining at some of the best steakhouses in town.

Aidan began using Google Adwords and creating affiliate websites in 2006, and gradually began to make commission sales, leading to his  eCommerce sites and SEO, where he began diversifying his profits by leveraging Google traffic from top rankings.

Aidan Booth Courses

Aidan has produced a range of products throughout his online career, the majority of which are no longer available to new members. For the time being, you can still enroll in the following:

  • Online Marketing Classroom (official website)
  • FBA Black Edition (official website)
  • The Infinity Project (official website)

The Infinity Project Review

Infinity Project Review

The Infinity Project will show you how you can launch your own profitable online business via digital products.

When you sign up, you’ll get access to a massive training library of more than 100 video modules and other supporting resources

You can learn how to find a market/ niche, create an email list, and earn commissions by marketing other people’s goods and services. While accomplishing this, t hey will also show you how a product can be made in the same niche.

Aidan and Steve used a basic three-step method to create extremely lucrative “impulse pages.”

Below are a few benefits:

  • No inventory (Not ecommerce)
  • No required technical knowledge
  • No hassles and complications
  • No need to coordinate with anyone (no warehouses, no suppliers, no customers, etc.)

Online Marketing Classroom Review

For now, the best way to hear about him and Steve Clayton, his business partner, is through the Online Marketing Classroom. During the training session, they go in-depth over the whole process and a replay can also be accessed here.

Online Marketing Classroom Review

Aidan and Steve have been running and expanding Online Marketing Classroom for the past four years. It’s a monthly subscription that includes trainings, blueprints,and tools.

The subscription includes the three most important aspects of any profitable online company in great depth.

1. Strategy

Marketing tactics that are haphazard do not succeed. The quickest path to succeed in an online business is to walk in the footsteps of someone who has already achieved success, such as the blueprints offered within the membership.

2. Traffic

This relies on long-term traffic solutions rather than short-term streams that dry up. You would not make any profits if no one visits your website.

3. Conversions

This is the most often neglected part. It makes no difference how much traffic you generate if you’re not making any profit.

They also have a blueprint for you to serve as a guide in order to create your own profitable online company.

Online Marketing Classroom

The following are his previous products that are now closed to potential members. Each of these is described in greater detail below.

aidan booth products

  • The Kibo Code (2020)
  • Parallel Profits (2019)
  • 7 Figure Cycle (2018)
  • 100K Factory Revolution (2017)
  • Blackbird Suite (2017)
  • 100 Factory Ultra Edition (2016)
  • 100K Factory (2015)
  • The Blueprint Academy
  • Crowd Force (2014)
  • The Trinity Code (2013)
  • Page One Evolution (2013)

Kibo Code Quantum Review

Kibo Code Quantum Review

Aidan and Steve give a new group of fortunate individuals the opportunity to get to “deep dive” through a training curriculum based on the same techniques Booth and Clayton use in their own company. They do this once every year for a week.

Aidan gives a high emphasis on testing his methods and improving them to be able to measure how much he could be successful with them.

Kibo Code Quantum Reviews

Kibo Code Quantum is an expansion of previous projects such as Kibo Code and Parallel Income.

The strategies taught have been tried and tested many times, with demonstrated success by their users, and have been modified to make things easier for the new batch of students and make money and expand their business fast.

The Kibo Code Review

In 202, Aidan and Steve launched The Kibo Code, an e-commerce training software.  They hit full capacity in a matter of weeks and are no longer accepting new candidates. The release of Kibo Quantum was done early this year.

This is the exact program that produced more than $76k in just 24 hours and in 30 days, more than $1.18 million. Their student ‘beta testers’ would bring in more than 125k a month.

Here, they share how you can make money with the use of their ground-breaking 4-step eCommerce technique, which has earned them millions of dollars over the last few years while being totally “under the radar.”

This scalable and extremely lucrative business opportunity stresses on selling easy yet extremely profitable items without the use of Amazon, Facebook, or the need to first create a large (and costly) inventory.

The Kibo Code 2020

Aidan and Steve also removed all of the roadblocks that their students have previously encountered such as increasing Amazon fees, huge upfront capital, traffic, the hassle of the legalities to set up your store, and many others.

They want the program simple and straightforward so users can easily take action. With this program, you don’t need Facebook ads, copywriting, website building, dealing with suppliers, even no prior experience is required.

You won’t have to deal with the common issues that plague 99.9% of the e-commerce training items on the market today.

There’s a lot of hype about this, and if you really want  to be a part of its income stream, you need to take action asap.

They, like all of Aidan and Steve’s classes, only accept a limited number of students and then they stop accepting for good. This is so that they can have more focus on each student.

Keep in mind that the Kibo Code business model would not have any of the following:

The Kibo Code review

Parallel Profits Review (2019)

Parallel Profits was only open from January 29, 2019 to February 7, 2019, and it has since been officially closed.

This training platform provides an excellent chance for you to conquer local marketing.

Parallel Profits Review

As for the majority of Aidan’s programs, they’re only open for a limited time because slots run out pretty quickly and are either closed every once in a while and at times for good.

Local Marketing

Are you searching for companies to collaborate with but want to save time and money? Do you dislike the face-to-face contact that is often expected while working with local businesses? If that’s the case, Parallel Profits is for you. It comes with a built-in client capture and lead generation system. By using it, you’d be able to find local clients efficiently.

Parallel Profits Course By Aidan Booth

Aidan has been successful and profitable with local SEO for a long time. As someone who has several local customers, you will learn their trade secrets and tactics once you sign up for the program.

Aidan offers unique opportunities in training, such as his Parallel Profits online course, which shows marketers how to gain a scalable income full-time from affiliate marketing.

7-Figure Cycle (2018)

Quick Update: This course is no longer offered. If you want to learn from Aidan, you should visit his Online Marketing Classroom.

7-Figure Cycle

If you’ve been wanting to get into the profitable and competitive world of e-commerce, now is your opportunity.

This software would show you how to begin with just a hundred bucks or less worth of inventory and turn it into steady income streams worth thousands of dollars.

The good thing about this is that no website is needed, no need for paid ads, no need to concern yourself with suppliers from China, and most es[ecially no need to stock huge quantities of inventory.

I would definitely recommend this course since the system removes all of the obstacles that entrepreneurs often encounter while launching an online business.

I would definitely recommend this course since the system removes all of the obstacles that entrepreneurs often encounter while launching an online business.

Sadly, however, the training program 7 Figure Cycle has been closed for good since 2018.

Blackbird Suite Review

Aidan and Steve’s Blackbird Suite is another training course that is also accepting newcomers. This software is essential for anyone who runs an Amazon enterprise.

Here’s a short rundown of what to expect from the app.

Blackbird Suite Review

100k Factory Revolution (2017)

100K Factory which is now permanently closed, has several major game changers, such as a done-for-you element and tool.

100k Factory Revolution

Here’s a quick rundown.

The 100K platform shows you how you can generate income using the world’s fastest-growing marketing.  The internet, more specifically e-commerce.

The internet, more specifically e-commerce. It’s no wonder that Amazon is eclipsing big-box retailers like Walmart in terms of revenue.

Aidan’s program is designed exclusively for Amazon, the world’s largest shopping store. His method is fast, profitable, and scalable.

100K shows you how to make a profit on Amazon without the need to own inventory and with little to no startup funding.

You get to benefit from their 7-step procedure, which guides you step-by-step with the same method they’ve used  to earn millions online.

100K vs Affiliate Marketing vs Info Products

100K vs Affiliate Marketing vs Info Products

Is Aidan Booth a Scam?

Some say that Aidan Booth’s programs are ridiculously priced. In my opinion, this can be subjective .

Though Aidan’s course contains a wealth of knowledge, some may believe it is not worth the expense.

However, it is entirely dependent on how you regard such investment. After all, the knowledge you obtained from Aidan Booth has been checked and proved to be effective in terms of making profits.

As a result, you can’t say that Aidan Booth as a con artist. It is possible that not every student in his class succeeds.

Yes, there are people who have also lost money as a result of his methods. However, there is no exact recipe for success in industry, to be honest with you. And you need to take into account several considerations to determine whether it is the fault of the user or the course information.

So, to answer the question, “Is Aidan Booth a scam?,” it’s an absolute no , in my opinion.

Scammers just don’t have the capacity to make as much “legit” money as Aidan Booth did. Since his business model is subscription-based, it is unlikely that he will be able to defraud people for an extended period of time.

2 Responses

  1. I purchased 7-Figure Cycle back in 2018 but as my now late father required full time care after his stroke until he passed in January of 2022 I had not been able to progress with the course.

    With most of last year being taken up with sorting out his estate and securing Probate I had hoped to start afresh this year.

    Considering the cost of that course which I had already purchased I am most annoyed that it is no longer available for me to be able to pick up again from where I last left off!

  2. I think steven clayton and Aidan Booth they do not care about customer and how well we are doing. They just want you to sign up but when you get into their course, they is no support. I felt lost and did not what to do. I am so dissapointed in the new system they have. They advertise as a very simple system, but it’s not real. Then when I asked for a refund today. I got it but I feel they do not care about people.

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